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What part of the knee joint is this?


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I finally had my third knee arthroscopy done yesterday. Tried to get it done before SES but just couldn't fit it in. I may have bored some of you that I rode with there, complaining about the rib I cracked the first morning and my creaky knee. I think my doctor thought I was exaggerating also, when I kept telling him there is something large and loose rattling around in there. I watched the monitor while he trimmed this and that saying maybe they were causing my problems. I kept telling him he wasn't coming out of there until he found "it". He was about finished and looking around to see if he had missed anything when there "it" was, wedged up between my patella and femur. He had never seen anything like it and had no idea where it came from. I don't think having "it" out of there will help my style much but should improve my comfort level. Anyway, if anyone can identify this let me know. The measurement is in centimeters not inches.


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Hey Tim, what a shame about your accident. Hopefully you're feeling better and on the mend. How to ruin a perfect vacation - I'd have taken a gun and shot the little s@#$%&^%.

I'm DYING to come play with you old crocks, and see if the rumours that you rip are true (I'm sure they are!). I am saving already for SES next year, I don't care if I have to quit my job, I'm gonna be there!

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Hi trikerdad, I'm pretty sure we met at the SES but I didn't get a chance to hear your creaky knee. I am a dentist here in the midwest and I belive that you have had a tooth growing in your knee. Yep, remember that pesky wisdom tooth that never came in with all the others? Well, it ended up erupting down in your knee, convieniently, under your kneecap. Please place it under your pillow. Cheers! Tom


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Guest Mike Ford

looks like some of the crap my Doc pulled out of my knee, could be part of the medial meniscus (i.e. cartilage in the knee), it's easily ripped and can come loose and move around the knee.

just a guess though


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... sounds like perhaps you'll have to pull Mulder and Scully out of retirement to I.D. this one. Really enjoyed riding with you. Particularly impressed that you had that free floating radical jumping around in your joints and that you were able to ride so well. See you next year.



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Once again guys, don't let him fool you about his riding style or level, this guy rips! I cannot believe you had that floating around your knee cap area and still attended SES! I feel like a total wuss now for complaining about a tweaked shoulder.....:o Missed riding with you this season, I just haven't been able to go as much as last year, but I'm taking a week off the 12th -19th and will hopefully get 3-4 days in then, weather permitting. You're a rock big guy....man that thing is ugly!!!


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From someone who is a doctor on the weekends :)

Its probally a extra chunk of bone your body grew around or decided it needed in there.

I had my ACL done years ago and the doc said there could be debris in there and they would get.

The human body is amazing ..

I hope you got to keep it.. I wish I had the bone frags they pulled/drilled out of me.

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