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So, who tried what at SES 05 ?


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I am sure those who attended have already exchanged ideas about what they tried, what they liked and what they disliked and why.

The rest of us that couldn't attend would be interested in hearing your comments about different gears and goodies you demoed.

Let's hear them. The impressive and the unexpected.

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I tried 3 different boards. The one that impressed me was the 172 F2 Silberpfeil. It has an 11meter sidecut, 18.4cm waist and a softer flex as it is not a full on racing board. It felt solid and arced beautifully. It is the only board that I would buy...and probably will.

In my opinion, this board is very usefull for days the groom is soft or for variable conditions of groom and new snow. We had some days like that at Aspen and that board was the call on all those days but, I feel that unless you are a heavyweight, the Silberpfeil will perform on hard groom too.

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Prior 181 13m side cut. Very similiar specs to my 182 Donek.

board had a more damp feeling felt more like a Coiler. My Donek is more lively snappy which I like.

Madd 180, just to clear things up, a rumor started that the 180 had a 22m side cut, not true. I talked to Madd Mike the side cut of the Madds are elliptical, so just measuring it wouldn't determine the true side cut. The board handled great and rode more like a 15m side cut.

Madd BX, not sure what the length was, probably around 167cm, but not sure. Ride was pretty good, it was more diffuclt to get it up on edge for carving, had to work it to get it to carve, but then again it is designed for boarder cross.

Donek Axis 177- loved that board, handeled great in the crud and pow and was also great for carving. Compared to the Madd BX this board carved a lot smoother and with less effort.

Virus 182 :p Drool is all I can say. Man that board ripps, Soooo smooth, I'd love to try this board out on the icey stuff on the East Coast and compare it to my Madd 170. The craftsmanship on this board is by far the nicest looking deck out there. It was my favorite board I demoed.

I own Doneks and wanted to compare Coilers and Priors to my fleet. There really isn't a significant difference between the 3 manufactures, personal preference will most likely come down to your service experience and relationship with each board maker. If I was to add another board to my list it would be an Axis.

Now keep in mind that I'm from the East Coast and ride on hard packed snow. I had to get use to riding this hero snow in the West, man it is sooo easy to carve in that stuff. I'd love to compare these boards on a boiler plate, guess I'll have to wait until the ECES-06.

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Originally posted by GeoffV

I own Doneks and wanted to compare Coilers and Priors to my fleet. There really isn't a significant difference between the 3 manufactures, personal preference will most likely come down to your service experience and relationship with each board maker.

Thanks for the input. I own Priors and have been wondering the same thing about Doneks and Coilers.

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I need to ride my Prior a little more and get on a another before I make a final conclusion but so far I can say this

Doneks feel a little more alive they tend to keep you awake when you are riding them and they have great edge hold

I love the Donek freeride gear too, the wide and sasquatch are great boards with a unreal value for what you pay

I went out on a wide 161 I barrowed from a friend, I want to keep it that board is fun as hell

I have yet to take out my sasquatch this winter I kinda feel bad

Priors talk about a board that will toss you right into next turn, tons of snap and likes to be pushed on

this is based only on one board that I have so it could just be specific to that deck

Coilers quiet, damp ride with great edge hold they really allow you to step up your riding a bit, on both of my Coilers I find myself paying less atention to conditions when its icey or chalky

myself I am hooked on Coiler and I put in a order for a third one

but either of the three are great in my experience

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