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Took a ride in the toboggan today

Baka Dasai

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Got taken out (by my wife of all people!) in mid turn, and took a pretty good knock to the head. I was in no state to ride down, and so the toboggan it was.

Mild concussion, and a pretty good case of whiplash setting in, plus some general aches and pulled muscles here and there.

She rides with me every week, and is very familiar with the lines I take, but this time she "misjudged it" as she said.

She's fine.

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What's better?

Beeing crashed by an a§§hole, maybe even by his objective fault? in this case, you have the right to be really angry ;)

Or to be crashed by someone you love, although this person takes as much care as she can? In this case you will be mild, what IMHO helps you to handle your pain easily ;)

Hope you will be better soon!


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Hey, sorry to hear about your accident. Hope it heals up quick and soon!

Funny that, the closest I've come to a crash this season was with my S.O. as well. Watch out for those crafty womens :p

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Similar thing happened to me yesterday.

Locked into a heelside carve, my brother comes around my blind side and stops. Right in my line. He's a skier, BTW. I tried to jump over the tails of his skis but I clipped his binding, did a front flip with a 180, flew about 10 feet and landed on my side, driving my elbow into my ribs.

I thought I would never get my breath back.

Sorry to hear about your concussion. Been there. I'm sure you know to take it easy for a while.

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how do you know when you have a concussion? I went over the bars a couple weeks ago, and the first two days I felt a little slow in the head.

I dont have insurance, so I didnt go to the doctor as nothing was hurting badly (altho I felt like I just barely escaped breaking my lower leg!) but I wasnt sure. someone said "dont go to sleep!"

yeah..ok...no sleep..uh...sure

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Originally posted by D-Sub

how do you know when you have a concussion? I went over the bars a couple weeks ago, and the first two days I felt a little slow in the head.

I dont have insurance, so I didnt go to the doctor as nothing was hurting badly (altho I felt like I just barely escaped breaking my lower leg!) but I wasnt sure. someone said "dont go to sleep!"

yeah..ok...no sleep..uh...sure

The first sign of a concussion is getting a snowboard and not figuring out how to peel the protective film off the topsheet!:D

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I think I had a slight one from a spill I took On Friday. Caught and edge sideslipping to lift and it whacked me onto the eastcoast concrete. Knocked the wind out of me, saw stars, dinged my right hip pointer and I was down what seemed like a couple minutes. Fortunately I wear a helmet, whcih has saved me more thatn once. I had a nagging migraine type sensation up until this morning , Monday and I felt a bit foggy and lethargic as well. Been there before and it wont be the last time.


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I've had several concussions, mild to severe. I grew up playing sports when you'd get knocked out and the trainer would wave smelling salts under your nose and send you back out.

You don't have to black out to have suffered a concussion.

If you saw stars, felt queasy or had a headache, then ya, you probably suffered a concussion.

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Originally posted by Fleaman

The first sign of a concussion is getting a snowboard and not figuring out how to peel the protective film off the topsheet!:D

Fleaman, ROTFLMAO. That is one of the best one liners I have ever heard!!!!!

D-sub, can I buy that film as I want to turn a glossy board to flat finish, do you have pics?? Will the film fit my board??? HOw much will shipping be??

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Originally posted by Stainless

Baka Dasai - did the patrol backboard you? If you presented with any sign of a head/neck injury on my hill, you'd be wrapped and strapped.

Woah, too much jargon for me - what's "backboarding"? "Wrapped and strapped"?

It took me quite a while before I could sit up, but I was babbling away about not wanting to go down in the toboggan. According to my wife, I finally stood up, looked around in a confused way, and said "Where are we?". That's when everybody decided that it had to be the toboggan.

I got in the toboggan, lay down, and they covered me with blankets, strapped me and my board in, and took off. I remember telling the patroller "Hayai onegaishimasu!" (Fast please!), and he seemed to take me pretty seriously. He was a snowboarder, and he heelslid a decent-pitched blue run with impressive speed, thickly spraying me with snow in the process.

