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Cypress Diaries, 2008-09


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Hmm, couldn't quite see the details - too busy instructing my little ripper... However, almost sure he didn't have TD2s... Probably no point bothering the guy on the email. I saw him twice already - I'll hunt him down on the slopes next time...

Come ride with us this Tuesday night? Might be a pow day, though...

i haven't been locally since last tuesday with crucible up at grouse. terrible snowfall we are having this season. probably won't be going locally again until wednesday or thursday.

btw just saw your post about the skinny donek. am more interested in getting another 1996 alp 169--are you going to keep yours? i don't need to test ride it as i already have 3 of them and i know how they ride. yeah i managed to wrestle one away from DAVE* lol. i'm not interested in any other year except 1996 when they were symmetrical and sandwich. no cap alps for me thank you.

i'll have to try the donek out in good snow--maybe whistler will get late spring snow--if i like the way the skinny donek rides after an hour i'll buy it on the spot. can you wait that long to sell it as i don't like to buy it without giving it a good test as i'm not familiar with doneks.

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Huh, what a day with Roy's accident... And it started so great with hero hard pack on PGS...

Well, the rest of today's storries are still worth telling.

Anecdote of the day:

I had to dodge the morning instructors' session in order to participate in our own carving session. It just happen that the sessioning group was right on PGS when we blasted past them. I basically did a fully laid toe side around them, proceeding into few linked ECs bellow.

Later on, my buddy Cam (South African-turned Aussi-turned Canadian) told me that trainer was just telling them about inclination when I sailed through: "Here comes your inclination demo..." :D


I started on Highlander 167 - new to me. Well, it's not just pretty, it's a great little board. QUite stiff, snappy and poppy, holds great edge. Not very forgiving, though, once you started doing stupid things. Not to great for EC. As I recently developed pretty bad shin bang on my trailing leg, I fought the shortness of the board a bit (riding the nose too much), it started hurting after few toe side recoveries. So, I decided to switch to my buttery Vampire.

Mid afternoon I switched to skis (I have to practice now that my little guy expects dad to coach him) and had total blast. Metrons just hold and hold, from one low turn to another.

Late afternoon saw me on softies and Vertigo. I bumped the rear angle another few notches which resulted in way better heel side. I'm still at the angles that are kinda passable for teaching - 30/15 or so...


Very silly situation - I got double booked. Two level 2 girls were assigned to me and Tele-Bum showed up for his h/boot lesson. What now? Supervisor ordered that I start the lesson with the girls, than he would send someone to take over, while I would take Joye. Well, it didn't happen - just had to finish the 2 hour lesson, while Joye took off. Sorry buddy - next time.

Lesson with the girls was great - I got them from falling leaf to linked turns by the end of the lesson. It's amazing what kind of drills one has to come up with, to get rid of a bad habbit or to get a begginer to do something that's unnatural to him... Ah well, you live - you learn, CASI manual can not tell you everything.

World Cup / Ollympic test events coming to the hill...

Next ride Tuesday evening.

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btw just saw your post about the skinny donek. am more interested in getting another 1996 alp 169--are you going to keep yours? i don't need to test ride it as i already have 3 of them and i know how they ride. yeah i managed to wrestle one away from DAVE* lol. i'm not interested in any other year except 1996 when they were symmetrical and sandwich. no cap alps for me thank you.

i'll have to try the donek out in good snow--maybe whistler will get late spring snow--if i like the way the skinny donek rides after an hour i'll buy it on the spot. can you wait that long to sell it as i don't like to buy it without giving it a good test as i'm not familiar with doneks.

Yup, I've got one of those Alps. Still have to compare it with the caped one I've got. You'd be 1st in line if I decided to sell it. To be honnest, I'm thinking of donating it to a Kids Camp instructor, h/booter wannabe.

Donek, well, havn't quite decided to sell it yet. As you said, I want to ride it in good snow too - only tried it on super hard pack so far... Just to give you some idea, it feels like your Silber on steroids, but harder to get out of the turn.

