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Got hit by a skier thursday night.


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I feel for you. We have a 15month old as well. They are such a blast. I also was struck from behind once years ago as well. It happened so fast that my face hit the hardpack. I snapped my upper jaw in half between my two front teeth and bit a hole through my upper lip. My face was wrecked and I ended up with two black eyes. I basically was knocked out and can't remember much of the incident. The crazy thing was with the clean break the pain wasn't bad at all. It happened on a Friday evening and they didn't set the jaw until Monday morning.

Here is a pic of my 15month old Noah during our first snow. Have fun with yours.


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Welcome to the "AC CLUB" :freak3:

Ive got 2 partial tears.

Left shoulder in 2005 (failed front flip off a jump in freestyle comp) 13mm seperation

Right shoulder Summer of 2008 (over the handle bars of a Jetski) 6mm seperation.

Get off the Ibuprofin ASAP, and ice/heat pack it. let it rest a few weeks but also keep it moving. your neck and shoulder muscles will compensate, and don't go for the cort'zone shots; they can actualy mess you up more.

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I'm always afraid to lay down full length carve's because I know some kamikaze kook is going to come along in a full tuck or just plain out of control and hit me. I had some lady run right over me and my brand new board on it's first run and took me down. no injuries but still sucked.

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i hit a skier today for you, ernie ;) that'll show them!

bunch of slow movers on one of the most popular runs at heavenly. saw a lady in front of me, and the question i asked myself was: carve around her, or just slow down? i chose to slow down, but now in hindsight, i was going too fast for that option.

slowed down enough to hit her boots and launch her forward a bit without making her fall, though i did. profusely apologized to her, but she was pretty upset, understandably..

heal fast.

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i hit a skier today for you, ernie ;) that'll show them!

Thanks Wun ;)

When I think about it, it might be my local hill that hired someone to hit me... they probably are getting tired of the trenches and wanted to save the hills for the holidays.

Started physio today... I have high hopes for a quick return. Tonight the AC joint is taped and it's helping a lot for support and pain.

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