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Wish I would have had my camera


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Last Friday, me and my daughter went up to the hill after she got home from school and it was just beautiful out. Blue skies and there was still a covering of snow even though the temperature was in the upper 50's. We rounded a corner and the sun was angled just right that it made the stumps of the corn stalks sticking up out of the snow look like field of shining bronze. Another quarter of a mile we came across the biggest heard of deer I'd ever seen. There must have been over 30 deer on the right side of the road and another dozen on the left. The snow had covered the stalks for about a month so they were out there grazing. A couple other cars had pulled off to the side to watch and we even pulled over for a minute to check it out. That's one thing about snowboarding and other sports like surfing and windsurfing. You really get a chance to tap into nature and have one of those religious experiences you hear talked about by Patrick Swayze in Point Break. Can't experience that playing Shaun White Snowboarding on the Wii.

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This is from one of those few and far between moments that I actually had a camera, actually my cell phone Digi-Cam, and was able to get a shot...

A good friend & I stumbled upon this guy while mountainbiking in the George Washington National Forest here in VA

Ok, I'll admit it.... I was kind scared...


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Mountain biking in the summer, ripping down a pretty fast/open trail. I came around a fairly blind corner to find a FREAKING huge moose trotting along in the same direction I was going, but a lot slower. I braked as hard as I could without losing the front wheel on the wet clay, I was certain I was going to slam into this giant moose's butt. I came to a stop what felt like 5" away from the guy (it was probably more like 15' but I was real scared). He stopped and turned his head around to look at me. Then he snorted, turned left into the woods, and trotted away.

In hindsight it was awesome but I was pretty sure I was a dead man at the time. Wish I caught it on film!

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This is from one of those few and far between moments that I actually had a camera, actually my cell phone Digi-Cam, and was able to get a shot...

A good friend & I stumbled upon this guy while mountainbiking in the George Washington National Forest here in VA

Ok, I'll admit it.... I was kind scared...

Did your camera phone have a zoom or was it really that close?:eek:

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some of the reasons i always keep a camera in my car

downtown Los Angeles on a clear day, taken march 9/2010



there was a 4th truck in the back but it didn't fit in the frame and they were going so slow that i couldn't slow down in traffic to take another pic (about a month ago)


what you can find parked in the streets of LA (about 2 months ago)


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some of the reasons i always keep a camera in my car

downtown Los Angeles on a clear day, taken march 9/2010



there was a 4th truck in the back but it didn't fit in the frame and they were going so slow that i couldn't slow down in traffic to take another pic (about a month ago)


what you can find parked in the streets of LA (about 2 months ago)


That last one looks like a sand rail for the street! What is it?

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BlueB, you've seen some crazy stuff!!! When did you live in Africa?

And that's just the tip of an iceberg... Lot's of times I didn't have the camera. Tons of it is on the classic paper media, too. Some stuff I just didn't have time to photograph, like being chased by an old rogue elephant, or trying to extract the point of AK47 from my ear... At some other instances I was arrested for taking photos...

Lived in Africa 1992-2003.

Beautifull pic Andrea! What hill is that? Mt Baldy?

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And that's just the tip of an iceberg... Lot's of times I didn't have the camera. Tons of it is on the classic paper media, too. Some stuff I just didn't have time to photograph, like being chased by an old rogue elephant, or trying to extract the point of AK47 from my ear... At some other instances I was arrested for taking photos...

Lived in Africa 1992-2003.

Beautifull pic Andrea! What hill is that? Mt Baldy?

Surprisingly, it's not!

Mt Baldy (10k) is the round peak adjacent to the most prominent peak, Cucamonga peak (8900ft?). I've never seen them from the west with snowcover, it's even more clear than the last time Andrea took that picture!

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Originally Posted by Neil Gendzwill viewpost.gif

Ariel Atom. It's basically a track-day car that can be licensed for the street.

originally posted by photodad2001

Cool. That thing screams summer time fun. Did you notice it's sitting in front of a Glass Tinting Shop?

i didn't think they were street legal until i saw one on the street, i drive by that area every friday and it's always parked in the same place

photodad, first picture on the left, is that one of the "golden knights" were you on their plane? <!-- / message --> <!-- attachments --> <fieldset class="fieldset"> <legend>Attached Images</legend> attachment.php?attachmentid=21806&stc=1&d=1268343260attachment.php?attachmentid=21807&stc=1&d=1268343271

here is a boarder friend of mine, but that was planned and the camera was mounted on my helmet, i'm at the other end of the rope



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photodad, first picture on the left, is that one of the "golden knights" were you on their plane?

Roger that. Dayton Airshow 2004. I was sitting right next to the door with only a lap belt on with t-bar clasp (and no chute). I had to wrap the camera strap around my hand to ensure I didn't drop it. It was friggin' cold up there too. Middle of August with 98 degrees and 100% humidity on the ground, but with both doors of the Fokker C-31A open it was like riding in a Jeep with the top off in January. I actually was wearing my Bamboo Curtain snowboard pants and coat. After they jumped the pilot took the plane at a 45 degree dive to centerstage where we did a 90 degree banked turn. The camera man from channel 7 tossed his cookies!

Here's another shot of one of the Knights looking for the drop zone. Notice the clouds show how far banked the plane is flying. I also rode with Aeroshell and Tora Tora. Experience of a lifetime.


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Did your camera phone have a zoom or was it really that close?:eek:

No zoom, it was really that close (30'-40')

Since that day I attach a small cowbell to the seat rails when riding in the mountains as I don't want to unknowingly getting that close again armed with only a camelbak

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  • 2 weeks later...

And I needed it so badly, video clip, that is!

I was in a CASI session at Mt Seymour, bluebird warm day, riding a long slow chair up. Their park is right under it and one section has really serious jumps, like combo of a big table and big air. I watched kids going over it, some stylin' it, some crashing, some bearly making it over the flat... Then I spotted that older guy, maybe 55, beer belly, old black t-shirt saying "Jessus", standing on that snowboard in really clunky manner, just as if he might crash anytime, very sketchy... He was heading towards the jumps and I'm thinking where the hell is this guy going?! Then in happened - FUL BACKFLIP, just off-axis, cleared the flat and landed it!

I looked in disbelief to the local instructor sitting next to me and he replied:

- Ah, that's our "Father Backflip". That's all he does...

Later when we saw the guy in the lift line, I gave him a big thumb up. Hats-off!

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