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kathy brower

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I met Bob J last week at Killington and he told me about bomberonline - very informative. I think I got better just watching him and his friends ride. I've been riding in a vacuum without much knowledge so I am excited to see such a great forum for information. I have been riding off and on for about 8 years but except my first year riding ('95-96) this will be the first year I really have the time to put into riding. So I now have a bunch of questions...

Here's a few of my questions:

I've been riding a Rossignol Throttle 149 with Emery course bindings (F55, R50) and busted the front toe piece on the bindings yesterday (have also snapped one of the bales in the past but was able to pilfer a part from another binding and replace it)

1.) Does anyone have any old Emery bindings or parts or ideas of how to fix it?

2.) I really need a new board and am starting to look - I am going to Stratton tomorrow where Kurt has a Donek 154 - but I can't demo it - but he is going to let me try a pair of Catek bindings on my Throttle-

Any thoughts on new gear (I'm 125 lbs and almost 5'5")?

I have liked the Throttle but it is the only carving board I have ever been on... My goal is to be able to go on any lift service trail in any conditions - but my absolute favorite is still corduroy on a bright sunny day with no crowds.

3.) My first snowboard still has some life in it cause I only rode it for a year - a Burton Amp 5 - which now has Bomber TD (?1) bindings on it. I can't get the bindings to work for me - I have taken it out twice and can barely get down the hill - My husband ground the heel plate flat (ie eliminated any cant) and that helped some - (I have always ridden on the totally flat Emery's and have pronated feet) - I would really like to be able to use this set-up. Any ideas? Is the board to soft for the bindings?Should I make myself learn how to make some amount of cant work?

The problem now feels like it is in my front foot but the only difference I can see now with my Emerys is that the TD is higher off the board (Kurt says also alot stiffer)



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Since you said you want to be able to ride everywhere, I'd recommend an F2 Speedcross 154, sold here.

And the new generation of Bomber bindings, the TD2 has waaay more adjustability than the old ones - you would be able to ride flat, or with heel or toe lift only, or a blend of lift and cant. It also has a very functional dampening system - the binding is "floating" on an elastomer ring which comes in 3 hardnesses. I think the soft ring would be just what you need.

For more information on how to select a board and setting up bindings, check out the Welcome Center.

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for a board how about a prior 4X4 or coiler AM both are a little narrower than the F2 that was mentioned

I assume you have somewhat small feet so the f2 might be a little wide

hell it is even a little wide for me and I wear a US mens 11

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Originally posted by bobdea

for a board how about a prior 4X4 or coiler AM both are a little narrower than the F2 that was mentioned

I assume you have somewhat small feet so the f2 might be a little wide

hell it is even a little wide for me and I wear a US mens 11

The shortest Prior 4WD is 159 and is 21.5cm at the waist. The F2 is 21.8cm. The shortest Coiler AM is 169. She also said she wants to be able to ride everywhere, so the width of the F2 should be fine.

As for TDs being too stiff, I would say yes, the TD1s she has are too stiff. The TD2s will be much better, and it sounds like she could use them - she's breaking her Emery's.

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I personnaly think the emery course is way stiffer than the TD2 with yellow bumpers.... the emery have metal parts with a .5 mm rubber pad that is basically here to save the topsheet... the rest is 6 mm thick alu plate that is not really what i call soft :)

and when the binding is locked tight, there is no real room for moves!

No wonder why it was a good world cup binding used by many racers in the mid 90's.

Weak thing is the bails tend to brake, where the TD2 bails are likely not to do so ;)


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I think the 4WD/Axis/AM shape is the best all-rounder there is, maybe one of them could customise a shorter, softer version for her.

I think she'd have to check with Chris Prior but IIRC the 159 has a design weight considerably higher than 125 lbs. He could produce a softer one if she isn't intimidated by the length - Prior makes custom flex adjustments for $US55.

Donek is now making an Axis 162 that's softer than an Incline 160 but whether that's soft enough for 125 lbs I'm not sure. The 150 Incline is probably soft enough but has a 24 cm waist.

Coiler's shortest AM is 169, although they've done a narrow 159 also. They do the cheapest custom work. Problem there is lead time...

Maybe F2 is the answer.

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Originally posted by Jack Michaud

The shortest Prior 4WD is 159 and is 21.5cm at the waist. The F2 is 21.8cm. The shortest Coiler AM is 169. She also said she wants to be able to ride everywhere, so the width of the F2 should be fine.

As for TDs being too stiff, I would say yes, the TD1s she has are too stiff. The TD2s will be much better, and it sounds like she could use them - she's breaking her Emery's.

come on now with Coiler think custom for the extra what is it 60 canadian for a custom shape

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I'm siding with Nils - maybe the Emerys are breaking because they are so old, not because she is overpowering them. Nothing wrong with them, as long as they are in good condition,and I think that is the issue. We need more information to continue the debate............or we could guess and continue to disagree.......

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guys, why is it that width is what seems to be the predominant indication of versatility??

i am just curious because i know i can manage my way through "real snow" (i come from a land of fake snow, so a foot of fluffy stuff is a big deal) on a super short, 18cm waist board, switch.

aside from the general concern than women in general need softer flexing boards (i am personally unfamiliar with this concept since i enjoy eating), is it quite possible that they also need a proportionally narrower board as well?? granted this comes down to boot size and riding style (preferred angles, blah blah blah), but i find the mere suggestion of a board with a waist width greater than 20cm to be a bit of an oversight. i suspect that her current binding angles are just fine for riding in most conditions. and i also suspect that a wider, softer flexing board may still feel a bit more cumbersome than a longer, narrower board.

kathy, you can also come out to WES (check out the "all the ladies in the house" thread) at stratton in january (6-8) to join a group of women for fun, bonding and boarding. check out some gear there and demo some, talk to folks and see what's out there. it would offer a change from speaking of things in theory.

and yeah guys, i tend to come across rather nasty on a lot of my posts. it's really just my thinking out loud in posing the reasoning behind my question. i can just be direct or something. i'm also usually sarcastic. i dunno, this drove my english prof's nuts in college because i would express something and it would seem very combative and focused whereas i knew to myself that i was only tossing out an idea that i felt was worth considering, never an answer. i ask because i want to learn more and i know that you guys have shared what you believe to be best, and i would like to know your reasoning why.

