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Worst Beer


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Not a huge fan of Heinikin either, but I'll drink it. The best thing about heiniken though is that you can get it pretty much anywhere in the world.


Dave R.

true dat, I've got an old pic somewhere of Negril Jamaica, a 22oz Heinie in 1 hand and a phatty cold Red Stripe in the other, kickin it in a hammock at the Treehouse. Keepin' it REAL !

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKuQq4DVX3Y&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKuQq4DVX3Y&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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years ago dano found a liquor store in RI that had CASES upon cases of Breckenridge for like 7.99 a case, the stuff was definatly past it's prime but still drinkable. We'd stock up every time we rally'd down to Newport to surf.



Yeah baybee Yeah, Those were Aged Avalanch Ales...leftovers from some previous year(s)... They were like russian roullete... you'd swill down 3 or 4 and they weren't THAT bad ( on ice ) but then you get one that tasted "ACTIVE"...like there was some algea arcade in there living large and crapping BIG... I drank a "real" Avalanche ale on tap at breck and it was actually pretty bland in comparison.

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i cant believe anyone hasnt mentioned natty ice yet:confused: natural ice is way worse than pbr, busch, keystone, you name it. its at the bottom of the cheap beers.

Yeah "naturals" are about the worst..."teacher beer" my dad called them. ( he was a teacher ) Natty ice 5% is a guaranteed headache.

Actually I do like "fresh and cold" pbr at a BBQ or clambake...It's just water.

But hey, we all know cheap beer is piss. you get what you pay for.

It's much worse to buy a rack of some microbrew for top dollar and have it taste like freaking ear wax...I got a Smuttynose sampler once and all I really liked was the Shoals Pale Ale.

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like those tommyknockers at Marty's in Newton with the closeout supa doopa discount ?


despite the stuff floating near the bottom, they were still drinkable. A few had a mild cider taste that resembled crappy homebrew.:freak3:

AND ya got a free glass with every 6 pack=SCORE !:cool:

did he say crap beers ?


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C+ ? http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/759/2297


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PBR. There, I said it.

And Heineken. Unless you like skunky beer I guess.

I saw some of the Hayes Bros crew rocking the PBR goggles( I think Scott makes them) VT Swillbillys at The US Open at Stratton back in 2004.

they were all sportin' buffalo plaid shirts and leather work gloves to ride in, so stylie ! Jeeeeezum !



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I've tried a lot of different Belgian beers, almost all of them have made my head hurt, it's easier to drink wine in most of Europe anyway

You need to try this then...


As for PBR, I'm convinced the only people who drink it are either on a very tight budget, or have forced themselves to acquire a taste for it so they can rock the slum-chic look.

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You guys post some drinkable beers compared to the cheap crap we've purchased for parties/roadtrips in the past.

The worst of the bunch : Grainbelt, Pig's Eye,

And one time, we bought 12 cases of something called Burger (had an umlaat above the u) at $5.99 a case for a weeklong canoe trip. Almost dumped it in the river but felt sorry for the fish.

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You need to try this then...


As for PBR, I'm convinced the only people who drink it are either on a very tight budget, or have forced themselves to acquire a taste for it so they can rock the slum-chic look.

ha just polished off 5 Leffe's on Firday night beersmiley1.gif

Gecko, your missing out man

worest beer for me would be Keystone, BushLite, PBR (sorry Ben), BUD...yes I hate it. I can handle an ice cold bud light when it's 90 and humid out but that's about it.

I need a beer budget because my beer taste is to expensive for me own good

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Lucky Lager from Lucky's supermarket when we lived in Huntington Beach in Cali during a summer in College. pretty rank but cheap.


this Extreme Beer Fest should be in the Good Beer thread, I guess


I'll be in Brazil drinking cold yellow Skol and will have to miss it :cool:

my dog likes PBR





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