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Cypress Diaries, 2008-09


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Hello from Cypress Mountain, Vancouver's "big mountain"!

We had a very limited opening yesterday - only the Easy Rider / bunny hill.

Today was the first real day of the season, but still only Eagle Chair, accessing Panorama, Fork, PGS, and Windjammer. It dumped a lot over past 2 days and carried on thru lunch time, to clear in the afternoon. Temps from -4 to -6. New snow-making gear was at the full blast too. Still an od small rock showing here and there...

Conditions were mixed on steeper stuff - soft groom, with fresh, with some ice/hard groom from previous rainy days showing through. On flatter runs it was mostly nice soft groom, bumping up a bit later on. Crowd got big in the afternoon.

From the regular crew: Roy, Dave, Boris, accompanied with Dave's softbooting (to be converted soon) friend Tony. Weapons of the day were AM/BX/freeride boards, still with H/boots.

I rode a crazy board today - Steepwater Steep 172. It looks like a slightly narrower freeride board but has the flex of an alpine board, with a big soft showel, combined with 11.5m scr. It's a carving beast, that doesn't get stuck in softer stuff or bumps. However, you have to really commit and hammer on it to initiate at lower speeds. Feels stiffer the many of my alpine boards. It's not bothered by thre irregularities in snow, bumps, etc, as long as you keep it on the edge. Fun.

I'll have to ride it with a same setup back to back with Tanker, to decide which was the better carver.

In the morning, as we walked from tickets' counters, I got approached by our Deputy Director and informed that there's a request for private hard boot lessons and I should inform the school on my availabillity. It seems that we finally reached the critical mass. Right on!

Stay tuned for regular reports.


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All of the mentioned runs are illuminted.

There was an odd rock here and there. As it is very cold and they are blasting the snow guns, it should be hero groom by Wednesday nigh.

Weather Network was calling for more snow on Weddnesday, but that seems to be canceled now untill Sat/Sun. Sunday might turn into a big pow day.

Lions Express (Sunrise) Chair has opened toady too. Access to Colins (green) only.

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The Dec 15 2008 update

Bluebird Skies, no natural new snow, about minus 8 c

Eagle Chair with Panorama and PGS open, they had snow making going great guns, made for some very wacky sections of decent groom to dust on groom to icy sections with a nasty rust color to them ( methinks some water purging going on) , to a 6 foot mound of snow leading into the entrance of Panorama corner. The snowmaking crews must be happy with this cold weather.

Lions chair had Collins buffed up nicely ( only "open" run) , no snowmaking over there so consistent groom. Lots of kids poaching the rainbow/upper bowen powder but they must have left some huge chunks of Ptex behind on the under layer of rocks.

Very few people on hill, tried out the new "hollywood" parking by the new lodge, super convenient access to either side now and getting back to truck.

Some of the usual suspects ,, Pierre playing hooky from work with the swoard and Tony on his jibber gear again.

179 4x4 today, might try busting an old beater factory prime out for tomorrow.


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Cypress Mountain, Vancouver's "big mountain"!

Deputy Director informed that there's a request for private hard boot lessons. It seems that we finally reached the critical mass. Right on!


Congrat, Bro...!!!:biggthump

One step at the time....First official booking for official HARD BOOT student! (Well you have already unofficial student, I guess me...:rolleyes:).

"Sarita" is gear up: Stuff Accelarator-144, Burton Wind and Burton binding, she'll be riding this weekend.



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Keep on coming Brothers,

At the moment I'm still tuning up my legs/body. Have been really lazy all summer and now I have to pay the price. Rode Sunday morning @grouse ended up quitting after 4 runs at the cut. Only 2 lifts opened, the Eagle and the New Green way learner's quad chair. Wasn't really feeling well all weekend and now having flu like symptoms, throat is itchy and painful. Still working as I have to finish my year end projects.

I have a ski card at Cypress so I will be joining you sometime for sure. Teaching only on Saturdays @grouse so Sundays are for fun(:


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Dave* and I rode this morning - it was great to be back on the hill sliding, I tell ya.

I started bright and early at 0900- the Daveytrain met up with me at around 1015- no crowds to speak of- the PGS course was well packed, there are only half a dozen spots where you could end up with a core shot.

