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Multi edge tuner does the job?


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I just read that the edge tuner I bought (Toko Ergo Multi Guide) isnt really designed for small sidecuts below 13m (something about the 100mm file not able to accurately hug the radius). I didnt want to invest in a bunch of file guides and files and just wanted something quick and easy to polish the edges, but is this true?

Honestly I think it could handle even my SL board with a 9.6m sidecut. But now Im having second thoughts...

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I just read that the edge tuner I bought (Toko Ergo Multi Guide) isnt really designed for small sidecuts below 13m (something about the 100mm file not able to accurately hug the radius). I didnt want to invest in a bunch of file guides and files and just wanted something quick and easy to polish the edges, but is this true?

Honestly I think it could handle even my SL board with a 9.6m sidecut. But now Im having second thoughts...



.....just a few to start with.


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Your response may not be the best one. I tire of newbie ?'s as well but I think Benttech is asking an unusual question?

At least I've never thought of polish stone length in terms of sidecut radius.

But I don't get out much. I do polish daily and have read a bunch on theory.

Before posting this I read Scott's tuning section (that you linked)- it doesn't address this issue.

I'll read tognar and reliable racing when I have a chance.

Do you have longer stones for longer boards?



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I think Benttech is asking an unusual question?

I agree ... this is a pretty specific question, and actually something I've been concerned about myself too. I have a set of of 4" Moonflex workshop diamond stones that I use for tuning and one of the things I noticed is that the very outer edges of the stones are pressuring the edges more than anything, with the middle of the stone getting much less action.

These are the stones I use:


I put them this multi-angle tuner:


the problem is the edge is not straight, but the tool is. The longer the stone, and the shorter the sidecut, the more apparent this becomes. My main ride has a fairly long SCR, but it is still apparent due to the length of the stone. Since the moonflex tools can bend, what I am going to try to do is put a shim behind the stone and the static wall of the tuner in the center, such that the center of the stones pressures the edge more and the sides are free to bend with the sidecut radius while pressuring less. Obviously, this trick will not work with a hard stone that does not flex, but if you have flexible diamond stones it should help.

Another option is to try out the tooltonic tools, they have small stones that rotate while you slide them along (so that they don't get all rutted up like most other small tuning stones). I think I saw somewhere that they have US distrubutor somewhere now:


edit: I see you are in the EU ... you should be able to pick these up easily then.

Hope that helps?

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Sorry guys,

Didn't mean to be rude to a new guy around. Everyone has a starting point. Sometime it coincides with the frorum registration, and some time the so called "skidder" has been actually carving for years and didn't care much for spending that much time on the computer (hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm a NY resolution - decrease amount of time on the computer by 20nd put thse hours on the slope :ices_ange).

Anyway, the only thing I meant was exactly what the Tahoe guy did - go and read the extensive materials there are. I did it and I liked what I found.

Probably a short answer for the length of the file is - just put the file under an angle within the tool. That way it will follow the curve of the board. True - there will be less contact area, but you are sure that you will not miss a spot.

Good luck!


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Another option is to try out the tooltonic tools, they have small stones that rotate, so that they don't get all rutted up, I think I saw somewhere that they have US distrubutor somewhere now:


edit: I see you are in the EU ... you should be able to pick these up easily then.

Hope that helps?

Bingo I think thats the issue, the files and stones have to be quite small to actually conform to the sidecut. Ive been digging hard on the net and actually found something, its produced by Kunzmann called a SKS Swing Cut and actually marketed for boards and skis with smaller sidecuts.


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SKS Swing Cut and actually marketed for boards and skis with smaller sidecuts.

So I'm assuming that those black discs can rotate in place such that each stone achieves its own independent angle with relation to the sidecut? That would be pretty cool. Cooler still that you could put two different grit stones in there and polish directionally. I assume the angle is set with the small brass roller near the black knob. Seems like a smart tool.

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So I'm assuming that those black discs can rotate in place such that each stone achieves its own independent angle with relation to the sidecut? That would be pretty cool. Cooler still that you could put two different grit stones in there and polish directionally. I assume the angle is set with the small brass roller near the black knob. Seems like a smart tool.

Pretty much. From what I read you are supposed to use only one "slot" for a file or stone and have a dummy plastic in the other. The only problem of course is that the small files get used up very quickly and might get very expensive replacing them, but I think for a weekend warrior like me itll do the job just fine.

Oh, no problem Millen, Ive been carving for only 2 years but been snowboarding since oh ****.. 1991? 92? Peace :cool:

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I had the same problem with my diamond stones as well... only getting contact at the ends. My fix was to use a press to slightly bend the 'stone' which is actually a (diamond particle coated) perforated steel plate molded into a plastic body. Not a perfect fix, but better than nothing. The pivoting tool looks sweet! Where available?

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Use the the stuff from Tooltonic for about 7 years now in combo with some stuff from Ray's way. Absolute hammer combo. Easy and fast to use.

For waxing and brushing I use the Red Creek brushes.

Tooltonic in EU: www.freecarve.de

Ray's Way (buy the stuff because he's not that young anymore, he was almost going to stop selling, he is very kind to talk to): http://www.alpineskituning.com/

Red Creek Rotho's and RF-Rilling did I bought in a shop here in the Netherlands. Did cost me some. Every (pro) alpine racer does his skis and snowboards here: http://www.mkskiservice.nl/

Cheers, Hans.

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Pouczajace. Moze Ci podam moja deske do zaostrzenia, sama nie wiem jak za to sie zabrac.

Tak wogole to jedzesz w Sudety czy Tatry teraz? Widzial, ze w Tatrach cos sie dzieje pod wzgledem sniegu.

Baw sie dobrze, przeslij zdjecia z kraju.

Za tydzien do Wloch (Livignio) :D Jak na razie bardzo slaby poczatek sezonu w Polsce, planowalem wziac pierwszy tydzien w styczniu wolny i posmigac w Sudetach ale boje sie ze nic nie spadnie, to przesunelem wyjazd do 17tego stycznia.

Hej, tesz moesz to robic, deski mam zasmarowane bo to latwo mozna samemu robic ale co do ostrzenie im wiecej czytam to wiecej sie glubie.... no, jak widac.

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Za tydzien do Wloch (Livignio) :D Jak na razie bardzo slaby poczatek sezonu w Polsce, planowalem wziac pierwszy tydzien w styczniu wolny i posmigac w Sudetach ale boje sie ze nic nie spadnie, to przesunelem wyjazd do 17tego stycznia.

Hej, tesz moesz to robic, deski mam zasmarowane bo to latwo mozna samemu robic ale co do ostrzenie im wiecej czytam to wiecej sie glubie.... no, jak widac.


Livignio:lol::angryfire , lucky one. I wish but I'm about go to CO, so I should be fine and again in January 3rd.

Co do desek to chyba w tym roku chce to zrobic sama. Musze poczytac o tym wiecej. Te informacje na BOL sa bardzo przydatne. Nie jest latwo sie uczy tylko z thread's. I need to do some research on it.

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