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Sorry to hear that accident. Make sure you get that foot dealt with the professionals and be ready again soon. We will miss you at Whistler if any, assuming the snow there doesn't get any thinner. Dave's (Roboteye) advise is excellent, slide your ass/chest board up in the air. I learned to do that early enough and so far have save me.

On the other hand, you can always drop by my office if you are in that neighborhood and have more of those really hot spicy:angryfire:angryfire stuff you like and make your foot heal faster..

By the way, you won't be alone. I just remembered, got a call from the doctor's office last Friday and my thyroid surgery:eek: is confirmed for Feb. 5th. They said it's a quick one but there must be some healing days, not sure how long, I will find out later.

So at Grouse, next Saturday will be completing Adult Snowboard clinic with my 7 beginner students. Just in time before the surgery. I also have Maya, George's daughter for a private lesson. I will be off teaching as well, but I have to check with the Doctor how soon I can come back teaching at least.

Sunday ride at Grouse with George and his wife Brenda on skis. I started early and met them later. The longest time for me this season from 0900 Hrs - 1530 Hrs with lunch break. Runs were groomed but really icy. Good thing I rode the UP 168 and have the Physics I got from Grock5(Goro) mounted. This is really a good set up. I was able to do some nice carves inspite of the icy condition with no wipe outs ( I was careful though). We even ventured at the terrain park for George's nice airs, while me and Brenda just found our ways on the sides and made some nice turns as the park is almost empty of jibbers due to hard icy conditions. I told George that if not for my upcoming surgery, I will also do some jumps with him. Not a good idea, could you imagine Ruwi having a double surgery instead of just one:smashfrea.

I will update you guys of my condition later.


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Roy,, I guess this is why Dave* is not an orthopedic surgeon ( " ahhh hell, you probably just tweaked the tendon"), I was impressed you weren't crying or carrying on to much considering in retrospect the damage, major league "Man" points for Roy.

Get well soon, to tell you the honest truth probably better bone than tendon/ligament it heals quicker. Drink yer milk and stay away from my devil juice , the soda pop, I think the carbonation destroys bone or so the rumor goes.

Make sure those boots are fitting perfectly when you get back at it, boot fit is not a guaranteed soln but will help a lot with prevention of these injuries.

Off Topic: Watch out for new Comp virus the "resycled\ntldr" it slid right past my 2009 Norton A/V . Dave is down to email from work right now.

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I visited Scooby last evening. He was in good spirit, hopping around house on one leg! We'll know more after his appointment with orthopedic surgeon, today.

I'll probably skip riding tonight - I've got sore throat. Whife and kid have even more serious colds, too.

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Dave*, thanks for the warning...

Bro, thx for nice cake I'd better slow down with all the sweets:1luvu: otherwise "I'll be really too short for my weight":eplus2:

Result today: Went to a closer to home hospital. Eventhough broken all the way in 2 places but all are still in the same place. No surgery need to be done not even a cast just the boots but will get second opinion tomorrow at the hospital I was taken in first time since already made the appoinment.

IT'S SNOWING....!!!!:o



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I broke my foot windsurfing a few years ago.

They made me wear an Aircast, which costs a couple of hundred bucks.

They might make you wear one too, and they look cool, with the robotic pneumatic pump. Plus you can put a Kessler sticker on it.

There are plenty of used Aircasts on Craigslist.

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Dave*, thanks for the warning...

Bro, thx for nice cake I'd better slow down with all the sweets:1luvu: otherwise "I'll be really too short for my weight":eplus2:

Result today: Went to a closer to home hospital. Eventhough broken all the way in 2 places but all are still in the same place. No surgery need to be done not even a cast just the boots but will get second opinion tomorrow at the hospital I was taken in first time since already made the appoinment.

IT'S SNOWING....!!!!:o



I'm heading up to Grouse tonight, I'll rip some trenches in your honor.


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nice night out at cypress tonight. there was fresh snow but just barely, jeez! had to use the overflow parking lot but lift lines were still pretty short. i kept seeing xy9ine from the chair. boris, i followed your advice and widened my stance and its waaaaay better wow what was i waiting for? i'd widen it more but its at the max.