The Daveytrain was on a Prior 170ish 4WD, and I was riding my trusty 164 Oxygen Proton- until the snowpack gets more packed down and thicker, I don't want to risk gouging my

"A Game" decks so early in the season...

My technique is fine- my alpine legs however, are not. Cycling and climbing all summer helped a bit, but my legs still feel like they had a workout.

The new base lodge is HUGE- I didn't get inside because I was focused on hitting the slopes, but damn!

All those press folks will have a grand old time broadcasting from there when the Olympics hit Cypress in February 2010.


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I'll be there, feeling better now, taking lots of Buckley, Fisherman lozenges and best of all, munching fresh ginger. Got to try my Black Beauty 4WD. My office mate Richard will be riding tonight Wed at Cypress. I told him to talk to you guys if he sees a gang of crazy hardbooters on the hill. He is keen in trying the alpines. A seasoned softbooter. I lend him last time my 4WD and he likes it with his old ski boots.

cheers, ruwi

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NITE RIDIN Gentlemen For Tuesday nite?

Confirm: BlueB, CarvingScooby, Ruwi:biggthump,I'm sure Dave*,who else...?

Ola Mr.Roboteye what about Cypress :1luvu:this season...

Friday will be my last day for this year away from:AR15firin paper work YIHAA!!!:DAnd ridin every day (xcept Monday mayb..)



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Well, don't hold your breath hoping to see me. I will make it out one day this year to see you all though. This coming Saturday is looking like it will be an epic carving day at Whistler. Partly sunny Thursday, sunny Friday, so the snow will be groomer and skier packed for two days with no new snow. I'll probably decide last minute.


Dave R.

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The Last Night Report.

Got up there around 1700 hrs just as it stopped snowing, the usual cold with about 15cms accum from the day.

Good firm smooth underbase with the usual hummocks of soft pack mashed potatoes on top. Tip er up on edge and plow on thru.

The Todays Report.

Cold, about minus 10c, mix of sun and cloud, that 15 cms of new from yesterday got mulched into some seriously nice hero cord ( okay a couple little soft patches near the edge) , the left hip of my pants is pretty much burned thru now, minimal people, no new terrain open, off piste still sketchy.

Rode with Rod the soft booter for the morning, he is a bit harder to recognize, new helmet color. He is digging his new Bananna Tech/Magnetrac Libtech board, didnt look overly stable at speed though.


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Hey, hey, we've got a guest from Montreal!

Don't know if anyone goes from downtown, Dave maybe?

I'm going from the Eastern suburbs, like few other carvers. I'll be crossing to North Shore at 2nd Narrows Bridge. Could pick you up at Boundary and E Hastings if that's on your way at all. Or cross with the Sea Bus and I'll get you on the Lonsdale Quey.

Have the pow board ready!


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Hey, hey, we've got a guest from Montreal!

Don't know if anyone goes from downtown, Dave maybe?

I'm going from the Eastern suburbs, like few other carvers. I'll be crossing to North Shore at 2nd Narrows Bridge. Could pick you up at Boundary and E Hastings if that's on your way at all. Or cross with the Sea Bus and I'll get you on the Lonsdale Quey.

Have the pow board ready!


And I already have 2 softbooty in my truck (try to brain was them into HB :eplus2:)...anyone else?

do any of you head to Cypress from downtown ? I'm looking to see if there are any car-pools around before I look at other arrangements.

I'm aiming to head out on Sunday.

Bartron, you can let us know your email..



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Thanks for the offer guys !

Ends up, the Cypress shuttle bus stops at 08:00 2 blocks away from where I'm staying. How's that for luck.

I'm not so lucky on the way back, though, since it only leaves for downtown at 20:15. I guess they're trying to avoid traffic, or are making some assumptions about the lifestyles of those who live downtown. :lol:

So I'll be there Sunday, but I'll be in my softies trying out my new freeride board -- yeah, it's a Prior too.

I'll be talking to anyone in hardboots, so if you got'em you'll be hearing from me.

If the conditions are good, I'll bring my hardboots next time.


