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Cypress Diaries, 2008-09


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Hey Doug! Back from Europe?

Thanks for the videos - you are a great source. Sure, I can pull the clip out and forward it.

You still could have the 1st dibs on the crazy narrow stiff Donek, if I decided not to keep it... Btw, care to ride with us tomorrow night? I could bring it for you to have a spin.

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Whoa, Bomberites take over the Cypress Mountain! Well, almost... ;)

Roy (CarvingScooby) and myself started at about 6:30, and few runs later we found Speedtrials with a buddy and carried on with them. Later on, xy9ine found us and had brief chat. Rode with us only the last run, but we saw him from the chair lift few times.

No signs of the others... Where are you Dave?

Telebum didn't show up for scheduled binding setup... Not available on the cellphone either...

Conditions were below 0, clear skies, "sugarr on ice", relativelly poor grooming (or just ungroomed from Sunday), very small crowd.

We could have called this a Kessler night out, too, as Roy broke out his 162 and I stepped for the 1st time on the big bad 185! Roy pulled of some of the best carves I've seen from him so far. He's trying to ride that 162 "too big", probably influenced by watching the 185 in action, but still railed.

As for the KST 185, whow, quite a beast. It probably hasn't got it's place at Cypress at all, except on semi-deserted nights like yesterday. It will be a blast at Whistler! It worked the best on our PGS run (surprise, surprise? ;) ) Rode it with TD2s and suspension kit, no fancy plates under. Here's what I found about the board:

1) It's way stiffer then the impression I had from reading about Kesslers (or maybe the WC rider I bought it from ordered it like that)

2) Hard to ride on flatter runs / low speed / narrow trail

3) Comes alive on streeper, wider pitches

4) Very stable but without locked-in feeling.

5) Very easy to get out of the carve, to the point that I was a bit unconfortable at first

6) Initiates effortlessly

7) Rides the best with cross-over - high in the transition, feather if you want, then sink very low into the board through the carve, i.e. race style

8) Not suitable for EC (almost knocked my shins off)

9) Doesn't like the hessitations - you have to go for it

10) Dosn't like to be ridden on the nose - the tail will start wandering around

11) Rebound from the tail when wanted

12) Contrary to few opinions on BOL, it will hold the carve to 180, or even further uphill when wanated, you just need sapce to do it

13) Very fast (scary fast)

14) Great ice grip

15) No more vibration absorbtion then metal Virus or metal Prior. I guess that part comes more from the Hangle/Vist plates.

Verdict: Not your day to day carver - BIG GUN for big days at wide open steeper runs. I totally see why racers love these.

My next outing: Saturday, another ski lesson for my baby son. Teaching/riding on Sunday.

More snow is on forecast, very slight chance for the weekend. We need it badly.

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great to see more hb'ers on the hill. bb was ripping some sweet laid out turns on the big kessler. definitely inspirational as well as educational. i'm starting to wrap my head around clean carved turns - slowly unlearning my well ingrained tendency to do short radius j-turns down the fall line & using more angulation & riding a clean edge. really surprising the lateral speed / g's you can generate in a carve. i'm ending up on my ass lots, but having a great time. though i've been boarding for over a couple decades, this is like a new sport - good times. cheers, guys!

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"Where are you Dave? "

1) two weekends ago, the biggest 3D archery shoot of the year for the province at the agrifair in abbotsford, only rolls around once a year , so had to hit it, did not bad placed in the top 30 out of about 150 in my equipment division, some good shooters from the hinterlands of BC I tell you. 1st/2nd and 3rd was determined by a 7 person shoot off, those seven guys shot perfect rounds to get to that point.

2) New Job, 400 projects, timelines on all, and everbody wants a chunk of me. What the hell was I thinking?

3) The Flu, Dave* has had the worst flu/pneumonia of his life since about 1990 for the past six days. Boys if you see somebody sniffling or looking not healthy make the sign of the cross/devil horns/poke em in the eye with a sharp stick ,, do whatever but keep your distance,, this flu bug is a killer,

Still not 100% yet but feeling a bit better yest and today. Hoping to ride over the weekend.

