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check out this shape...Furberg snowboards


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Freeride 173

You might think it is a utopia to build snowboards with great

floatation, that are easy to handle and stable at high speed. We

had to build many prototypes before we succeeded with this.

Turning Radius

As you might have noticed, the Furberg Snowboards clearly have a

much longer turning radius than all other snowboards on the market.

Now you are probably wondering what the advantage with this is?

Well, short turning radius makes a board nervous and unstable at

speed. Also it has a tendency to cut through the snow when you

least expect it. In soft snow the turning radius is used in a very

small degree to turn the board.

Many freeride skis have a turning radius of 25-30 meter, while

slalom skis which are developed to be with short turns on hard snow

have a turning radius around 12-14 meter. Slalom snowboards have a

turning radius around 10-12 meter, but this is where the logic

ends. Most freeride snowboards on the market have turning radius as

short as 7-9 meter.

Furberg Snowboards have turning radius between 16 and 20 meter and

it has made the boards much easier to ride, with a calmer and more

stable behaviour. The longer turning radius is also positive for

the floatation of the boards, because we could make the boards

wider under the feet without getting too much width in the nose and

the tail. The long radius might feel a bit strange in the beginning

when you are carving, but this is something you quickly get used


Rocker Profile

Our snowboards have a slight rocker between the bindings, with the

same radius as the turning radius. This rocker distributes the

pressure over the mid section of the board and gives a better edge

grip. The rocker also makes the board easier to turn and gives it

better floatation in soft snow. If you are used to boards with

normal camber, it might feel a bit strange to not get the same

"pop" out of the turns. But this is something you will adapt to


Right outside the bindings there a short sections with flat camber

before the rocker starts. These sections makes the board ride more

stable on hard pack, with a longer effective edge compared to

boards where the rocker starts from the bindings.

The rocker that runs towards the nose and the tail obviously make

the board float amazingly, but even more important is that it is so

effortless to initiate the turns. Thanks to the height that the

rocker creates, the nose can be made flatter with a lower angle

towards the snow. Thereby the board runs over the snow more

smoothly with less resistance.


While taper is a big trend on freeride skis, Furberg Snowboards is

the first brand to introduce it on snowboards. Taper means that the

turning radius ends a distance before the nose and the tail and

pass on to a reversed sidecut towards the nose and the tail. On

hard packed snow, boards with rocker looses the edge contact where

the board bends upwards. There rocker boards are extra suitable to

combine with taper. Taper makes the transition from turning radius

to the nose and the tail very smooth and long. Therefore the board

does not cut throuhg the snow in the same way as the pressure is

distributed over a larger section of the edge. Taper also makes it

easier to turn the board and ride with sliding turns in soft snow.

Taper is so great that if we had to choose between rocker and

taper, we would have chosen taper.


Length: 173 cm

Flex Index (1-10): 6

Effective Edge: 99/134 cm (taper)

Width: 279-270-290 mm

Turning Radius: 20 meter

Stance Width: 54-66 cm

Setback: 40 mm

Recommended Rider Weight: 75-105 kg

For orders with delivery outside of Norway, please contact us

at info@furbergsnowboards.com. It will soon be possible to

make these orders here on the webshop

Someone posted this on splitboards.com,

Nice to see something besides full rocker w/10m sidecut.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Pardon me?

it's not that taper which called taper in carving world - it's not width difference of nose and tail, but ..


taper in his parlance is a early tapering of nose/tail from widest board point to tip. and yes, usually there's no taper on snowboards - not counting core swallowtails...

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  • 3 weeks later...
terekhov, not too familiar with Furberg. Do you use plates with that or softies only? Specs please! Looks like your cats are really checking them out...they look like mini linx, cool.

as you can google - not much actual reviews on brand-new Furberg freeride boards, and we have a biggest snow outage in new history here, so... just waiting around.

usually I do not ride powder boards with hardboots, so first try will be in softies (I usually use mountaineering plastics - Lowa Civetta with liners from northwave softboots - in flow bindings these days, and will try civettas with plates, for almost noboard-feel)

http://www.furbergsnowboards.com/freeride_173.html - specs and officials


it is almost like lib tech banana hammock without reverse sidecut but with newschool huge sidecut, 20m

seems like THE ultimate freeride board. will test it against banana hammock! let it snow.

and on the cats: maine coons here, mother (behind the boards) and two kittens looking out. both kitties for sale :)

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it is almost like lib tech banana hammock without reverse sidecut but with newschool huge sidecut, 20m

seems like THE ultimate freeride board. will test it against banana hammock! let it snow.

and on the cats: maine coons here, mother (behind the boards) and two kittens looking out. both kitties for sale :)

That is quite the sidecut. Interesting specs, will be interesting to hear your review on it once the snow flies.

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Wicked sidecut, should act like big powder skis that have 33m sidecuts.

and I picture some hardboot pow-charger: furberg's shape, but waisted at 23cm and 185-190cm length..... and I'm not convinced in central rocker, so maybe - flat, or little camber, as in modern freeride skis.. but I never rode anything rockered yet (2 half-days on banana hammock in pow not counting - instant love!) on harder slopes - maybe I will not miss camber's rebound that much

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  • 4 months later...

I picked up a 162 Furberg earlier this year because I am a lightweight. The 167 and 173 would be awesome for medium and bigger riders.

It is not a great groomer carver, in softboots anyway, but it is outstanding in soft snow conditions, especially good powder. It is a charger. Super stable at speed and likes to be pushed. It has a great powder turn and slarved powder turn. Because of the rocker and the relatively narrow nose and tail (due to the big sidecut), it is much quicker edge to edge than you would think considering its waist width.

They are also much cheaper than you would think as Daniel really wants to get some of his boards out there.

There is a pretty long thread on Splitboard.com discussing it. The first few pages are just people talking about it. Deeper in, a number of us give our thoughts on how it rides.


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