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I usually head up to ride right before the snowstorm hits here in the NE.  It can sometimes be messy on the roads, but you are rewarded with a nice powder day. Over the years and especially after corporate takeovers of local ski mountains, I am amazed by the lack of terrain that is open?  14 inches of fresh snow should be ridden and packed down!  Instead, they try to keep everyone on the same runs, usually ones that have some sort of base I guess?  Maybe I am getting old, but I remember skiing and riding when there used to be rocks, marked by orange bamboo pole, and even bare grass spots on runs that were open.  Not to mention, removal of the trail and lift status board either at the base or lift line so you can plan your runs?  Now they have some App for that!  I hate having to take my phone out of my jacket when I am riding.  

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Same here in Ontario. There is more snow made and spread for picnic tables and lift base area than there is on the runs. We just got 35cm of snow and less than half of runs are open and never early morning. First runs to open are always the beginner lesson runs not the ones members who have paid for the snowmaking want opened first. Grooming never pushes snow up hill or off the sides where as we all know if you were a skier as well as an operator that is where skiers push the snow. Todays price is $60.00 for 4 hrs. on a 300 foot hill. You have lit my fuse with this post !

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You seek Sugarloaf.  They dropped many ropes yesterday, including the mighty Gondola Line.  I went down a couple newly opened all-natural trails and was surprised they were open!  Lift status boards are working too.

I think most resorts in the northeast are suffering from little natural snow so far this year.  At least we haven't gotten the usual devastating thaw, knock on wood.

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13 hours ago, TVR said:

 so looks like the next thaw is in April....

Next thaw was today after 35 cm new snow. Believe it or not but grooming crew was able to till down to bare ground last nite. All the new snow is now at the bottom of the run where it will stay until closing in mid march

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Well, that sucks man....   sorry to hear...

I was referring to the loaf....  gonna be cold here for the next two weeks of below zero, and from there it should hold the temps til April. A shame these hills stop blowing at a certain point, but I guess some bean counter did some analysts at some point...   This season will not be one of the greats, but we probably will not see it as one of the worst either...

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