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Cypress Diaries 2009-10


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(TSN/CTV News) VANOC already allocated $50 mill for snow recovery :rolleyes:. How much it will cost :confused:



I was told, $960.00/hr for helicopter rent to lift the hay bails from base to venue runs, then add to it (no idea) the cost to truck the hay from somewhere else. Last night CBC news showed a video clip of semi trailer pulling instead of gravel or dirt, snow from Manning Park:barf:Taxes, taxes, more taxes in the end.

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had a wicked long weekend at apex. there was a nice dump thurs night with ~8" of accumulation. friday was deserted with never more than a handful of people in the lift line. wish i had brought a more appropriate board with me for the trees (just had my wcrm), but still had huge fun ripping fresh lines all day.

preface: last season was my first on the modern hardware, and apart from one day, was limited to night runs at cyps, and generally crappy (icy / choppy) conditions. regardless, managed to get a feel for the gear & new technique.

saturday & sunday was a revelation. no new snow, but heaps of perfectly groomed hero cord. holy crap, now i know what these planks are all about. fully cranked trench digging is amazing; the board just hooks up, pulls sweet g's through the turn & shoots you into the next. sooo much fun. amazing the cornering speed you can maintain (even on a moderate slope) with a clean carve. even loved checking out the clean 'c's in the snow from the chair (big gaps between carve lines is just rad). i'm totally jazzed. so good, i'm amazed more people aren't doing this. sweetness.

actually saw one other hardbooter up there (on what looked like a metal topsheet wcr); never managed to run into him on the ground though.

my old burton mgx's are trashed however; rode in pain most of the time. will have to replace those for next year. love the prior though. spectacular carver, yet still capable in varied conditions (chop, pow, bumps). very forgiving of ragged technique. very nice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I finally had my snow fix after few weeks of no riding... Pierrre and me took of to Hemlock Valley Resort, some 1.5-2hrs east of Vancouver.

This mountain is a relativelly unknown little gem! 3 chairlifts are old and slow, but there are no crowds at all, snow is decent, tickets are cheap (plus a huge discount for Cypress pass-holders and staff)... There are plenty of good carving runs, ranging from steep green to very step blue/mild black. There is also plenty of good steep terrain. A big ridge spans in between the 2 high points of the resort, opening the access with minimal or no hiking to multitude of lines through very sparce trees. It must be great on a pow day! Scenerry is quite nice too. I believe it provides access to good back-country too, if you are not worried of running into a Sasquatch (woods and mountains around Harrison county are famous for sightings).

Toys for the day:

Pierre - Virus Scalpel 170, Swoard 168

Boris - Virus Vampire 175, Kesller 168BX

No photos to share, sorry - we were too busy riding.

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20-30cm of freshies - I had to go!

Well it turned out to be more of the chowder then powder, but, hey, can't complain, at least it wasn't the rain! It snowed all morning, then afternoon was the interwals of fog and sun...

Arriving to the parking lot, I got surprised by all the female skiers/boarders stepping out of all the cars around!? Later I found out that Thursday is a free day for the ladies, at Hamlock...

Crowd was very small, one could find some untouched snow almost all day long! I interchanged the cruising powder runs with steeps, searched some bumps and carved the chop on the runs. I rode mostly like crap, though :( I banged myself pretty hard. First run of the day I fell into a ditch. Luckilly, I had lower angles than a month ago at Whistler, so my chin ended up in between my knees, not on my front knee. Also had few good thumbles in the heavy snow, including a backward "scorpio". Started a small slide on the steeps too, nothing bad though... Worst thing happened at the lunch time - I fell over a small dropp with hidden rocks. Banged my 4807 just a little bit, but a lot more my hip and pelvis. Nothing broken, but nice bruises. Was able to carry on riding. Note to myself - never charge on unfamilliar terrain in low visibillity!

I rode the Kessler BX in the afternoon. Hated it at first with the bindings set for carving, from last week, one set of inserts ahead of refference. Then moved back to ref. and widened the stance and loved it! Unlike the 4807, it slows down nicelly when you push the tail down into the pow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This turned into a mini expression session! Pierre, Ruwi, Tenorman, Scooby, BlueB... Plus, we bumped into an oldtimer on freeride board, mounteneering boots and old plates - we directed him here for new bindings...

Bluebird skies in the morning and snow softening from the night freeze, turned into cloudy and slushy afternoon. 0 crowds. Ok snow cover (compared to what's going on on the rest of the coastal mountains).

Scooby was back after over a month of no riding, taking it a bit easy. We made him the official photographer/videographer. Pics to come later (where's my camera, you tief? :D ).

My toys for the day:

Scooby's repaired WCRM 177 with Vist plate

Nidecker Proto 167

WCRM held together just fine. Plate covering the repair at the binding inserts helped too, I guess. I have mixed feeling about Vist plate. It does plow through crappy stuff better and reduces vibrations, as well as more edge leverage once you got there. However, it felt as more effort to initiate a turn, or to take it easy (I guess not really designed for slacking ;) ). Very heavy on the chairs without foot rest... Loading the pressure to the tail seemed to be a bit easier.

Proto is a great play board. Surfs and carves the slush with ease. Turns a bit too tight. Looking forward to try it on the hard pack.