Other matters , an old co worker of mine wants to get on the HBs, will be setting him up on the loaner stuff next few weeks to try it out. Decent soft booter so should be along the same learning curve as Cousin of Beagle.

Thats The news from the world of Dave*

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Been carving on the new Prior 4wd, F2 Race Titanium, UPZ for about 8 times now.

Still on 40/ 30 degrees.

Today I tried the first click riding position on my boots. Previously I've been riding on the "walk mode." Seems ok. Also tried tighter upper two buckles on the boots (boots have 5 buckles), resulting in more control.

Mostly I ride Collins & Panorama. Tried PGS, but didn't like skidding upside down on my back, and getting snow down my pants.

Haven't been on Sky chair. I've been on Raven, but only on the pow days (and also with my Burton Vapor/ C60/ Salomon Synapse combo).

It's been super warm for over a week. Blazing sun every day. I only wear a t-shirt, and even then it's still too warm.

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3) The Flu, Dave* has had the worst flu/pneumonia of his life since about 1990 for the past six days. Boys if you see somebody sniffling or looking not healthy make the sign of the cross/devil horns/poke em in the eye with a sharp stick ,, do whatever but keep your distance,, this flu bug is a killer,

Still not 100% yet but feeling a bit better yest and today. Hoping to ride over the weekend.



I have felt like the south end of a northbound horse for the last four or five days. (yellow lung butter, sinus cement, can't hear anything, plugged ears) I finally turned the corner yesterday, and feel better now. A few more days and I'll be back to normal.


Dave R.

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3) The Flu, Dave* has had the worst flu/pneumonia of his life since about 1990 for the past six days.

Ouch, man! Sounds like the stuff I had on-off whole of the last winter and this fall. Get well soon.

Well done on your archery! I have to resist temptation to join you next spring, but I'll hook up my crazy dad with you when he came from Euope next.

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Another carving day. Oxygen Proton 172 still rock! Plan to switch early but stay with this sticks for 2 days instead.

Nite ride start on Elan Ballistic 162. Front Angle change a view times and sticks to 65/55. Even with my 200 lbs this board stiff plank board bends easier but with hard turn (still with skids) all runs my legs will give up too soon.

The KST 162 is way easier to handle and ride. :biggthump

Bro, nice detail write up on Kessler. I think I'll start search for a 170ish "Hammer Head" but not more then 175. Plan to let it go the Metal WCR 177.:o

Dave* good to hear you back...c ya this weekend :smashfrea?? Need horse vitamin :eplus2:

Tenorman welcome back, will see you this weekend too? New Silberpfeil?;)

speedtrials , xy9ine nice riding with you guys hope u guys can make it this weekend.


Paging: Mr.Tele-bum :confused:




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The Jan 23rd Report

Got up early to bluebird skies, about minus 5 at parking lot at 0845 , warming to about minus 1 C by 1230.

Some hero hardpack corduroy with some lines of cord I have never seen over on eagle chair bottom half.

Bumped into Rod the softbooter right off the bat, made some fast laps for an hour over on PGS, easy to tell where I had been by the snot trail left behind in my wake.

Legs ran out of gas by 1000 hrs , apparently two weeks off riding with 8 days of flu and no eating can decondition you quite quickly, so had a quick coffee break, then bumped into Beagle, ran a few laps with him before quitting time at 1230, he is improving rapidly. Treading carefully the last 1/2 hour in high traffic areas due to skidders polishing down to the underice layer.

Its amazing how quickly the snow pack is deteriorating , bare spots and cut banks exposed that I was not expecting this early.

Off piste had a decidedly "scrapy" sound to it, I didnt even try.

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Got some pointers from Dave*. Made sure my shoulders are in the right place, which increased the power by about 50%. Can now carve heelside left around the Panorama bend (which branches off to Raven) for the first time.

Also increased binding angles by 2.5 degrees. So now 42.5, 32.5. Feels ok.

This morning Eagle chair opened at 8:20. Got virgin soft corduroy on Panorama. Not even the ski patrol had been on it. On the 2nd run, I could still see my lines. By about 9:45, the snow was a little crusty.