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that was you in the beige, yes? though not perfect, the little bit of fresh was a nice change from the glare ice i've been riding lately. unfortunately we had run closures due to pipe maintenance (whatever that side of the mountain is called). the hike to the lot did indeed suck. i demand convenience!

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Took Monday & Tuesday off from riding. Was too tired, and had to do errands.

This morning (Wednesday) was soft pack hero cord.

Increased the angles by 2.5 degrees to 45 & 35. At first, it felt like crap. Then I noticed the boots weren't flexing forward enough. Either the forward lean angles were too much, or the cuff was too tight. After adjustments, it felt ok.

PGS is closed thanks to the two upcoming FIS world cup events (ski and snowboard). Halfpipe is closed (when is it ever open? What an embarrassment. If you like riding pipe, there are only 2 pipes serving the entire Lower Mainland, and both of them are always closed. Even Toronto has a choice of about 10 or 15 pipes, all in different sizes).

These events will probably give us a good indicator of how impossibly busy the Olympics will be. Perhaps a 2009/2010 Cypress pass is out of the question.

Met tele-bum. He was on fat rocker tele skis.

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Jan 31 2009

minus 2c

Abrasive hardpack, medium grippy,

Parking lot issues going to get worse with impending events, lots of construction on eagle side, PGS etc all closed off.

CO-Beagle out and about , no others seen

Run of the day Raven 1

Crappy surprise of the day, Rainbow/Horizon with all the sharp little rock shards on top third.

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One of my best days this year, as over-all experience!

Got up bright and early, exited to ride again after few days of sickness. Got lucky to get 1st row parking on arrival to the mountain.

I realised that snow was coming down very quickly, way more then forcasted. Left a new (to me) super skinny board in the car. I knew that Vampire would handle few cm of fresh with frozen under, but also ralised that these conditions will last for 2 hrs max, counting on quick snow accumulation.

I dodged the morning session (again) and hit the steeps of Raven. No signs of Dave. However I saw a single track that could have been done only by alpine board, on Raven 1. No 2 was ungroomed, No 3 just great - I carried on there for few runs. Thin fresh was deceiving with all the frozen stuff under. One had just to ignore it and ride the hard groom technique.

Switched over to the other side via Panorama. No other carvers on the Rainbow andd Midway, either.

Reported back for 10:30 lineup. I was allowed to show on hard boots, hoping for an alpine lesson that was kinda pre-scheduled. I turned into no-show, so I had another 2 hrs to play. As there was already too much fresh snow down, I switched to BXish board (left it there for Jessica to practice HBs). It was time to practice HB switch riding. 23.5 waist allowed me to go 45/35 angles and wider stance, with sweet soft flexing plates. It all clicked into place! Suddenly I could ride switch with style (well, almost ;) ) on greens, even on mini-moguls. Toe-side carve is coming together, while heel side will take some practice. No problems with sliding turns. I can do a blue, too, but in a bit less fluent manner. I guess I'm rady for CASI L2 h/booter way, now!

In the afternnon I had a guy signed up for 1 hr private. Total beginer, mid 30' to early 40' - strong athletic type. Bingo, I achieved the fastest progression ever - form basic mobility to linked beginner turns in 45 minutes! He loved it so much that he asked for another hr extension (best compliment an instructor could have, also meaning nice wages bonus later). By the end of the 2nd hr we were trying rudimental intermediate turns. He also expressed interest in learning h/boots (former skier)! Will definitelly come back for more privates with me. At the end he pulled few notes out (about 30$ or so) as a tip, which I politelly declined. I didn't need any better revard then coming back for h/b lesson!

From the chair lift, I watched a mom struggling with 2 kids on skis, the smaller ones constantly straightlining the hill and crushing. Few runs later I ended up with them on the chair. I suggested she skied in front of the kid asking him to chase her - get his fixation of the fall-line and into the turn. She loved the advice so much that she asked me if I waould take the kid on private ski lessons in future. Sure I would!

All of that with the snowboard under my feet...

