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So as always your just a troll trying to bait me into not wanting to post on this website??

I can't beleave you really think people that can do the things your learning don't understand the physics behind them.

Nice that you changed your avtar to planing not slogging soon maybe you'll get in the straps and perhaps hook in. then you can change your avtar again!

My ego doesn't require I have a camera crew to document my every turn. I had a plaining picture up 2 years ago. Buy the way, your Jeep is out of date and should be made into a coffee table or something. (I'm being sarcastic, I've had 2 Jeeps myself, an 85 and a 89. Just thought I'd throw out the "your equipement sucks" line out there before you could)

And yeah, why do you drive such a used, outdated vehicle when todays modern 4x4's are much more comfortable, have more technical features, get better gas mileage, etc. I thought you could only be on the most modern cutting edge stuff?

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My ego doesn't require I have a camera crew to document my every turn. I had a plaining picture up 2 years ago. Buy the way, your Jeep is out of date and should be made into a coffee table or something. (I'm being sarcastic, I've had 2 Jeeps myself, an 85 and a 89. Just thought I'd throw out the "your equipement sucks" line out there before you could)

It's not my ego that make the film crew follow me around, I wonder why I get coverage then??

Your a troll its just that simple and the fact that you hope you can be such a tool that I will throw a tantrum and leave also means your a A hole....

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It's not my ego that make the film crew follow me around, I wonder why I get coverage then??

Your a troll its just that simple and the fact that you hope you can be such a tool that I will throw a tantrum and leave also means your a A hole....

Amazing how I can hold a person of your stature totally entranced, unable to leave his keyboard just waiting for me to throw out another nugget to gobble up. My original post was not directed at you but you seem to think the world revolves around you and you act ackordingly. This thread is not the "let's piss off Bordy thread so he'll leave" thread, it's my thread directed toward someone who is not you that said snowboarding was more of an underground sport than windsurfing and windsurfing sucks.

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TROLL, that explains why you change your point, your position and your post everyday.

lets see...

One, I get on here once every few days or so and sometimes not for weeks.

Two, I may change my point due to responses, but only my position when I have come across information I didn't have before, it's called advancing, something people do to better themselves.

Three, you drew first blood and went on the attack first so forgive me if I don't roll over like others on here. I guess you're the pot and I'm the kettle in the Troll world, only you have a professional title.

Edit: "First time ever"? Are you saying this is your first time commenting on one of my posts? And also are you referring to the Edits I make? I make edits to add information, delete attacking statements I later found to be too harsh (something you should try sometime), or to correct typos.

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Your original statement says about Bernoulli's making upwind travel possible is incorrect and please show me otherwise. Bernoulli's effect on the sail may allow the sailor to go faster than the wind and creates thrust, but is in no way responsible for upwind travel. That is the statement you made and it is false.

Listen, not only that you don't fully understand the concept discussed and won't allow to be educated about it, or read propper literature about it, or perform the experiment that I offered as the proof, but you also blatantly missquote my original statement. As you won't go back to re-read it, here it goes for the record:

It is the very reason why a sailboat (winsurfer, or kite for that matter) can sail efficiently in any other direction but down wind.

It produces suction, not the thrust. OK? So, closer to the wind you sail, more important it becomes.

I suggest that before replying you go back to the water and try sailing upwind without using laminar flow (Bernoulli), the way I described earlier. Then come back and tell us what you've learned.

I offered the proof, it's up to you to take it or leave it. However, you offered nothing to prove me wrong. So, this is where the discussion stops. Anything further would be trolling.

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One, I get on here once every few days or so and sometimes not for weeks.

Two, I may change my point due to responses, but only my position when I have come across information I didn't have before, it's called advancing, something people do to better themselves.

Three, you drew first blood and went on the attack first so forgive me if I don't roll over like others on here. I guess you're the pot and I'm the kettle in the Troll world, only you have a professional title.

Edit: "First time ever"? Are you saying this is your first time commenting on one of my posts? And also are you referring to the Edits I make? I make edits to add information, delete attacking statements I later found to be too harsh (something you should try sometime), or to correct typos.

