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Bad case of child abuse


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So, two weeks ago my son was coming out of the coffee shop heading across the sidewalk to his car when this guy off to his left, who was yelling at his 3 or 4 year old daughter, grabs her by the hair, whips her off her feet and slams her to the ground. Jake yells out “you son of a bitch” and whips out his cell to call 911. Before Jake can make the call, the guy runs to him and punches Jake in the chest. Whoa.

Jake is ex Marine Corp and has always been a good street fighter. Jake grabs the guy’s shirt at the collar with his left hand and twists it so he can’t get away, and then pounds the crap out of the guy with his right fist. Mall security shows up and arrests Jake and puts him in a squad car, the guy was unconscious on the ground, the little girl was hurting. This was done in front of the lunch time crowd in a mall, in plain view of the people in the coffee shop and the Chinese resteraunt next to it.

Turns out about a dozen people had called 911. When the cops arrived, they took statements and let Jake go. They arrested the Dude – he lost a few teeth, had is front lower lip split in two and was black and blue all over his face. The little girl was being checked out for injury. They were concerned with a spinal cord/brain injury due to the way she was grabbed and whipped around by her father. Child protection was on the scene as were medical personnel.

Believe that? Jake is on standby if he has to come to the arraignment.

Freaking people that can’t control themselves. We don’t know how the little girl is doing, they can’t release that info.


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In the long run, your son may have just saved that child's life. Hopefully, she'll end up with a family that can give her a good life. As for the "father", he got far, far less then he deserved.:mad: Do me a favor and shake your son's hand for me. Excellent job of raising that boy to be a man!:biggthump

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I can only hope that should I ever witness anything like that I could be 1/2 the real man your son was. The jerk had it coming and should never have his name and "man" used together. He is no man... he is beneath slime.


Semper Fi. Sounds like dickwad picked the wrong guy to mess with. Very glad for your son's sake, that pusspocket threw the first punch. Pretty much clears up the matter of assault with all the witnesses.

Thank God there are men strong enough to intervene when necessary and take appropriate action.

Not a Marine. Thankful for their contributions. And yours too, for instilling right and wrong in your son. And also sorry that he had to even do this.

I have a four year old and I just can't imagine this at all.

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I shudder to think what that sweet child has suffered at home if that's what the father felt comfortable doing in public. Your son is a hero - I am so glad he was prepared to intervene. Tell him thank you from me. I only hope that the child protection people do their job now.

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I've got two girls and literally felt sick to my stomach as I read this. I'm mostly agnostic but guys like your son and the abuser make me think deeply about the concept of good vs. evil. Respectively, of course.

Like the others, I'd like to thank your son for whatever he did to the guy that went beyond defending himself. Sounds like he really channelled it nicely. Any updates that you can provide in the future would be of interest.

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  • 3 weeks later...


We can't find out because of the privacy rules. The guy has been charged, he waived his arraignment hearing as there were just too many witnessess - none on his side of the story. I guess he didn't make bail yet.

I lay money on him cutting whatever deal he can get.


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