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hard boot upgrades

ryan barnett

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I have just started hard booting and have a pair of deeluxe le mans with rachet type buckles. Are there any merits to changing these for more modern ski boot type buckles to fine tune the boot tightening?I've also seen the spring upgrade to the rear of the boots to replace the 1-5 flip lever settings.....I assume these springs mean the boots are a pain to walk in?:confused:

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Buckles give you a 100% repeatable tightening. Shame your feet & socks aren't always 100% repeatable... I wouldn't bother with changing them.

Swapping out the adjuster for a Raichle "RAB" isn't worth the effort. A Bomber BTS might be be worth the money, but you'd be better putting the money towards (later) getting boots with a better articulation than the SB series IMO.

As for walk mode - who frickin' cares?

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I have just started hard booting and have a pair of deeluxe le mans with rachet type buckles. Are there any merits to changing these for more modern ski boot type buckles to fine tune the boot tightening?I've also seen the spring upgrade to the rear of the boots to replace the 1-5 flip lever settings.....I assume these springs mean the boots are a pain to walk in?:confused:

There are a lot of people still riding the Raichle straps and very few have found the need to replace them with metal buckles.

A spring is a very good idea to give you a forward flex that is controllable rather than by simply using boot deformation. People do it but riding in walk mode (to get more forward flex) can break your 5 position lean adjusters. They are just not made for it.

As for walking with springs installed, it is not that bad. I just undo my top two or three buckles if I have to go very far and the boot walks fine.

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I don't mind the over sized zip ties. They've never given me problems, and I can adjust them by a small amount more easily than normal buckles. On the downside, they're hard to loosen up just slightly, and getting repeatable tightness is problematic. I wouldn't spend the money to replace them.

I don't enjoy walking in my boots regardless, which is why I keep a pair of a lofted booties in my pack. I may look like a dork walking around in booties, but they're comfy and I look like a dork anyway.

Don't ride in walk mode or powder mode. The adjusters can break, and if they do, it can do bad things to your leg.

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