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Originally posted by alpinegirl

guys, why is it that width is what seems to be the predominant indication of versatility??

For me, it's because a 21.5 cm board lets me get my angles down to about 45, which for me is the most I'd want to go and still ride chutes, bumps, trees and the like. "Versatile" to me doesn't only mean comfortable in soft snow.

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Guest thomas_m
Originally posted by Neil Gendzwill

I think she'd have to check with Chris Prior but IIRC the 159 has a design weight considerably higher than 125 lbs. He could produce a softer one if she isn't intimidated by the length - Prior makes custom flex adjustments for $US55.

I called Prior about the 4wd 159 when I was looking for a board for my wife. They said is was designed for a rider around 150lbs.


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Welcome aboard! I would recommend getting rid of the Emerys. After prolonged use, the bails will actually wear out the blocks. If you look closely where the bails meet the blocks you will see what I mean. The bails are held in with a crimp at the end of the bail. Sorta light duty if you know what I mean. I know some of you all might like em, but due to some unfortunate events, I will neve have anything good to say about them. Perhaps some Burton Race Plates?

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for me a 20cm wide board allows me to get my angles down to 45*, and amazingly enough that is a point where i start to feel uncomfortable.

my real point is that if she has a smaller foot than a 25, then maybe she would want to avoid that wide of a board (21.5). otherwise she could be riding at angles of 35 and 30. all i am asking is to consider her FOOT SIZE.

oh, and "versatile" to me doesn't mean just being comfortable in soft snow either. please keep in mind that we don't all ride in areas that boast great snow conditions.

of all things, maybe a burton alp is most suitable for her riding needs.

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Wow - thanks for all the help! - alot to think about -

Let's see - I'll start with the bindings - Yes the Emerys are worn out - I think I broke the bail two years ago - I've also ground down the bailslots in the base and had to move the bails back to a new slot - so Bobdea may well be right - nonetheless I hate to part with them so Kent if you have an extra plastic toe piece I would love to purchase it - I will try to borrow a digital camera and take a photo...

In the meantime I will demo the Cateks that Kurt at Startinggate has and buy those if they work - Given everyones comments on the stiffness of the bomber bindings - which make alot of sense - we will give those to my husband who boards but has yet to try plate bindings

For the board - I was inspired and went and measured the waists on all my boards - The Throttle (my favorite) 19cm length 149, the Amp 5 - 21cm and My newest board a Kashmir (Ride) - freestyle is 23cm. I think I want something about the same size as the Throttle -

The F2 speedcross looks beautiful and about the right length - but would I be giving up some carving ability ? It might also be a little wide? - My newest board (The Kashmir) may be similar and I can carve on it but it is not the same as the Throttle -

I am going to the WES at Statton and hope to demo some boards there to get a better idea of exactly what I want.

Someone else I know mentioned the Burton Alp to me - does anyone know where I could find one?

No one commented on the Donek 154 at Startinggate - good board? I'm not sure of the model.... I am going to look at it tomorrow.

My boots are Burton Winds shell size 23-25 and also need to be replaced or at the least a new liner - I want a rap around cuff (sick of tongue migration) - any thoughts on YYZCANUCK INTUITION ALPINE thermo liners?

:D :D :D

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you can order burton gear at www.klugriding.com

the alps are all under $200 (which is always peachy). they do tend to run on the wide side, but depending on what you decide on, you still have some good options there. also, all the fp's come with a soft flex which someone on this site stated means that they are 10% softer than the normal fp's. whatever that translates into is beyond me. oh, and all the gear still comes with burton's standard 1 year warranty.

fyi, i'll have an alp 5.7 with me at WES. it has a 20cm waist. depending on the point you have reached in your quest for gear, you can definitely check it out if you would like.

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Originally posted by kathy B

For the board - I was inspired and went and measured the waists on all my boards - The Throttle (my favorite) 19cm length 149, the Amp 5 - 21cm and My newest board a Kashmir (Ride) - freestyle is 23cm. I think I want something about the same size as the Throttle -

You want it that short, too? If you check the custom section at Coiler, Bruce has already done a 159 cm AM with an 18.5 cm waist, so you wouldn't have to pay any extra for that template. Main problem is the waiting list - I don't think you could get it for this season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For anyone interested....

The Cateks I demo'd worked great (sorry Bomber) - - likely secondary to awesome assitance from Curt at Startingate - he widened my stance - twice (now 16 3/4"), changed my angles (60F, 57R) and gave me some riding pointers and the cant is now working for me - so I bought the Cateks - also got a pair of Deeluxe Lemans and am planning on getting a Donek Marley (154) - which I will make versatile! (after all I still have my Kashmir to fall back on...)

I met Eric B (PSR) last trip to Stratton and he is great too...

All this has had a great impact on my riding and although I am not totally comfortable on my new equipment it is all helping -

SO everyone thanks for all the tips - and Alpine Girl - thanks for the two cents on width - I think the 18cm waist width will work well for me...

I am planning on a banner year - I have the time and the gear!!!

Still planning on posting a pix of the broken plastic toe peice on the Emerys to look for a replacement - it never hurts to have a back up...

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