I wish I had the ability Blue seems to have to just giggle at your dribble but almost everything in this thread you posted is out there,

From your statement about "how small the windsurfing community is then we all say no dumbass you have no idea and then you say ohhhh no I ment longboard windsurfing then we all say no dumbass, then you say ohh well there is no community online like this one then we all say no dumbass here it is, then you say kites have no control then we all say no dumbass, then you say well this guy didn't mean to do that then I say no dumbass, then you say well heres why this works this way then we again say no dumbass, then you say well I ment work this way then again we say no dumbass.

Thats really the way your threads go, you make wild guessses about stuff them people with experance come in to share their knowledge with you and tell them whats up according to you, problem is its only according to you and not the rest of the planet.

Then you are nieve enough to think Its you personally that keeps me going when really its just becuase I cant beleave the things you make up or misquote the best part of the entire thread to me was when you just started making up kite terms that is just classic! Then you miss quoted me from the video, to prove me on line wrong...... woooo hoooo that was awsome!!!

Some of my kiter friends read this thread on the beach since the wind was light it was a great giggle for all of us they sort of put it in perspective when they said "I feel dumber after reading photodads comments". and thats really just it After reading your post I feel like I almost lose IQ points trying to understand where you come up with stuff.

Statements like" Forgive me if I don't roll over like others here....." Just proves you not here to share you are here to instigate and troll it up. Its obvious your not here to learn since you have proved over and over when giving the chance to. Instead of considering others input you just keep throwing spears. In the face to face world if you walked into my circle with the same action as you do on line it would only take a few moments for you to be humbled, if the topic was kiting or snowboarding.

Maybe it makes you feel really cool to "heckle" the pro online and you get some weird Jollies from it, All I think it does is continue to darken the tool label across your forehead.

Just for the record....I am out in the real world proving this stuff. Your online feeling like your getting attacked cuz you refuse to beleave theres more then you currently think you know about kiting, snowboarding, sailing etc.

Most of the kiters who read this also wanted me to make sure your not just some little kid who is pertending to be a grown up, If thats the case I'm sorry.

Oh yea and I am so proud of you that you wait untill now to make grammer or spelling comments. unlike yourself I write stuff and stick to it, I don't go back and edit it after I read it and felt it was to harsh etc....if your not man enough to stick with your first comments then well i guess your just soft.

I think from now on I'll call you photomom, since your so soft.

Perhaps since you only come here every few days (but not today huh, lots of time today) or some times not for weeks we will see how it goes.

If you don't want me posting in your threads perhaps you should just place me on ignore, I mean lets use your logic here. Why would a pro rider want to hang out at a snowboard website. And what could I possabley contribute, when posters like you have so much dribble to keep the stoke going...:barf:

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Just ignore him like everyone else does, he already admitted it was due to all the grass.......check page 2.

As a guy who likes to smoke a little grass I can't understand how it would make you a photodad, there has to be more then grass..... grass doesn't turn people ignorant.

Maybe there is a bottle involed also?

I mean my excuse is I just type and spell bad if I could blame stuff on grass I would be over the top.

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Listen, not only that you don't fully understand the concept discussed and won't allow to be educated about it, or read propper literature about it, or perform the experiment that I offered as the proof, but you also blatantly missquote my original statement. As you won't go back to re-read it, here it goes for the record:


It produces suction, not the thrust. OK? So, closer to the wind you sail, more important it becomes.

I suggest that before replying you go back to the water and try sailing upwind without using laminar flow (Bernoulli), the way I described earlier. Then come back and tell us what you've learned.

I offered the proof, it's up to you to take it or leave it. However, you offered nothing to prove me wrong. So, this is where the discussion stops. Anything further would be trolling.

I listened in full, looked on-line for your point of view, came up empty, and I understand that if you continue to sheet in it slows your forward progress but Bernoulli's effect only increases your speed, it does not aid in your movement upwind. PLEASE if you have a source that makes your claim please share it, I can find nothing online or in any of my old college physics textbooks about the claim you are making. Also, I know it causes suction but as it seemed I was not being understood I tried to alter my vocabulary to see if by changing the wording it would help. So in which direction does the suction pull? Not upwind. The force pushing you up wind is the force created by the fin, keel, etc. on the water. If the windsurf, kiter, etc. becomes airborne the upwind progress decreases and if sustained long enough the rider can be blown downwind. Bernoulli's does not create an upwind force. This is the point I am making. Bernoulli's does not create an upwind force. If I am wrong please show your proof. You offered your oppinion without references. I speak to others as they speak to me and we can see how my tone is with Bordy. If you want to keep this a mature conversation I'd like to see where you've gotten your information, otherwise do as you said at the end and this conversation will be over.

