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Had a good time riding with all of you guys too, as always! I'm just glad :) there are some other Hardbooters in the area to ride with and learn from or I would have 'packed it in' by now. Reading everything under the sun often does nothing but confuse me (not hard to do) but seeing IS believing to me. I'm a "Show Me" kind of guy!

Joe, I know I've read it at least 20 times, 'pinching the pencil' but never really 'got it' :freak3:. A simple jab in the right spot got me to 'thinking' about it and starting to 'apply' it. I can feel the difference, it is helping. It's something for me to work on every day, along with Greg's suggestion on tightening up the turns and commiting from edge to edge sooner.

Also believe I figured out something else major. I call it the 'Sausage Effect', but won't get into it here :eek:. Has something to do with being comfortable while riding, it's hard to hold you breath for 3 hours because your clothing is too tight (guess they shrunk, sitting around not being used for 3 years) :D.

Glenn, Friday the 13th sounds like a good day for an assault on Razors. Seriously, think about this. You are by far a better rider than I, and I can do Razors. I'm not saying I do it like it 'should' be done, but I get down it and in one piece, and have fun doing it. I do it because it 'forces' me to get with it. That's why I liked running gates, and tree skiing out west when I skiied. It forced me to make turns "when I had to", not just 'whenever', it's a dicipline. (Ask me about tree skiing out west next time we meet, looong story, but true and applicable). When the snow is nice, Razor is probably the nicest trail there, you have the ability, and we (and Ian) wouldn't steer you wrong. I'll bet a few easy runs down it when the snow is nice and you'll be 'digging it' ! If you have no desire to ride it, that's fine. One thing I have learned in life no matter what it is you do, you have to 'want to do it', so I would never push anyone to do anything they don't want to do. But I do know, you have the ability, and believe it would quickly become one of your favorites.

Just have to get there early, or find a day when a certain someone can't make it. He tears the $hit out of that thing :biggthump, I can't even imagine when he and JBS are there together!

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Had a good time riding with all of you guys too, as always! I'm just glad :) there are some other Hardbooters in the area to ride with and learn from or I would have 'packed it in' by now. Reading everything under the sun often does nothing but confuse me (not hard to do) but seeing IS believing to me. I'm a "Show Me" kind of guy!

Joe, I know I've read it at least 20 times, 'pinching the pencil' but never really 'got it' :freak3:. A simple jab in the right spot got me to 'thinking' about it and starting to 'apply' it. I can feel the difference, it is helping. It's something for me to work on every day, along with Greg's suggestion on tightening up the turns and commiting from edge to edge sooner.

Also believe I figured out something else major. I call it the 'Sausage Effect', but won't get into it here :eek:. Has something to do with being comfortable while riding, it's hard to hold you breath for 3 hours because your clothing is too tight (guess they shrunk, sitting around not being used for 3 years) :D.

Glenn, Friday the 13th sounds like a good day for an assault on Razors. Seriously, think about this. You are by far a better rider than I, and I can do Razors. I'm not saying I do it like it 'should' be done, but I get down it and in one piece, and have fun doing it. I do it because it 'forces' me to get with it. That's why I liked running gates, and tree skiing out west when I skiied. It forced me to make turns "when I had to", not just 'whenever', it's a dicipline. (Ask me about tree skiing out west next time we meet, looong story, but true and applicable). When the snow is nice, Razor is probably the nicest trail there, you have the ability, and we (and Ian) wouldn't steer you wrong. I'll bet a few easy runs down it when the snow is nice and you'll be 'digging it' ! If you have no desire to ride it, that's fine. One thing I have learned in life no matter what it is you do, you have to 'want to do it', so I would never push anyone to do anything they don't want to do. But I do know, you have the ability, and believe it would quickly become one of your favorites.

Just have to get there early, or find a day when a certain someone can't make it. He tears the $hit out of that thing :biggthump, I can't even imagine when he and JBS are there together!

HATE BOTH OF THEM!!!:eplus2: AND don't even know Jesse!

Oh, might try Razors one of these times. Every time I think I might try, I think of how miserably I handled it the last few times I attempted.

Maybe if I buy some new equipment...H-m-m-m-m...

Oh, speaking of how poorly I ride, did you save that vid on your personal electronic device Gregg? :barf: Would like to take a look in less stark conditions so I could analyze my complete failure as a human being:p

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BOO Hoo Hoo, it's the Blue Mountain Pitty Poo Club. Someone call tha Whan-mbulance. Woo Woo Woo!

I dont know if I can make it out this weekend. Having a major episode of angio edema since Wednesday. Most joints are seized with notable swelling and fluid in the joints. Heading to allergist today. He might roid me up,s o I might make Sunday, otherwise, I feel like how John and Glenn pretend to be.;) If he does I might eb throwing down some super trenches in my purple pants and green skin or maybe wear my Giants baseball jersey with my supersized head.


