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Shred Gruumer in CO March 27-30

Thor VonRippington

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I pass tomorrow. Am riding Ajax… Weather is mostly the factor… Thinking with all that snow, "real" carving might be possibly "just ok" and that’s not worth the trip and extra lift ticket cost (Aspen season pass) for me…

Ruthie’s is one of the most groomed runs there is and I need a good “carving fix” after all this pow... and much more on the way… 2mzlbhi.gif

HAVE FUN GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HIT IT !!!!!!!!! 28cd79j.gif

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Ray-you should reconsider. Rode Beaver Creek all day today, chasing powder. But, I did get to scout out the groom and Centennial is fantastic, Larkspur Bowl had fresh groom on it this morning and a noon cat pass went up it and the shurly goomed it again tonight. Rose Bowl also had a noon day pass on top of morning groom. Your missing out, load up the Prius and do the drive, you wont be dissapointed. I am counting on you to show. Its going to be fantastic. Of note, no more 3 am choco chip cookies, now you get a Beaver Creek post card with a pic of cookies on it instead. See you in the morning Ray.


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Beaver Creek was awesome again today! We rode hard all day yesterday in sunshine and great snow. Today was overcast for most of the day, so the snow never got too soft - it was reall grippy and fast. Low crowds.

I left around 2ish, and was home, washed, fed and asleep on the couch when Kress called @ 4:05 saying he was on the last chair of the day. He's a madman.

Another storm is rolling in. Prolly not gonna make it over to A-Basin tomorrow. Sorry you missed out on the goods @ The Beav Shred. Next time! :biggthump mpp

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A special Thanks to Thor for making this happen!! My first time in CO and I had a blast!! even Monday in the cold and wind was one of the best days of the year for me!! so much fun having room to roam!!! wow!!

Great meeting all of ya... and hope to make a longer trip next year to ride with all of ya.. finnally got my new boots and gear dialed in by Monday.. and had so much fun...

Can't wait till next year.. sux being home knowing you guys are going to have a good long season!!!

Enjoy!! I did!! :1luvu:

Oh yea.. forgot.. I did get hit.. once again from a dip Schit skier!! on my first day at Winter Park.. YOU should see the other guy.. It was me down hill on a heel getting ready to go to a toe side.. when out of the blue...Bam! right into my side!! It hurt and scuffed my board.. but he took a beating when he hit me... I think it was like 125 pounds vs 210lbs... it was like he hit a brick wall and exploded.. I don't think he was hurt just a bit confused, of course I gave him the usual verbal business!!! It didn't sink in but I think he was too busy picking up his equipment.. im sore but I did finish my toe side turn to stop to see who the phuck hit me!!

Right Said Shred

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