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Getting a tad hot folks. Keep it above the belt and not personal or we shut this down. You can state your point AND not attack at a personal level. Try it.

I do like scientific discussions but this is also going way off topic :freak3:

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Good lord, people.

Don't feed the trolls.

1) If there is laminar flow over an airfoil/sail/kite/wing providing lift or thrust Bernoulli is in effect.

2) Bernoulli has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that clearly, CLEARLY, Bordy and his crew have kite flying/gliding skills and plenty of control to be able to jump and glide like that on the snow. If they didn't they'd be crashing/tumbling the kite and killing themselves. The fact that occasionally they hit an updraft does not change the fact that they are under control. If you are snowboarding and hit a patch of soft snow so you change your weight and technique to adjust for the snow, that's considered "in control" and simply "adjusting to changing snow conditions", correct? Why is "hitting an updraft and sining the kite to the side to exit the updraft" any different? If you hit a piece of chop windsurfing and it knocks you airborne for a second, is that "out of control" or just simply a fun part of windsurfing?

3) The fact that Bordy has great kite control seems to have nothing to do with your weird, weird, rambling original post, photodad. Yes, carving is way, way, more niche than windsurfing. I can go out any day to any of the various kiting/windsurfing spots and see more windsurfers there than there are carvers in all of California, as far as I can tell. I go to Squaw Valley and see 1-2 other carvers on a hill. I go to Kirkwood, apparently the Tahoe Mecca of carving and see 5. I go to 3rd Ave to kitesurf and there are dozens of windsurfers any day of the week. Also: there are dozens of stores within 20 miles of me that carry windsurfing equipment. There are 0 that sell carving equipment. I think in Tahoe there is 1 store that sells Head boots. I take my alpine board to the only ski shop in the Bay Area that has any idea what they are doing (i.e. they know what I mean when I ask for a 0 degree base edge angle and a 2 degree side edge angle) and even they only vaguely know what the board is.

I kited from Golden Gate bridge in nuking, choppy, gusty conditions, overpowered on a 12m kite, downwind to Berkeley today with 100 other kiters. It was beautiful kiting in front of the bridge, I got a billion massive, massive jumps in, made a whole slew of slashing carving turns, made some new friends, and drank a sh!t ton of beer and ate my body weight in Hawaiian BBQ. Life is good. Be happy. Why are you all so angry?

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3) The fact that Bordy has great kite control seems to have nothing to do with your weird, weird, rambling original post, photodad. Yes, carving is way, way, more niche than windsurfing. I can go out any day to any of the various kiting/windsurfing spots and see more windsurfers there than there are carvers in all of California, as far as I can tell. I go to Squaw Valley and see 1-2 other carvers on a hill. I go to Kirkwood, apparently the Tahoe Mecca of carving and see 5. I go to 3rd Ave to kitesurf and there are dozens of windsurfers any day of the week. Also: there are dozens of stores within 20 miles of me that carry windsurfing equipment. There are 0 that sell carving equipment. I think in Tahoe there is 1 store that sells Head boots. I take my alpine board to the only ski shop in the Bay Area that has any idea what they are doing (i.e. they know what I mean when I ask for a 0 degree base edge angle and a 2 degree side edge angle) and even they only vaguely know what the board is.

What's up bra. You miss understand.

One... you are comparing the entire windsurfing specturm to a singular area of snowboarding. I made the mistake to say "windsurfing". My appologize (something a certain member who has made himself perfectly clear will not say). Compairing "Windsurfing" to one part of snowboarding is not contest, but "One Design"/"Longboarding" IS more of a niche sport than EC. Tell me... How many guys do you see on 12 foot plus boards in California? I can tell you right now I know 10 snowboarders to my 1 windsurfer (longboard or not) where I live. It does have to do with perspective, and my perspective is not set in Europe. If you want to compare the popularity of snowboarding over windsurfing world wide I challenge you to take a poll at any highschool, college, etc. Longboarding is to windsurfing as carving is to snowboarding. Go to the Gorge, Outer Banks, Hawaii, or any other windsurfing spot and tell me there are more "LONGBOARD" windsurfers than carvers. I've done my polls and unless you cross the pond (going to Europe) we are about nill. Notice the board I state I ride in my original post, a Mistral Equipe. That's over 12 foot. I also doubt the numbers of carvers at the spots that have been said as in the middle of Ohio I see about 5 daily at a bump of a hill. Ohio can't be the meca of carving now can it?

