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You think you pay too much for gas....


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3-speed automatic - slowest - most boring car I've ever driven.

250 mi. round trip through hilly Possum Pouch western piedmont, 80% hiway, 20% stop/go. 44 mpg on low-sulfur Diesel.

Adjust. Adapt.

Cheap petro fix is not a birthright. And the "cheap" price doesn't include the $$ Billions we have/will spend keeping the Straits of Hormuz & Suez Canal "friendly" and open. And we're notoriously reluctant to pay the taxes necessary to sustain those misadventures.

P.S. Did you know Signore Diesel was Italian?


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P.S. Did you know Signore Diesel was Italian?


I knew Rudolf Diesel a mechanical engineer who designed the engine that bears his name was born in Paris - his parents were German and were living in Paris...Rudolf was born about 1858 - I do not think he was a skier or a snowboarder... he sought education over recreation, he had a terrible golf swing and gave it up very early on in his life.

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I knew Rudolf Diesel a mechanical engineer who designed the engine that bears his name was born in Paris - his parents were German and were living in Paris...Rudolf was born about 1858 - I do not think he was a skier or a snowboarder... he sought education over recreation, he had a terrible golf swing and gave it up very early on in his life.

(It was the Parisian/Germanic accent that did it. Really threw me.)

Can't vouch for Rudie's golf swing, but the guy really understood the efficiency of compressive combustion. Doubt seriously that he was an alpine type...


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from today's All Things Considered


This researcher thinks the nuc power fallout may slow deployment of power reactors worldwide causing even sustained, higher, oil prices than might otherwise have been expected.


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Americans have it very easy when it comes to gas prices. My family lives in Rome and gas pricing there is radically different than anywhere in the US. If Americans paid the same gas prices that most of europe does, we would drive much more sensible cars as a rule ... Suv's and such would be a far more uncommon phenomenon.

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...but the guy really understood the efficiency of compressive combustion. Doubt seriously that he was an alpine type...

Rudolf might have noticed that most hardbooters experience a rise in pressure as their turn develops. This mirrors, to some extent, the combustion phase of the OTTO cycle. He might suggest a more favorable outcome, if the rider was to experience a state of constant pressure instead. This would resemble the combustion phase of the idealized DIESEL cycle, which tends to be a more efficient means of converting stored energy into motion.

He probably would have been enamored of hardbooting, as a partial analog to the process bearing his name.

Too bad about that ferry incident...

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If there were a melt down, forget the price the price of gas. The cost of milk will be the issue. At the time of Chernobyl, my eldest was just a year old, and just starting on real milk. UHT long life milk is readily available in the UK, so I bought up several months supply. As the situation became worse, UHT milk disappeared from the shelves. By pure luck, the UK dodged the fall out bullet, but I believe there are still hot spots where milk can not be produced. My poor daughter was stuck drinking long life milk for several months. Had the winds been a little different though, milk would have been a very expensive commodity.

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I work with a guy (Vlad) from Ukraine, and at the time of the Chernobyl incident, his son was one year old. He was so uninformed of what was going on (even as a well connected Chemical Engineer), that a bureaucrat friend called him out of the blue and insisted they meet for lunch. His friend was casual throughout the whole lunch and just before they parted ways, dropped an envelope on the table and told Vlad he'd see him the next morning. Puzzled, he opened the envelope to find train tickets for his family for the next a.m. Knowing something must be awry, he took the hint and by the time the train departed the next morning (with family on board), the "rumors" were rampant and people were clinging to the side of the train and being beaten off by officials. Thank goodness for today's technology & the resulting transparency that it affords us. I know it cuts both ways and

that Japan is not the USSR, but just the same.

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You know...

Listening to all the fear-mongering coming in from foreign news channels makes me glad, for the first time, the the average Japanese person cannot understand English. lf the $hit does in fact hit the fan the most important thing will be to keep a semblance of calm. Panic and chaos from 120,000,000 people will do nothing to help the situation here.

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You know...

Listening to all the fear-mongering coming in from foreign news channels makes me glad, for the first time, the the average Japanese person cannot understand English. lf the $hit does in fact hit the fan the most important thing will be to keep a semblance of calm. Panic and chaos from 120,000,000 people will do nothing to help the situation here.

Yeah, that guy (in the video) is a moron, but the turn of discussion in this thread is not fear mongering, anymore than your last two sentences.

[edit] It is certainly a different world since the time of Chernobyl. It's so much smaller.

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