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I qualified for USASA Nationals


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I actually qualified for slalom, which makes no sense for a meat-tank such as myself. Gotta use my Factory Prime if I can keep enough epoxy on the tail!

Raced Nastar today, my shoulderblades got the crap beaten out of them from hitting gates and the other side swinging into me!

Lesson learned..Don't try and shin gates in just a hoodie!

Uh oh..Trappy chimed in! I guess I gotta make some ebay listings tonight!

Thanks Mike!

I really should move in with my aunt in Steamboat and hang with the SSWSC crew...

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Uh oh..Trappy chimed in! I guess I gotta make some ebay listings tonight!

Thanks Mike!

I really should move in with my aunt in Steamboat and hang with the SSWSC crew...

we are doing a four day camp here in Steamboat.

Everyone is welcome it is right before usasa nationals too!!!

What do you mean you need to make some ebay listings?

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If you can make the thing in Steamboat with Trappy, it will be worth it. If it is just for the SL race, not so sure. Also, ask you local director if he'll send you for GS too. He probably has the ability to make that happen, especially if the GS winner isn't going to go.

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A lot has changed since you competed, sinecure...

The SD can nominate the series champion, and the second place finisher as his alternate. after that, there is a national ranking list. the field gets filled from that list. the days of "wildcards" are long gone, and petitions need to be backed with historical data to justify a spot, and doctors documentation of injury. Other than that, pretty tough to get in.

King -

If its only Slalom you got in for you should still come. you can learn a lot up at the top of the course, meet some coaches, find out about programs, and gage your level of riding. Additionally, you can volunteer to forerun either course, after your competition is over. PM me your name, I'll look at where you stand on the NRL, and give you my opinion on the liklihood getting a GS bid as well...


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Okay, I'm definitely in and my dad is all for it.

The only thing left is the logistics. I can't seem to find a schedule of when my event will be, nor do I know if my dad will be able to get the time off work!

I nominate anyone who is willing to put you up(or put up with you!) and drive you where you need to go for this. guessing SOMEONE is willing if you put it out there.

use the airport limo service to get to town and do it that way.

hmmmm, you talked with the auntie?

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I started up Slalom training with the ski team. I guess that makes it an alpine snowboard team of one..

The snow was soft so the course was set with lots of offset and barely any spacing..4 rhythm changes in 600 feet of slalom heaven.

There were 2 courses for drills before the real slalom course..The ski team coach knows I can race GS fairly well (i.e. not fall, slide out, or miss gates..speed is a different story), but was afraid I couldn't do his slalom. At first, I confirmed his fears! I rounded the first stubby, barely made it around the second, missed the third, rode over the fourth, got spun around backwards, and rammed the tail into the sixth.

After much whining I tried it again..and had a blast!

I found it much easier to run with the breakaway poles than the stubbies, no clue why..But damn I love that sound.

I'm a lot more confident about Copper now..Still gonna get completely destroyed, but that's why I'm going! :1luvu:

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Scuff, thank you!

Damn, I don't wanna sound like I'm bragging, but that course looks super easy compared to what I've been in.

If anything, that's bad for my chances of placing higher up (hah, like that was gonna happen regardless), but a lot more educational. I had the idea of just not falling and letting the other racer take chances on a rough course and fall. Now I'm just gonna get plain overpowered.

Julian, you say "our" like I'm planning on giving it back! ;)

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