Edit: Again, in your first sentence from your 3rd point... I was not bringing "Bordy" into my original statement. He found his way here because long ago I stood up for carvers that rode Burtons or any other board that was affordable. His attacks have stemmed from posts I made almost a year ago that stood up for the common man that doesn't depend on technology to determine his skills. I really wish he was professional and took that place where he could come here and be helpful, not just to those who could drop thousands a year on new gear, but those that actually do have tallent and experience but have other things outside of a "recreation" to drop their money on. You don't see Dion Sanders critisizing people who don't have the funds to back their passion. It's a shame really.

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What's up bra. You miss understand.

One... you are comparing the entire windsurfing specturm to a singular area of snowboarding. I made the mistake to say "windsurfing". My appologize (something a certain member who has made himself perfectly clear will not say). Compairing "Windsurfing" to one part of snowboarding is not contest, but "One Design"/"Longboarding" IS more of a niche sport than EC. Tell me... How many guys do you see on 12 foot plus boards in California? I can tell you right now I know 10 snowboarders to my 1 windsurfer (longboard or not) where I live. It does have to do with perspective, and my perspective is not set in Europe. If you want to compare the popularity of snowboarding over windsurfing world wide I challenge you to take a poll at any highschool, college, etc. Longboarding is to windsurfing as carving is to snowboarding. Go to the Gorge, Outer Banks, Hawaii, or any other windsurfing spot and tell me there are more "LONGBOARD" windsurfers than carvers. I've done my polls and unless you cross the pond (going to Europe) we are about nill. Notice the board I state I ride in my original post, a Mistral Equipe. That's over 12 foot. I also doubt the numbers of carvers at the spots that have been said as in the middle of Ohio I see about 5 daily at a bump of a hill. Ohio can't be the meca of carving now can it?

Edit: Again, in your first sentence from your 3rd point... I was not bringing "Bordy" into my original statement. He found his way here because long ago I stood up for carvers that rode Burtons or any other board that was affordable. His attacks have stemmed from posts I made almost a year ago that stood up for the common man that doesn't depend on technology to determine his skills. I really wish he was professional and took that place where he could come here and be helpful, not just to those who could drop thousands a year on new gear, but those that actually do have tallent and experience but have other things outside of a "recreation" to drop their money on. You don't see Dion Sanders critisizing people who don't have the funds to back their passion. It's a shame really.

Again your such a baffon, I don't give a flying F who you are if you knew how to use a search engine you would see I have been preching old outdated crappy gear that middle of the road carvers have been hanging onto that is slowly killing the progression of the sport since day one one this forum.

I really don't know why you think Your some sort of marter who "stood up" to me,

Your still just a little tiny peone in the world of carving becuase your not educated enough to make any of the claims about new vs old gear, Same story as always with you the trolling tool,

Last time it was Hi i have no point of reference about new gear I have never ridden it but I am way to nieve to understand the difference so I am going to arguee to the death that crappy burton gear is great, again this is you being uneducated and makeing claims.

Same as this post,

Hi I have no Idea about windsurfing(which I later change to lonboard windsurfing) or the forums out there but I am going to make outlandish claims about it again being uneducated, then I'll go on to make claims about kiting and arguee Burnolli's effect from a physics book to a bunch of real sailors.

I will state this as clearly as I can, Don't you wonder why so many folks here call you a troll right of the bat, why you always get heckled right away?

Isn't it funny how most of the other board member seem very nice to me while your a tool to the infinate power, wow maybe its cuz I may not write so well with out editing on this site but I am a real contributing memeber of the true alpine snowboarding world, see I have ridden with the folks on the forum we have had beers and I have shared info with them. Given them tips, shared experances about gear and travel, etc.

You on the other hand get no respect from me or the board memebers cuz since your first day on the forum all you did was arguee with people, and by chance dove head first into a conversation I was having with some other uneducated none new gear ridden posters.