Left at 10:15.

By the way, I am not the Beagle. Beagle is someone else. However, I am Beagle's Cousin. I am the Cousin (of Beagle).

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Another ski outing with my 26 mnts old ripper ;) As usual, we were limited to the Kinder Garden, dad skiing backwards, Luka following. No stopping yet, but a very ruddimentary sign of turning was there today. Fun.

We saw Dave on his way out, had a brief chat and he was kind to take few pics of us.

I spoted a guy walking past with his familly and carying a green Burton (Ultraprime ?). I think that I saw him on the chairlift other day too... Anyone knows him?


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Saturday took rest from the slope...

Sunday Start early 8AM landed in main parking lot. Decided took Kessler 162. Met Dave* and Cousin of Beagle. BlueB on the way to join. Decide to take Eagle chair. Have to wait for 15 min before patrol go head. Clear blue sky temp around 5C. What cud be better knowing can carve on nice day and the pro's around BlueB & Dave*

Nice smooth sugar silky groomed corduroy on Fork & PGS, first run seems slicing the philladelphia cheese with hot knife, and able to lay low on both heel & toe. Saw the result with Dave* from the chair and decided to make smaller radius.

2nd run board able to hold on tighter turn and maintain same velocity, 1- 2 times tail loose and keep close to ground on each turn.

Suggestion from BlueB after seeing several times on this baby Kessler to stop searching and stick to this KST - no argue on that:ices_ange!!

3 run Take upper fork and connect to Lower PGS, saw these two "softboot" instructor sitting in the middle of lower PGS run and decide taking from their left, made big wide toe turn lay low, contour change a bit steep, board still hold edge but half way turn bord start jibbers and lost grip, slide down & try to recover while slide down, suddenly nose got the grip and wants to finish the turn going up but tail don't get the grip and went down instead paralel with slope. Rear leg streched to max down nose up push front knee all the way up to chest and decided to pull rear leg to get the grip and that POP :eek:sound came from rear leg and the rest was history.

Still manage walk to parking lot, I guess boots:biggthump hold everything firm inside and made it to hospital.

Xray & CT Scan reveal Tibia on Medial Malleolus (inner right ankle) broke in 2 places (3 parts). I guess the twist & pressure when try to recover & pull the leg up snap this section...:angryfire

Need to consult to surgeon on Wed if surgery needed. Well @ least six week need to recover and bla3x so might be my 08/09 season ends here:freak3:. But will see...:eplus2:

Have fun guys and enjoy the snow for me...




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Oh man Roy, THAT SUCKS!

I had a similar thing happen to me during a boardercross race fifteen years ago.

I came out of a hole shot in the air but WAY off balance, and then landed badly from the back seat- heard the "SNAP" of my right ankle just like you described and then felt enough pain in my foot and ankle that I threw up after crashing.

I didn't have to have surgery, but my right ankle was f**ked for the next two seasons- I was off of my snowboard for 6 weeks, and then I had pain for the next four months.

Only some heavy duty physiotherapy, swimming, and acupuncture were able to get my ankle back to spec - but it took over two years for it to sort itself out.

Good luck on the recovery- drop me a line of you want referrals for physio and accupuncture.

yer pal,


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Will do? Did u go this morn? I left the scene around 930 ish



no. i'm primarily night patrol, unfortunately. one day i'd like to experience 'hero cord' (or any freshly groomed slope for that matter).

hope you can get back on the hill before season end; drink your milk!

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no. i'm primarily night patrol, unfortunately. one day i'd like to experience 'hero cord' (or any freshly groomed slope for that matter).

hope you can get back on the hill before season end; drink your milk!

Man o man U miss that butter cheese this morning on PGS. Other run was not as good (info BlueB). My self never had this experience in my 2 other seasons...



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Roy, I'm really sorry to hear about your accident. Many, many years ago I was watching a world cup ski race on TV. Whoever was on course at the time crashed. The commentator talked about the possibility of injury if the racer tried to "save it" and get back up while they were still sliding. That always stuck in my head, and when I started snowboarding I just kept doing the same thing. If I crashed, I just lifted my board off the snow and slid on my ass or my tits until I stopped. I don't have to tell you since you know already, but if just a couple of people read this and learn something then it's better for everyone right?

good luck and a speedy recovery,

Dave R.

