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BTS on Head boots

John E

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I bought some Head Stratos Pros and a BTS kit (yellow springs) and did the modification to allow me to use them. I've ridden them all season and most of last. I never rode the Heads without the BTS.

Has anyone done a without/with comparison to see what the effect is?

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I noticed a huge difference by just installing BTS on my stock HSPs.

It got even better after cutting the wings in the back of the boot.

Take into account I weigh 200+lbs. and ride on East Coast hardpack most of the time. If you're 165lbs. and ride in CO, you might have to do work to the boot before feeling the effects of the BTS like the other fellas have commented.

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My opinion, There simply is NO comparison!

I rode my Head Stratos (stock out of the box) for 2 years and really liked them.

Then I did the 'full tilt mods' with BTS, now absolutely love them!

Just had Dalbello Golds molded in them last weekend (I hope they are 1/2 as good as people say) Really Looking Forward to next season !!

JMO: Do yourself a favor and DO the boot Mods ! There's a ton of information here on how to do them.

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  • 4 weeks later...
In my opinion, you'll do a lot better modifying the boot to flex freely, and then relying on the BTS to control the flex.

I agree.

Head stratos, to work fine with a spring system, needs to be softened (tongue+cuff)

In my opinion BTS doesn't work well (I've had also on my DeeLuxe), it's too bulky and also the yellow springs are too stiff. Other spring systems are much better.

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I really have a hard time believing the yellow springs are too stiff for fully softened Head boots. I'm a slight guy, and I even moved up to blue springs after finishing the mods. If you think the yellow are too soft, then there might be further modifications you still need to make to the boots.

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I tried the yellow springs too stiff, also on DeeLuxe LeMans. I've made the modifications (adding also ACSS spring system) as here http://www.extremecarving.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1034&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 and http://www.extremecarving.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2234

As you can see, the ACSS is fully integrated in the boot while the BTS remains too bulky, especially in backside turns, and during forward flex don't work well.

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Even with those modifications the forward flex of the boot is restricted. To allow my boot to flex freely, I had to do this:


Before I made that modification, yet, the yellow springs still felt stiff, but it was the shell causing the issues, and not the springs. Once I fixed it, the yellow spring then felt too soft. The small amount the BTS sticks out the back of the boot isn't much issue for those of us who don't EC, and I appreciate how bomber of a product the BTS is.

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It's been 3 years on BTS... After a bit of testing this spring, for the next season I might revert back to unmodified version of the boot for carving days. I'm still going to use the cut up shells with blue BTS for freeriding, teaching and very cold days.

Disclaimer: I'm talking here about Dalbello CRX ski boots, which are HSP shaped, but supposedly stiffer plastic.

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So - I assume that if I do a search, I'll find threads on how people suggest that one can carve away material from Head boots to make them more suitable for BTS. Is this because the consensus is that Head boots are too stiff to use unmodified with BTS.

I've ridden most of the last 2 seasons with unmodified Head boots with yellow spring BTS. I don't know if this is good or bad. I don't have any other points of reference.

If I want to try something different, I can either revert to the stock Head flex mechanism or cut away the boots and use the BTS. However, the second approach is irreversible.

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So - I assume that if I do a search, I'll find threads on how people suggest that one can carve away material from Head boots to make them more suitable for BTS. Is this because the consensus is that Head boots are too stiff to use unmodified with BTS.

I've ridden most of the last 2 seasons with unmodified Head boots with yellow spring BTS. I don't know if this is good or bad. I don't have any other points of reference.

If I want to try something different, I can either revert to the stock Head flex mechanism or cut away the boots and use the BTS. However, the second approach is irreversible.

I wouldn't say the BTS is ineffective on HSPs without cutting the boot. I rode my HSPs in stock configuration for a while, then added BTS, then cut the boots.

In my experience, just adding the BTS to the stock HSPs made a profound difference. Cutting the boot didn't seem to soften the boot flex by a huge amount over just adding BTS. It mostly extended the range of movement.

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Ideal boots should be very stiff and have great range of motion, controlled by flex device. Anything else, you depend on deformation of plastic and temperature of the day.

I agree, and which is for you the ideal boot?

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