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Hardboots/Softboots Same Day


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I took my Alpine board out for the first time last Thursday to sharpen up before heading up to Whiteface Mtn for the weekend. After a few runs, I felt as good as I did at the end of last year.

Fast forward to Saturday. Because of the late start time, conditions and crowds, I figured I would start out on the softies and switch to the alpine board later in the day when the crowds thinned.

After riding the softies all day I switched over to the Alpine board around 2:30. WHAT A MISTAKE!!! I couldn't ride it to save my life. My shoulder were facing perpendicular to the fall line, I was throwing my hips, skidding the tail. I was a mess. I couldn't get my brain to make the switch.

From now on I start on Alpine or I don't ride it at all that day.

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I didn´t experience the same kind of problems, but I still like to start on the alpine gear on mixed days. That´s because alpine riding usually needs more strength and I focus more on my riding technique. So I want to be fresh and fit :D. In softboots I mostly play around on the slopes. Making mistakes or skidding around doesn´t bother me much.

So first I need to prove myself ;) and then I can start playing around :D.

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After riding the softies all day I switched over to the Alpine board around 2:30. WHAT A MISTAKE!!! I couldn't ride it to save my life. My shoulder were facing perpendicular to the fall line, I was throwing my hips, skidding the tail. I was a mess. I couldn't get my brain to make the switch.

LOL, that used to be me. Going from hard boots to soft boots I could transition in 1 run no problem. Going from soft boots to hard boots it would take me half a day at least.

I used to be primarily a soft boot rider, and my hard boot setup at the time was on the stiff side which didn't' help. Now I think I could transition faster, but I haven't ridden soft boots in years. :)

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I like to ride carving set up in the am for 4-6 runs. I then switch to the softies for crowds and leg burn relief. I am still getting back into the carving boards. I think if I go alone and not with people that I need to stay with, I can spend more time on the plates...my 2 cents...:biggthump

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I ride carver in the first part of the day because the groom and surface tends to be more grippy, then later switch to Softies. UNLESS..... it is superhard in the morning, then I will ride soft and when the surface warms up later in the day go to the Hardboots. I can agree that there definatley is a "switch" we have to throw in our minds as to what we are doing and how.

My secret: I switch helmets also. Silly, yes, but mentaly I can keep it seperate somehow and not have any "lag" in muscle retention.

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I guess after riding your soft deck all day you got used to a certain style. I'm sure you were driving turns more with ankle flexion and less drive with your knees and hips. Then jumping on your hard deck you probably did the same thing you did on your soft deck. I wouldn't get to worried about which deck to ride first, just get in the habbit of riding each board both ways.

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there should be no reason why you can't switch back and forth and have no issues.

Sure there is. If your soft boots are set up close to 0, and you have a fairly soft setup it`s totally different than if you have aggressive angles and your equipment is very stiff. Instead of doing most of the work from your knees and ankles you basically drop the hip. It`s a totally different feeling.

Dropping into each turn is a massive commitment compared to soft boots. Night and day. Maybe it`s been too long for you to remember when you were first starting out on hard boots. Maybe you started out on hard boots. I don`t really know what your story is. But I remember it clearly.

Now that I have been hardbooting for almost 15 years I think I could make the transition fairly easily. But I remember what it was like when I was only riding hardboots part time. And it`s not like I couldn`t carve on soft boots. I took my CASI level 2 back in the mid 90`s when it was all about carving. Every other person was on hard boots including both examiners. Only me and one other person showed up on soft boots. I passed with flying colors. :)

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I ride carver in the first part of the day because the groom and surface tends to be more grippy, then later switch to Softies. UNLESS..... it is super hard in the morning, then I will ride soft and when the surface warms up later in the day go to the Hardboots. I can agree that there definitely is a "switch" we have to throw in our minds as to what we are doing and how.

My secret: I switch helmets also. Silly, yes, but mentally I can keep it separate somehow and not have any "lag" in muscle retention.

It is like throwing a switch as mentioned just after ESPI's qoute. Certain conditions for certain boards. I like feeling tight and rigid in the morning when the groomers are good and when I switch to the soft setup I can really let loose. Like going from a longboard to a shortboard (surfing reference ) Or for me when I skate at the skatepark. I have to "flip the switch" to go between fast and flowing through the Bowls VS. lip tricks and grinds. Either way I love both disciplines:biggthump equally when the conditions are right.

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I guess what I'm saying is for me I switch mid day fairly often and it's only weird for maybe the first turn.

one thing though is when I have not been on softies for awhile the first landing I make I remember how easy landing in them is!

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