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"Ski Race Helmets"


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My helmet (a Boeri Switch) is due for replacement and I've been trying on helmets like it -- ones where the hardshell covers the ears. I find that the other kind with earflaps don't seem to come down far enough on my head. I'm wondering if anyone has the Giro Streif fiberglass shell helmet vs Giro Talon. The Talon fits nicely and has vents; the Streif has no vents and I wonder if that's a problem. My Boeri always kept me warm and I've never been uncomfortably hot in it, even in 60 degree spring weather. Anyone have experience, comparisons, or other suggestions? My helmet has cracks in the shell I just noticed, probably from 7 years of UV, so I need to get something pretty soon.

Also, I use Protec SXP (the B2) for a skate helmet. It fits nicely and I like the multi-impact feature. Are the Protec B2 snow helmets (or any other SXP) comparable in protection to the ski race helmets? Any downsides?

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teach, I also like full coverage helmets and the Boeri fit pretty good (always have trouble fitting any kind of helmet) but could not find Boeri last time around, when the liner started to deteriorate. I ended up purchasing a Leedom off of fleabay and have been happy with it (has side vents and an adjustable sliding vent on the top) except for the built in goggle strap retention system.

I just ordered a Giro Sestriere @ BM the other day because of the fit & feel :) .......

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Thanks. JP1, the Sestriere seemed to fit differently that the Talon, more like my Boeri (too wide) but without sizing pads to make it up. With the Boeri I had to get XXL, then put all the sizing pads on the sides. Perfect fit. I wonder if I could use the Boeri sizing pads in a new helmet...???

Scrutton, the D2 and D3 look like serious helmets, fully certified for basically everything. The one thing I wish they and Giro would do is use the multi-impact foam, like Protec SXP and POC.

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I had a Talon for two seasons, retired it at the start of this season after a couple of decent smacks in the halfpipe, and replaced it with a Strief. I loved the Talon, and I like the Strief too - they feel pretty much identical fit wise. (In fact, I'd bet that they're made from the same mould, the Strief is carbon fiber instead of plastic). Nice and snug on the head, no draughty spots on the chair, and so light you forget you're wearing it.

They don't have a whole lot of padding inside, so they don't tend to get hot. I never took the vents out of the Talon, so the fact that the Strief doesn't have any doesn't bother me.

They're nice helmets and reasonably priced. I'd buy another one - probably another Talon, next time around.

Edited by Allee
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if you read this previous post, it was some bad information regarding the current TLD helmets, TLD changed the names of some of their stuff, and the D2 is no longer made to snell standards. there is a new MX helmet.

sorry for any confusion,

however, I mainly see POC helmets on the local/semi local racers, mainly teens and 20s.

Edited by Timeless61
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POC makes some high quality helmets. Check em out.

I want to like the POC helmets, I really, really do. I love the colours, but they just don't fit my head - and I've tried on every model they make. Whereas the Talon and the Strief feel amazing right out of the box for me.

Usual story - you have to go with what fits ... and if Giro fits you, then these are good helmets.

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Got the Talon. Pretty good fit, seems more snug than the one I tried on. It came with a carrying bag, too. The XL just barely fits in (you have to squeeze it in). Fit with my Oakley Wisdom goggles is a little annoying, but those are just weird goggles. Thanks

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