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<object width="728" height="480"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6JF7ITF1oQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6JF7ITF1oQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="728" height="480"></embed></object>

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<object width="728" height="480"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs05e8C7cQo&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs05e8C7cQo&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="728" height="480"></embed></object>

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yikes! didn't know you guys were going to post the vids, otherwise i would have hidden and not exposed my poor riding skills.

since the vancouver crew is always bitching that the guys who post videos never indicate what boards they were riding maybe we should start the ball rolling.

to the best of my recollection it was:

PIERRE: virus scalpel 170

BLUEB: nidecker proto 167

RUWI: f2 silberfeil 172

TENORMAN: burton ultraprime 162

CARVINGSCOOBY: prior wcrm 173

that was scary carving in the slush. i stuffed the nose and conked my head just before lunchtime so i ended up taking a 2 hour lunch and only riding for 20 minutes afterwards before calling it a day.

with all the exposed rocks did anyone notice any damage to their boards after they got home? i ended up with a deep gouge near the heelside edge and my epoxy repair on my delaminated tail partially chipped off so i need to add more epoxy before taking it out again.

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Small correction:

In most of the vid I'm on Scooby's silvertop WCRM 177 with Vist plate. Stepped onto the Proto in the afternoon.

Yeah, that slush was tricky... That's why I named my video "The Tailcarvers". No significant damage, if any, to the boards I rode.

As for the riding skills... To me, you have the quitest upper boddy and cleanest style in our group.

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that was scary carving in the slush. i stuffed the nose and conked my head just before lunchtime so i ended up taking a 2 hour lunch and only riding for 20 minutes afterwards before calling it a day.

with all the exposed rocks did anyone notice any damage to their boards after they got home? i ended up with a deep gouge near the heelside edge and my epoxy repair on my delaminated tail partially chipped off so i need to add more epoxy before taking it out again.

No wonder u weren't eager to coming back.:rolleyes: Sorry for your board, welcome to my or Blueb garage...

Well guys thanks for the fun ridin that day & thanks for Blueb & Ruwi for editing. I'll try to be a better camera man, hnnn mayb new camera. Was awesome coming back ridin even though 1st run I thought I busted my muscle:D but I'm not, it was a good muscle streching:biggthump

Can't wait...Local or Whistler?



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Hi Boris i didn't know you have a Nidecker proto 167 how do you like it?

Just got a used one other day. It was on the shortlist when I was looking for a good h/b play board last year, so whaen opportunity came, I had to have it to compare to ElDiablo and Kessler BX... The looser would have to go next year.

Yeah, great play board, very good in slush. Maybe a bit too turny. I still have to try it on hard pack.

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Damn, I was supposed to go today. Instead, I have work to do and fighting a pretty bad cold too...

They are reporting spectacullar conditions in the upper mountain. apparently, it never stoped snowing there, while we were getting rains down below.

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First off, looks like a beautiful day for riding.

I just noticed a few little things and I'm going to pick on everyone to make it fair (take these comments if you'd like, otherwise forget it, I don't mean to piss anyone off).

- Pierre and Ruwi are counter-rotating. Which is why your upper-body seems to feel out of line as you are riding (and you lose power to your legs as your core is no longer engaged). Try the "boot" drill. If you're regular, on toe-sides, reach down with your left hand and touch the left boot cuff, on heel-side, right hand right boot cuff.

This does a few key things:

- Forces your upper body to remain in line with your knees throughout the turns

- Forces your shoulders to remain parallel with the snow at all times

- Forces you to steer with your knees (this is key).

- Tenorman, get that back knee out and use some power through your turns! (now if you were hurt, nevermind as this may not have represented your skillset).

- Boris, pushing late in the turn (may be a function of the snow conditions). Also, it looked like you were hunching over, keep your back more upright and let the legs to do the work.

- Scobby - dude that fish-eye view gave me a headache.

It's always nice to see a group get together to trench up a hill. Love it!


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- Scobby - dude that fish-eye view gave me a headache.

It's always nice to see a group get together to trench up a hill. Love it!


If u talkin 2nd vid, that wasn't me but anyway thanks for the reminder I need a new pix capture device as my (1st vid) camera getting outdated:o but this year spend so much on the gears:rolleyes:,.

Any recomendation maybe for still pix vid and on the budget:o

Scooby's repaired WCRM 177 with Vist plate

Blueb was ridin for 1st time on this deck & Vist Plate (VP). And this VP is 2mm wider on each side then the deck waist!! He was throw out so many times due the snow was still solid enough to push the deck up against the plate side that sticks out. :eek:

How come I didn't get any comment on my ridin;)? Too ugly:p? Right ankle need still need TLC, I might need a 6# heel push up.@ least I have an excuse:lurk:



Check next post SNOW CONDITION:biggthump

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First off, looks like a beautiful day for riding.

- Pierre and Ruwi are counter-rotating. Which is why your upper-body seems to feel out of line as you are riding (and you lose power to your legs as your core is no longer engaged). Try the "boot" drill. If you're regular, on toe-sides, reach down with your left hand and touch the left boot cuff, on heel-side, right hand right boot cuff.

It's always nice to see a group get together to trench up a hill. Love it!


Thanks Gord,

Boris keeps on telling me that counter-rotation thing,but I keep on forgetting. Difficult to train an old elephant:smashfrea. This was my first time to see myself on video and I saw how bad my riding was. Now I have to keep on working on it.

Thanks again for the comments, keep it coming. No insult ever done.


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no offense taken. thanks for the helpful and informative observations. i found it very helpful and i am sure the others did too.

RUWI just bought a brand new GO PRO camera and the novelty hasn’t worn off yet so you will have to forgive him if he just keeps haphazardly filming and uploading like a kid with a new toy lol. he keeps catching us in compromising situations like kicking puppies and carving like kooks.

sort of reminds me of the time i passed out at a birthday party and one of my friends pulled out his penis and put it against my forehead and then had another friend take a photo. that brought the term KODAK MOMENT to a whole new level!

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