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Donek Incline 168 $135 shipped


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This board has seen some days on the mountain but is a very nice ride. I took it out once after a stone-grind to see how it would handle and it is a great board. It holds an edge very nice but is missing some camber from the front binding forward. Think of it as a prototype "early rise" construction. lol It enters and exits a turn very predictably and had a lot of pop off the tail. There is a gouge on the base, nothing too deep but the grind didn't take it out. Top and edges are good. Email for further pics.

Specs are: 135 ee, 10.3 meter scr, 241 waist.

I got the board as part of a package but really only wanted the bindings so that's the reason I'm selling it.




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Looking for a board to ride (with hard boots, probably) in crowded conditions here on the East Coast. Can you compare the stiffness of this to say Arbor Crossbow or Never Summer Premier F1 of about the same length? I love the Arbor except the nose is too soft; the NS twists a bit much under my weight but otherwise seems really nice. Thanks for any help! (edit--Oh, yeah, those boards I ride with soft boots but this one is too narrow for soft boot angles for my M30 boots.)

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Yeah, I put Cateks on it and found it narrow for my feet too and I only have a mp 27 boot.

Sorry I can't help out with the stiffness. I haven't been on any of the boards you mention. I just sent another member here who was also interested in it a link to search results about the board and plates. Sean Martin is quoted as saying it has the same construction as his fc/race series minus the ash stringers under the inserts. He seems to feel the board will have a similar ride however. http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=13474&highlight=incline+plates

I feels like it has a nice flex to me. Not too stiff, not too soft. Kinda baby bear-like. lol The flex test puts it somewhere between my Palmer Honeycomb and the Prior WCR-kinda right where it should be.

Sorry if this isn't helping.


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Received it last week and took it out yesterday. It seemed to have similar flex to my Arbor Crossbow softboot board, so I worried it might be too flexible for TD3s + AF700s. No problem, though. It really carves (and holds) a nice turn! I guess that's the bigger scr at work. With some more time on snow I think I'll be able to turn it tightly enough to be confident in crowds. I might also try it with soft boots and risers.

At first I had it set up backwards, and it didn't ride very impressively. I felt pretty foolish and remembered someone saying Tony Hawk once accidentally put his trucks on reversed and leaned into a turn and hit it hard when nothing happened.

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Ted - would this be good for a newbie? I won't be a beginner for long b/c of surfing, skiing and boarding b.g. - wd use mostly on east coast hardpack;

do you have bindings to sell too? WOuld you go $100 and we'll do it ASAP.. I"m in Gt Barrington MA so it's not too far for shipping.



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