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yet another reason to hardboot...


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so i'll admit, i'm not the greatest hardbooter when it comes to steeps, so when i ride the double diamonds at alyeska(anywhere from 45-60 degrees depending on what's open) I ride my softboots. well, about 7 weeks ago, before our crazy freeze and thaw, I was on about my third day of enjoying a nice 50" dump. i start go down about a 45 degrees slope, hit an icy patch, i know, how do you get an icy spot after a 50" dump, but anyway i hit an icy spot, lost my edge and started to slide head down on my back. i manage to get myself almost right side up, meaning my feet are downhill from me, as i slide off a cliff. i manage to get my feet under me just as i land. then disaster. as i hit the snow, my lower body compresses to absorb the impact, my boot folds underneath me as well as my ankle strap, this forced my leg to flex more than is advisable for a non-contortionist, and pop goes the achilles. if i was on my hardboots i seriously doubt this would have happened. I'm pretty sure i will never be able to flex my raichles so that the cuff touches the toe. so my season is now over thanks, in part, to some craptastic softboot gear. my boots had approx 30 days on them and my bindings, about 20, and they're both about to go up on ebay. stick with a winner guys, go with plastic.

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did you really need to say "so that the cuff touches the toe"?

all the best for a good recovery - at least it happened when you were doing what you love I ruptured (not totalled thankfully) achilles last season for basically no reason and got a broken vertebrae C7 in this one and none of it happened on the slopes okay then again I am thankful that nothing bad ever happened on the slopes ...

again all the best for recovery ...

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Sorry about your injury AK. I wonder though if you wouldn't have ended up with a boot top tib/fib fracture instead of a torn AT in hardboots. Something has to give in those situations. If the boot didn't flex enough you might have. Heal up quick!

Or, you would have blown your knee. Not a good scenario either.

+1 on "something has to give".

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Bummer. Its a surprisingly long recovery from that one too.

FWIW, I managed to tear my achilles with hard boots on. They were in unlocked (walk) mode on a powder day when I tried to ascend a wall and discovered that there was just 2" of snow covering the rock underneath. Board stopped dead and body kept going.

Good luck with recovery. You'll be back next season.

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I ruptured my achilles last year while soft boot snowboarding. I wish you luck with your surgery and recovery. The recovery part takes a long time but if you stick with it, you'll be good to go.

I started hardbooting this year and after taking a couple of runs back on my softies, it is so obvious just how little support and protection their is for the achilles with soft boots. Looks like I will be a hardbooter for life.

Feel better and heal quick.

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Just to add, this isn't a rehab where you want to push it too hard. From what I hear, people who do, sometimes re-injur the tendon. If you take your time and work at it, the repaired tendon will probably be stronger than original.

Also, I second getting your liners re-molded in the fall. My repaired achilles is notably larger than my other one. When I first put boots on the season after the injury, I noticed tightness and discomfort. Went immediately to the shop and had them re-heated. No problems since.

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Just to add, this isn't a rehab where you want to push it too hard. From what I hear, people who do, sometimes re-injur the tendon. If you take your time and work at it, the repaired tendon will probably be stronger than original.

Also, I second getting your liners re-molded in the fall. My repaired achilles is notably larger than my other one. When I first put boots on the season after the injury, I noticed tightness and discomfort. Went immediately to the shop and had them re-heated. No problems since.

Finding a rehab therapist that has worked with achilles tendon repairs is key. I also started at around 16 weeks working weekly with a massage therapist.

I don't know if you have had surgery yet, but there is new school of thought on surgery with a special sewing technique that you might be a candidate for. The recovery period starts in the 2nd week instead of the usual 8 - 12 weeks before starting rehab. They have had great results with full recoveries in less than 16 weeks. Here's a link:


From other stuff I've read, they have found that the agressive re-education and use of the tendon speeded the repair time.

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i can't teach in hardboots, so i'm looking for the 3 strap for teaching for next year. also plan to get a new softboot that's a lot stiffer and sturdier. my sb bindings were waay soft. if i do the third strap conversion it'll be on my old salomon sp5's from 2000. super stiff.

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thanks for the good thoughts guys. i thought about the possibility of breaking my leg above the boot. and having broken my leg before i would much rather deal with that than a torn achilles. broken bone is less painful and heals faster. my doc has already flexed his sewing skills and says i can start rehabing soon. i think the worst part about the injury is that i was initially somehow misdianosed. was told i had bursitis. don't know how you mmistake the 2 but have since found out the person i went to is pretty hit or miss on their diagnostic skills. should have gone into anchorage from the start. oh well, live and learn. hope you all have a great season. i'll just conitnue to read the message board and carve vicariously through you guys, and keep on my mission for 3 strap bindings.

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Sounds a little like my injury except reverse the lower leg flexing over the toe to the ankle hyperextending and bending backwards....I'd taken an achilles tear anyday over what I had!....and I'll be 4 years as of 2/4. I remember watching the Superbowl in our room at the resort in the Canyons

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Heal fast, but don't take it too fast. I shredded my ankle 3 years ago in hardboots. Folded the nose on a soft day (Jan 1st and it was 45 degrees), the board stayed but I kept going. Wore a plastic knee high "boot" for four months and continued with physical therapy until the next season. I did figure out that the boot fit into flow bindings so I could ride a little late in the season on some greens. Take care. :biggthump

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