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Ouch, between showeling the snow in the driveway, cutting the overgrown trees and hedge bordering the street, work and riding, I almost forgot to do my usual b-log here... Here it goes:

Sunday - snow chaos in the city. Messy rodes led to lesser crowd at the hill, in despite of the fresh snow. There was less pow then expected after heavy snowfall in the city, but still great. Didn't get any 1st tracks as I got stuck with instructor training sessions, jacket sign up, etc... My scheduled hardboot private lesson didn't show up...

When I finaly put h/boots on and went for some freeriding, majority of "our" guys were gone. However, I caught up with Roy and we proceeded to happily shred the bumpy afternoon conditions. Roy enjoyed his Tanker 192 (first ride). Looked very good on it.

My ride was the Steepwater, again. Totally love the board. I guess it could be a bit longer for more fore/aft stabillity, but it would loose some of the manouvrabillity when you want to doo something different then a carve. Feels stupid fast for a freeride board. I think it's that 11.5m scr in the work...

When Roy left, I teamed up with few instructors for few runs. Ond of the girls spoted my forward stance and commented "Wow, I have to try that sometimes". Sure enough, I offered a spare girly alpine set to lend. By the time we finished the run she should have been totally convinced ;) I'll bring the loaner set and we'll see what happens...

Next ride is tomorrow evening!

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Hmmmm, I keap on running late with my reports...

Wet snow kept comming down, well compacted by tons of people. Very fast surface. Some ice patches showing through, some rocks too. Both Roy and myself made few sparks by carving over hidden rock or two.

Roy played with Tanker, while I was on Nyberg 182. Quite a machine I must say. I's way stiffer then I expected, at least for what I wanted it for... One can not be lazy on it. Requires hard driving and quite a bit of nose loading. Rides more like a fat GS board then an AM board, at least for my weight. Cross-over with diving onto the nose worked better then my usual cross-under / cross-through. Very fun pop of the tail when wanted.

Lower midway had untouched hero groom, but upper part still had few nasty rocks... Panorama was plain dangerous with mixed conditions and lot of out of controll beginners around. Found some out of control newb on PGS run, to avoid hitting him i broke my carve into a skid. Once of the edge in the last 1/3 of my carve, I couldn't re-set it and carried sliding almost to the bottom of the steepest part.

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What's better then Cristmas in the mountains? How about this:

Blue bird day, 1' of fresh, 2 runs with firs't tracks, 3 runs through chop and bumps on the steeps, hop onto carving board and destroy herro groom up to noon, home for Cristmas lunch with familly by 12:30.

Troughlly unbeliwable day! One could literraly pick the conditions to ride in.

I started the day on Steepwater and plates, to see how it performed in real pow and chop. Wonderfull board - one can ride it in pow without changing the stance from the normal carving one and without loading the back foot - just centered. Big nose just kept coming up. Maybe not quite like 4807, but it's not a fair comparisment... Later as terrein chopped and bumped up, I procedded to ride the bumps. It really shined it that - as aeasy as 3800, but maybe more aggile due to narrower waist. A tad stif maybe. As my confidence grew, I started to ride it more aggressively to the nose, just to see how far it can be pushed. I found out in an "ouch!" way - nose finally dag into a deaper spot after a bump and I did a full front flip :D Nothing hurt except my self-confidence...

I switched onto Nyberg for the rest of the day, as the Midway and PGS both have been perfectly groomed, Midway almost untouched. Board shined in these conditions. Now it was easy to dive onto the nose and bend it in tight arc, some gratis pop in the transitons included. It has relativelly small sweet spot for such a big board, but when you ride it right reward is great. I can not fully load it right after the edge change, but for someone at about 200lbs it could make a great EC board! I probably can EC it on a black diamond. That would have to wait for the Rainbow to have nice groom.

On the side note, I noticed a new anchor pillar for the winch-cat on top of Rainbow. That means more often groomed steep wide pitch that we all like so much!

Roy couldn't come with me - he tweaked his back shoveling the snow while while waiting for me that morning. Couldn't find any of the other usual suspects... Company was the only missing link for a perfect morning...

My next ride Sun 28. Teaching day, but should have few hours off. Pow on forcast. Pow on forcast for next 10 days, to be precise...

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