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If I rolled up on you, and you couldn't tell me either of; who you were, where you were, when you were, or what happened to your were, then you would go down the hill in a neck-brace, with your head duct-taped and your body strapped-down to a 7' hard plastic board, all wrapped-up in a tarpaulin like a burrito.

A lot of that is precaution and often turns out to be un-necessary, but I have to assume you are a lawyer and you wanted my house.


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Originally posted by ar(angel

so you can go use those SnoPro's you just got.....;)

Get well soon,


Thanks, was I bidding against you?

Those are for my my freeride/powder board, which I rarely ride because I'm too lazy to remount my only pair of bindings on it. Won't have that problem any more.

Stainless - I got asked all those questions, and I was able to answer them all. But when I stood up and looked around I couldn't work out what run I was on, despite knowing every inch of what is a pretty small mountain. I was making sense when I talked, but I was slurring my words a bit, and I had an almost overpowering urge to lie down and go to sleep, which I thought was a bad sign.

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My fajjjja( Goldmember impersonation) who is 70 took a bad fall at the Canyons in Utah during Christmas break. The patrolman asked him where he was skiing today and he said "Copper Canyons" Either my dad was skiing at Lake Havasu and looking at some biking clad hotties or he seriously got his bell rung.

My father was partly correct though in that response, we were skiing at Copper Mtn but that was during Thanksgiving. The patrolman also asked my dad where he was from, my dad said "Michigan" which is true but he hasn't lived there in 50+ years.

He blew a few other questions too, it wasn't oo funny then but now I can look back on that and laugh a bit.

The patrolmen that assisted my father were topnotch guys, although seeing them(patrolmen) cut my father's new helmet off, (which he received for Christmas) and then cutting through my dad's Descente jacket(another Christmas gift) was a bit painful.

He told me after his release from the hospital that he was too old to ski. I told him not to be so quick in his decision. Sure enough, two weeks after his incident he asked me when we were gooing skiing again.

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No, not a good sign.

My worst ever concussion was from knee-boarding at Lake Almanor, California.

The nose went in, then I wiped out and came up to the surface with the horizon at a funny angle.

I was hauled into the boat and then realised that I didn't know who the people in the boat were. I didn't know where I was, or what day it was either.

The last thing I remembered was getting on a plane at Auckland airport (4 days earlier), so I was a little freaked that everyone on the boat had foreign (American) accents, and the landscape sure as hell didn't match-up with anything I'd ever seen before.

I didn't even know how old I was - there was a complete disconnect from any memory I had.

Very spooky. The paramedics eventually turned-up, and unfairly asked me who the president of the United States was (this in 1997). It was a trick question, because even though I answered "Bill Clinton", I was told that "Hillary Clinton" ran the country, and if I didn't know that, then I was really messed-up.

Just what I needed - a comedian paramedic.

Hope you're feeling okay. (It's George 'Dubya' now - just in case you didn't know :))

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I had a concussion last year, and I just loved how every time I stood up, pointed the nose of the board down the hill and slid off, I'd go sideways and fall on my back.

That's about when the other half decided it was time for me to quit for the day. I wasn't up to arguing.

The nausea that followed wasn't so hot either, hung around for a couple of days.

Chill out Baka, enjoy the downtime.

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I was just wondering the whole of you who had concussions, were you wearing helmets? I guess the guy who had one cut off had one on, but how about the rest?

Yes Stainless, I would think he should be on a backboard, but if he was standing up, I would have changed my mind.

We also tell people with concussions or head injuries not to go to home without someone else in the house for 48 hours in case it gets worse and you need medical help.

Sorry for the jab D-Sub, I had to put that in, you left yourself open. I am sure retaliation will be swift and thorough.

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Originally posted by Fleaman

I was just wondering the whole of you who had concussions, were you wearing helmets?

Yep, I was wearing a helmet. I don't automatically credit it with preventing a much worse injury though. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Maybe it made the whiplash worse by increasing the mass of my head.

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