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board tip damage


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BLAH so I bought a board from a member here and paid a decent amount for it and...I guess it's really my mistake for not asking for more pictures or more information, but there is a nice quarter-size dent in the nose that was not disclosed in the for-sale ad. Whatever, karma sucks.

Pics are below. Is this going to be a problem? My only thoughts are water getting in the space between the edge and the topsheet material, doesn't really seem like it would affect riding. What's the fix for this, epoxy? (Not even really sure what that is...) Might just bring it to a ski shop and see what they can do....

Buyers - don't learn this the hard way...ask to see pics and ask about board condition. Seems obvious..but I guess I relied too much on the honesty that I normally find here.




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I had the same thing happen. Get good epoxy... there are lots of formulations. Loctite 608 is commonly used. I haven't see it at the local Lowe's or Home Depot stores and forgot to ask when I was at the local hardware store. But it's easy to find online.

Put some tape over the topsheet and base around the area. Squirt epoxy into the area everywhere (make sure it's had a chance to dry out well beforehand). Put two pieces of wood or metal (metal scrapers are often used) around the area and clamp with good pressure. A few clamps will help get even pressure. You can try to get the epoxy oozing out off with a popsicle stick or something, or just leave it.

This stuff is at full strength in 24 hours. Then cut/grind/sand off the excess.

If the edge is badly bent it may interfere with your fix. If worst comes to worst, I think what's done is to cut out the bent section, fix the delamination, then graft in a new section of edge. Never done it, though.

Which board is this?

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BLAH so I bought a board from a member here and paid a decent amount for it and...I guess it's really my mistake for not asking for more pictures or more information, but there is a nice quarter-size dent in the nose that was not disclosed in the for-sale ad. Whatever, karma sucks.

Buyers - don't learn this the hard way...ask to see pics and ask about board condition. Seems obvious..but I guess I relied too much on the honesty that I normally find here.

I do not know about the dent but I have a friend on here who just bought a board from another member and the topsheet was in somewhat rough shape. He was rather disappointed. The photo in the sellers ad did not show it and it was not mentioned in the description of the board.

A used item is a used item, but sellers need to disclose the issues with them so the buyer can make correct decisions.

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Many thanks for the info - I can picture doing that pretty easily. I will actually order the stuff online tonight if I can't find it locally. This is the coiler I just bought. I don't think the edge is bad enough that I would have to cut it out. The space between the edge and topsheet is really small - like the thickness of 7-8 pieces of paper - I'm just worried about long term.

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The base looks a little bubbled up (just like the nose dent on my 180 Coiler... ). I don't know what people with experience would do, but I am tempted to drill a few small holes in the bubbled-up area of the base to shoot epoxy into. Then patch with p-tex after cleaning up. This is not going to touch snow very much, so it just needs to be waterproof.

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If you're sure that this couldn't have happened in shipping, and you're really unhappy, I would suggest asking the seller to explain or give a partial/full refund. This is a small community, and we should be honest with each other. Etiquette says you should give the seller a chance to comment before posting.

If it really was in bad faith then we all want to know.:lurk:

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update: seller was understanding and we split repair costs - it may have happened during shipping as seller says he was unaware. Going to order some of that epoxy tonight. I'm assuming tognar.com is still a good vendor?

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I'm assuming tognar.com is still a good vendor?

Tognar is good. On the east coast, ReliableRacing is a bit better in terms of getting your stuff quickly since they are on this side of the continent. I still order my waxes from Tognar though since ReliableRacing doesn't stock dominator.

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