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Fellow hardbooter down - David Tille


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This past weekend Dave Tille (from hardbooter.com) and a really bad crash at Park City. He went off the trail and into the woods. Right now he lays in the UofU hospital with a broken femer and a shattered tib/fib. Please send Dave positive thoughts. If you are in the area and have some free time stop in and say hi, it would mean a lot to him. Billy or I will post more info when we find out more.

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I had a similar incident on Friday afternoon. I got stuck in a toeside carve and went off the trail. I just barely missed a snow gun. Luckily, I was able to scrub some speed before going off the trail and I still had some clearance before I would have hit any trees.

I wish Dave a speedy and complete recovery.

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Just got off he phone with Dave at the hospital in Salt Lake City and he is in high spirits! He thanks his lucky stars that it was only lower body injuries and not the head, mid-section, or his trigger finger. I agree with him on that.

What he told me was it was a great day (Sunday) at Park City when he zigged instead of zagged and ended up in the trees. Final damage was a broken right femur and a broken left tib/fib. Double wammy. No complications and the femur is already "bolted up" and they are going to fix the tib/fib in the next day or so.

As a fellow femur breaker myself, the good news (gotta look for that when you can) is you fix-up just fine. He'll be on his road bike this summer no problem.

Take care Dave!


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Looks like I'm tryin' to take a dump standin' up!!

Fin was accurate on the final damage toll. I have Surg. fri on the Tib Fib. Got sqeezed on skier's left by some touron's and ventured right a bit for turns. I didn't take enough space into account for mistakes however. Did get some brakes on before collision but Aspen aren't very flexible, unfortunately. Looks like about 12 weeks recovery time total with the Tib Fib. Should be able to get a bit done on the site in that time and ther'll be some thinkin' time for next years season, getting things shiny and new. Thanks for all the well wishers and we'll see you in the fall when the snow flies again!!


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Heal soon dude.

I broke three ribs on my back in the trees like you did early last season, can feel your pain. Was able to get some good days in before the end of the season, so get some good rest and you'll be out diggin some trenches. aloha


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