See this is not the soap oprea you turn it into, but since your post are so out there I can't help but call real life bull**** on the dribble that you spew. The difference is I call bull**** on things I know about, like snowboarding, kiting, windsurfing, sailing,motorcycling. You call bull**** on anything you may have a little bit of info about then you scramble on line or around your house to become overnight educated in the topic, then we all see right through it, and continue to laugh at your expense. It just that simple.

Your now on my newly formed troll list and for the first time ever, I have now singled you out as my favorite troll, I am going to post responses to everything you write on this forum. Since you think you "stood up" for all thoose poor burton riding poster earlier and you have held some sort of grudge against me since then, ( I really forgot all about you and the post untill you reminded me with your "I am hoping your throw one of your famous tantrems and leave" comment). But now I am on the warpath for you and all your crappy usless dribble.

Your a troll and I think thats about as lame as ridding crappy outdated gear.

Even worse your a troll that has emotional issues it's clear in your post that your unbalanced, I think that's why i wrote you off as a kook before but your persitance to contunie to go down in flames is unmatched be anyother poster on the board, When Fin turned me onto his forum years ago I have seen a lot of characters come, go, and get chased off the board. Some with drinking issues, some with mental problems, some that just didn't fit with the flow of the board, including me. But you may be the winner of the crap sandwich award, you stick to your crap sandwich to the very end I bet you would take a big old bight right in front of all of us just to stick to the fact that you said it was a good crap sandwich even though we all know its crap. you are just that kind of guy.

So just to again remind you, I have a real reputation on this web site, it may not always be a night with shinning armor image, but I have put n my time in the real community, and have been here since day one. If you knew how to use the search feature you could see what I have contributed. Luckly the board has progressed a lot in 6 or 7 years, so I only kick in on topics that are progressive. Or in your case so totally out there that its amazes me.

You have come along and in a year pissed off almost everyone. Your post follow the same flaming trolling trend, and you refuse to how did you put it, while insulting me again.... oh yea"better youself, its called "you said.

So just in this post you were incorrect about,

Windsurfings, size and resorces, websites etc. well then you of course changed it to longboard windsurfing. Which well to be honest I can go into more shops and find a long board windsurfer then a alpine snowboard, something you and your crappy outdated gear are to blaim dirrectly for!

The ability to control a kite, use it to jump, fly, glide.

How Bernoulli's effect works on a sail, kite, and wing. And why it's use is important for sailing any direction but down wind. And at what points of sail or flight the pressure on each side is varable. And why that allows the wing to penatrate to broad reach or higher point of sail. I also mentioned using the effect to fly the hull of a hobie cat but that must have gone over your head also. Since its not in your "old physic books".

I would like to go on but have had enough of your dribble today, I love your last post also what a joke....

"This is longboarding. No big airs or baggy pants, very similar in it's purpose to carving. It's not flashy, but to somebody who knows about it there is much respect."

Even you don't know about it you poser, why don't you go back out and...How did you put it was it surf the gust, shaka bra.... And respect dude you can't even give respect to a entire online forum, full of riders.

You have no idea what being a bra is, if you came to my beach I would bra boy you into the ground.

Why don't you go start another crapsandwich thread I like watching you eat them.

B squared out!

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Good lord, people.

Don't feed the trolls.

I can't beleave I have turned into a troll, two days with out wind will do that!:eek:

I kited from Golden Gate bridge in nuking, choppy, gusty conditions, overpowered on a 12m kite, downwind to Berkeley today with 100 other kiters. It was beautiful kiting in front of the bridge, I got a billion massive, massive jumps in, made a whole slew of slashing carving turns, made some new friends, and drank a sh!t ton of beer and ate my body weight in Hawaiian BBQ. Life is good. Be happy. Why are you all so angry?

Sounds sick! have you met Chip Wasson or Jeff Kafka yet? Tell thoose cats I said hello, super nice guys who helped put together the race action out there! Good winds to you kiter!

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No Wind? Bike or skate.

No asphalt? Get a mountainboard.

Social/Political Issues eating at you? Join an activist group that shares your goals and values. Then work your tail off for "the cause."

Incubating, and reciprocating each other's frustrations on a site like this = less value than jacking off... !!


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