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Burton timeline pics


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I believe this is a photo line up of Burton's display at the trade show called "Twenty Five years of Burton. I have some additional photo shot by a friend at an angle showing the entire line up at once. These appeared to have been spliced together. They had to pick an outstanding example of each year. Due to the fact that most years had several models offered. It is quite common for years to be miss-identified, sometimes even by the creator. It is also possible for the board to span a number of years.

I would question the 80-81 id for the blue Londonderry. There was another roundtail Backhill made around that time also (not shown). Great shots of excellent oldsnowboards, Bryan

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Originally posted by Steve Dold

It's funny how different the boards are in the first panels, while in the last one, they look like they are all the same board, but with different graphics.

That doesn't really surprise me that much... since it would make sense that the shape of a snowboard would in general settle down over time as the general "ideal" freestyle/freestyle snowboard shape is agreed upon and only slight modifications are made (the major change was when Burton move towards freestyle and away from alpine). Similarly BX and alpine board look very similar in general shape as they did 10 years ago... (after boards went symmetrical).

Originally posted by Jon Dahl

the more they look the same!! Look at the taper in the '77-'82 line-up and the taper in the Fish at the end.

That's because the Burton Fish is based off an old Burton board template.

Hey look! useful info from TransWorld :

Mike Dunn of Glissade Snowboards advises, "Those who truly freeride need a board that's at least a few centimeters longer than their freestyle board, with a stiffer flex for steeps and speed, and a radial sidecut for better edge hold." First-year board brand Steepwater is dedicated to the far end of the cause and takes the freeride sidecut one step further; its boards have a taper-meaning the tail is narrower than the nose-for sheer stability. The Steep model is offered in longer lengths (170 and 178) with sidecut radii that rival that of the equator.

Burton's Fish picks up at the other end of the spectrum: Terje wanted a board he could "surf" on. After filing through old models in Jake Burton's closet and gleaning ideas from fun shapes of the past, the Fish was born-producing the most undiluted injection of no-bull**** smiles to hit snowboarding in a decade.

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Guest Redman

Nice! I remember riding my performer elite at local golf courses, building jumps and looking for the perfect "downhill sandtrap" to launch off. And then... (sound the trumpets) the "sunburst" cruiser 165. One day she will be mine, yes, she will be mine. That split tail beauty was all I could think about. A real board with no skegs? Sweet. Unfortunately I never realized the dream of owning that sunburst stick. I ended up with a blem. purple model from the old factory in manchester ctr. which served me well until the cruise 165 I got 2 years later. Then on to the Craig Kelly mystery air with the puke graphics. That was such a sweet board! Next I rode a Kelly 172 purple puke board which was longer and stiffer than the mystery air. It took me a while to get used to but oh the power! You may ask, What next, Red?" On to the Brushie because I was going to rule the freestyle world. Dropped out of college, moved to summit county and proceeded to live my dream. The dream took a big detour when my daughter was born and I found myself back east schlepping food door to door. Fast forward through the mid 90s to now, add another child and here I am. Picked up a custom 166 this January, started teaching again and began my alpine experience on a Factory Prime 6.4 last weekend.

Thank you, Jake Burton Carpenter for more than 2 decades of memories aboard your sleds. And for the love of all that is good, get back into the alpine sticks!


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  • 5 months later...

I know this is an old thread, but I do see a problem with the 80-82 year boards. The board listed as 82 should be an 81 and the 82 backhill had reversable goofy/regular stance where the 81 had to be ordered one way or the other (no changing it). Here is the photo of the 82 that I own.....FYI


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My old burton was well used in the mountains of wisconsin. I took the fins off it because I thought it rode better that way. I retroed on some steel edges from wood skiis to give it more bite on wisconsin ice. It doesnt look as perfect as some of the others collector boards but represents a more personal value to me.




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Nice blue board...... I wish I still had my old boards that I rode (only have one-Gnu Antigravity) but sold them off at the time and thought I was getting a good deal. My Burton Elite 150 sold for $150 back in '94, wish I still had that old indistructable board, though it was a horrible ride on hardpack. I think I got $75 for my Burton AsymAir 6...man I hated that 3-hole design for the bindings. That is one thing I never quite understood about Burton was the 3-hole thing.....

I also have my Burton work boots and outland pants I bought in '93, though I finally bought new boots a couple years ago and ride with cheap bibs instead of the pants........ I'd like to see a more extensive old-school listing of snowboards from around 1980-1993 of multiple brands broke out by the year. If someone else doesn't do somthing like that, maybe I'll take on the task?? (yea, like I have the time)......

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I am reluctant to state years in a formal forum. Past practice has taught me that there are a number of sources that do not have the same info and I do not wish to act as a mediator. Here is a photo that is as close as I can determine the vintage. Note, when I first lined them up I had the 82 and 83 swapped in their order. It does NOT necessarily align with the Burton Gallery, catalogs our your memory. It is just what I have come up with after years of collecting. Subject to change.

Technically , the first board is actually a "BB", not yet labeled a "Backhill" or a "Snowboard. It is a "Burton Board".

Hyac. If you would like to work as an archivist your efforts would be welcome! I can take hours upon hours to confirm just one board some times.

I will keep plugging away. The Gallery is about to hit 1000 photos this week.

I would guestimate that it will reach 2K within 6 months. So much to catalog , re-photograph, edit etc. So far , little time to edit descriptions.

Enjoy. Bryan

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wow brings back memories. The purple and black 1991 air 5.1 was my first board back in 92 pick it up at a screening of "fear of a flat planet" up in vernon nj for 50$ with torque bindings. became my tramp board untill I snapped it in half. Still have the 64 Ouija board. brought that at a leftover sale in 1995 for $200 grab it out of somebody's hand since i wanted it so bad (for the graphics). took it to the US Open that year and got it signed by all the pros brushie, terje, downing, taggart, palmer and a few others. but sadly since it was my only board had to ride it next year and alot of the sigs came off. cant believe they dont have the kelly slopestyle up. love the look of that board with the squared off tail.

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