Best mix-up of the day: The deputy ski-superwisor asked me if I was on schedule or off today :D I replied that I was on, snowboard teaching as usual, but that I could always jump in, if they needed help on the ski side of the things.


Just checked the web site - reported 25cm of fresh over night.

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Showed up for 9:00 chair with my Burton Vapor & soft boots, expecting ok pow conditions.

Instead, got 25cm of extreme North Shore Wet Cement. It was raining too, so goggles were useless.

Did three runs down groomed Rainbow. Off-piste, was crusty wet cement.

After 30 soggy minutes, went home. In fact, a lot of people called it quits.

I think tomorrow will be soft-pack hero corduroy. Good for the Prior 4WD. Forecast is for dryer conditions.

I will take my SLR camera for the Thursday, Friday, Saturday FIS World Cup (assuming the weather cooperates). If I see you guys on the hill, maybe we can do a photo shoot.

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i was up last night. despite random patches of ice under fresh, rainbow was good times. it was dumping heavily the whole time, so conditions improved through the night whilst people disappeared. given the dismal snow conditions we've had this year, i'm relatively non-discriminating. some nice huge features on the bx course - should be cool to see.

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Roy, I'm really sorry to hear about your accident. I was watching a world cup ski race on TV. Whoever was on course at the time crashed. The commentator talked about the possibility of injury if the racer tried to "save it" and get back up while they were still sliding.
I'll keep in mind, thx But if slide on toe side what do I do? I can bend backward but tht mean exposing both of my knee:confused:
sorry to hear about your injury ROY.

Doug, been on the slope yet? Don't keep yr NEW Silberpfeil too long in the basement!;)

2nd Opinion:

Basically same conclusion but give a better boots from "Aircast", not cheap but hold ankle way firmer("Too bad Cousin of Beagle" boots is smaller). Was asked to be back in 6 weeks but made booking in 4 weeks:rolleyes:. Can't let u guys have fun w/o me too long:nono:

thyroid surgery:eek: is confirmed for Feb. 5th

Ruwi, we will be back on the slope before season ends or Whistler! Good luck bud! Hey what about full report on the NEW Silberpfeil? Email sent.



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anyone know what cypress is like today? i'm thinking of dropping by for the nightshift.

the answer is ... not too bad. i saw one other hardbooter (red ski boots, extremely narrow stance) but he didn't seem too interested. also his friend was snowboarding with a single ski pole :0 so i didn't bother

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Quite unexpectedly, I ended up riding last night, from 7:30 to 10 pm...

Pretty solid base, somewhat rough after the day-time crowd.

Shrubs and rocks showing through on steep pitches - we need another snowfall.

Speedtrials, I saw you on Collins, while I rode Midway. Just couldn't get into right sequence to meet you at the merger. Saw the single pole guy too - funny.

I tested 2 boards. Shorty old super skinny GS Tropical Tube 168 and Roy's new ElDiablo 165. Managed to set the satance width wrong on both. To narrow on TT, due to a bad insert, and slightly too wide on Diablo - tought that I'd like it that way.

TT is an interesting board, short, soft and skinny, feel weird with long GS scr. However, it has great edge hold and lively pop of the tail. High angles gave me super solid feeling on the heel side, but felt wrong on toe side. Got some quad burn from wrong stance width (and lack of hydration during the office hours, gotta drink less coffee) and switched to ElDiablo.

Diablo is a super nice freeride/carve/bx stick. It's stiffer then it looks (or that was wide stance?). Compared to other AM boards, it's a bit livelier then 4WD and damper then my Stuf BXer. Kinda similar to Volkl Cross, but narrower. Doesn't chatter and has very good edge hold (for the length). Rode it with 45/37 angles and still could stick decent heel side with that. Easy to ride switch, too - worked on that at the end of the evening, at the Easyrider. Didn't take it into serious bumps, as the rocks and shrubs are showing through on the steeps. I believe it would be great. Nice big nose and almost 23 waist makes me think it would be nice in pow too.

Verdict: want one - new version, Vantage, should be hoot with the new titanal construction!

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