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Saturday took rest from the slope...

Sunday Start early 8AM landed in main parking lot. Decided took Kessler 162. Met Dave* and Cousin of Beagle. BlueB on the way to join. Decide to take Eagle chair. Have to wait for 15 min before patrol go head. Clear blue sky temp around 5C. What cud be better knowing can carve on nice day and the pro's around BlueB & Dave*

Nice smooth sugar silky groomed corduroy on Fork & PGS, first run seems slicing the philladelphia cheese with hot knife, and able to lay low on both heel & toe. Saw the result with Dave* from the chair and decided to make smaller radius.

2nd run board able to hold on tighter turn and maintain same velocity, 1- 2 times tail loose and keep close to ground on each turn.

Suggestion from BlueB after seeing several times on this baby Kessler to stop searching and stick to this KST - no argue on that:ices_ange!!

3 run Take upper fork and connect to Lower PGS, saw these two "softboot" instructor sitting in the middle of lower PGS run and decide taking from their left, made big wide toe turn lay low, contour change a bit steep, board still hold edge but half way turn bord start jibbers and lost grip, slide down & try to recover while slide down, suddenly nose got the grip and wants to finish the turn going up but tail don't get the grip and went down instead paralel with slope. Rear leg streched to max down nose up push front knee all the way up to chest and decided to pull rear leg to get the grip and that POP :eek:sound came from rear leg and the rest was history.

Still manage walk to parking lot, I guess boots:biggthump hold everything firm inside and made it to hospital.

Xray & CT Scan reveal Tibia on Medial Malleolus (inner right ankle) broke in 2 places (3 parts). I guess the twist & pressure when try to recover & pull the leg up snap this section...:angryfire

Need to consult to surgeon on Wed if surgery needed. Well @ least six week need to recover and bla3x so might be my 08/09 season ends here:freak3:. But will see...:eplus2:

Have fun guys and enjoy the snow for me...



sorry to hear about your injury ROY. listen to DAVE R's advice to slide and try to relax (don't tense up.) a lot of times you get lucky and don't hit anything hard like a lift tower. hope to see you on snow in the late spring season up at whistler.

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I spoted a guy walking past with his familly and carying a green Burton (Ultraprime ?). I think that I saw him on the chairlift other day too... Anyone knows him?


2000 ultraprime 168 with bomber step-in td2s and blax boots? about my age with gray hair about 6'2", about 220 lbs and wears a briko helmet--right? if it is then i think he's a season passholder up at grouse. he's always with his family so i don't want to monopolize his time but we say hello to each other and i've carved the odd run with him. i think he's one of a crew of about a dozen around the city that carves but chooses not to participate on bomberonline anymore.

do you want me to give him your email address or number?

btw he rides a sims burner in the mornings before switching to the ultraprime in the afternoons.

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Speedy recovery Bro!

If they offered the screw option, you should go for it - quicker recovery and les physio... Can you imagine the performance - titanal under your feet and titanium in your feet!?

I'll try to come see you tomorrow.

For those who don't know Roy - he's a kind of guy who walks away with a broken ankle and drives himself to the hospital and still laughs while talking to the doctor. We'll still see him ride this spring!

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2000 ultraprime 168 with bomber step-in td2s and blax boots? about my age with gray hair about 6'2", about 220 lbs and wears a briko helmet--right? if it is then i think he's a season passholder up at grouse. he's always with his family so i don't want to monopolize his time but we say hello to each other and i've carved the odd run with him. i think he's one of a crew of about a dozen around the city that carves but chooses not to participate on bomberonline anymore.

do you want me to give him your email address or number?

Hmm, couldn't quite see the details - too busy instructing my little ripper... However, almost sure he didn't have TD2s... Probably no point bothering the guy on the email. I saw him twice already - I'll hunt him down on the slopes next time...

Come ride with us this Tuesday night? Might be a pow day, though...

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