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Rocker Binding - New Snowboard Binding Design


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Are you talking about a pivot in the highback itself?

There was a patent by Salomon (us patent 5967531) about this type of idea.


That's what I was thinking, I guess as there's a patent, thinking is all it will amount to :(

Not sure how beneficial it would be to soft boot carving, but I think it would maybe help with moving forward to pressure the nose, in the way that we can in hard boots.

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That's what I was thinking, I guess as there's a patent, thinking is all it will amount to :(

Not sure how beneficial it would be to soft boot carving, but I think it would maybe help with moving forward to pressure the nose, in the way that we can in hard boots.

I've only seen that design in a few patents. I haven't seen any products like that. Salomon was the owner on that patent so I'd be interesting to know if they did anything with the design. I'm going to the SIA trade show this year, so I'll ask them about it.

I tried a design like this. The highback rotated and the baseplate remained still. The problem I experienced was the bottom of the boot was remaining still and the top was trying to move. This twisted the boot which felt strange and limited movement.

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Is it kosher if I have two posts (3-strap and one 3-strap+hinge)? For me spending all this time working on this, they seem like significantly different topics but then again I might be getting tunnel vision from working on this so much.

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Is it kosher if I have two posts (3-strap and one 3-strap+hinge)? For me spending all this time working on this, they seem like significantly different topics but then again I might be getting tunnel vision from working on this so much.

This is fine. It wasn't clear before to skimming eyes that these were two different bindings.

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