I will try and get the vid to you today. Does your inbox have any size limits? Send me a PM so I have your personal email. On the vid, it gives an excellent perspective on your hand placement. Instead out as shown in the video (hula dancing) they should be "Staying Alive" It. Get your disco on, you bell bottom wearing, polyester sporting, high heel, disco clubbing mofo a$$ and get those hands down.:D


tighter turns in your looser pants.


Forgot yo tell you that someone inquired if glenn was you the other day:barf:

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Man!.... you guys need to settle down. You're having way too much fun without me. At least someone is able to make some turns when I'm stuck in the office.

I will be out Saturday, but will not be able to make it out Sunday. Which is for the best since I will need to rest the legs for next week. I can hardly keep myself from skipping around the office every time I think about SES. :D

If I don't see you Saturday, it might be a couple of weeks.

Jesse (Glenn's clone)

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BOO Hoo Hoo, it's the Blue Mountain Pitty Poo Club. Someone call tha Whan-mbulance. Woo Woo Woo!

I dont know if I can make it out this weekend. Having a major episode of angio edema since Wednesday. Most joints are seized with notable swelling and fluid in the joints. Heading to allergist today. He might roid me up,s o I might make Sunday, otherwise, I feel like how John and Glenn pretend to be.;) If he does I might eb throwing down some super trenches in my purple pants and green skin or maybe wear my Giants baseball jersey with my supersized head.


I will try and get the vid to you today. Does your inbox have any size limits? Send me a PM so I have your personal email. On the vid, it gives an excellent perspective on your hand placement. Instead out as shown in the video (hula dancing) they should be "Staying Alive" It. Get your disco on, you bell bottom wearing, polyester sporting, high heel, disco clubbing mofo a$$ and get those hands down.:D


tighter turns in your looser pants.


Forgot yo tell you that someone inquired if glenn was you the other day:barf:

That's what I like about you Gregg subtle but encouraging...You should go into support counciling for smoking cessation...You'd be great at that ;).

Is that true about the endema? Sometimes a little difficult to tell humor from sincerity...If so hope everything goes o.k.

I'll send PM with email address...Glenn thinking GOLD CHAINS, GOLD CHAINS...OPEN SHIRT... :cool:

Jesse...O.K., so I'm envious...I'm off that week but didn't pull the trigger :( Guess it's too late now...Dumb a$$!

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Cafer on a nice heelside. I think he would make it limbo under that big ole man rig he drives. Sounded like a b52 bomber leaving the lot the other day.

And of course our spotting of man pelt, this deserves it own thread, key an eye out.

Id post other pics but I only took vids of Gleen and John. I will see what I can come up with


I dont joke about this edema thing, here is what it looks like when expressed thru my lips (why cant it be another body part my wife always ask);). Current episode is joint pain and swelling no lips this time. Go ahead laugh, there are plenty of other jokesters ahead of you.

You can see why the kid on the flight from Vegas to Chicago was nearly in tears when I woke up at the end of the flight on my first episode. I guess this is why I dont let things embarass me anymore. Sit in the Chicago airport for a 3 hour layover trying to eat the #4 from Quiznos at thegate with this set of tires on your face and see how embarassed you get about your riding ability, quit belly aching and do Razor.




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Cafer on a nice heelside. I think he would make it limbo under that big ole man rig he drives. Sounded like a b52 bomber leaving the lot the other day.

And of course our spotting of man pelt, this deserves it own thread, key an eye out.

Id post other pics but I only took vids of Gleen and John. I will see what I can come up with


I dont joke about this edema thing, here is what it looks like when expressed thru my lips (why cant it be another body part my wife always ask);). Current episode is joint pain and swelling no lips this time. Go ahead laugh, there are plenty of other jokesters ahead of you.

You can see why the kid on the flight from Vegas to Chicago was nearly in tears when I woke up at the end of the flight on my first episode. I guess this is why I dont let things embarass me anymore. Sit in the Chicago airport for a 3 hour layover trying to eat the #4 from Quiznos at thegate with this set of tires on your face and see how embarassed you get about your riding ability, quit belly aching and do Razor.

Damn Gregg, that looks painful...Believe me, I'm not laughing...That had to scare the crap out of you the first time it happened!

Hope you realize that it's all just in fun...the whining i mean...I'm not embarrassed at all about my riding. Do need some buffing up...but I'm having fun and that's what it's all about :) Mostly do it 'cause of your initial response...Got the greatest kick out of you saying that of all people, YOU were feeling like the cheerleader (Richard Simmons)...Still laugh about that one. So, if you don't mind I'll continue to whine and you can continue to ridicule me for it...Love that dynamic :lol:

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Good Stuff

and it 1 g already not 2 gg. The name is Greg not Greg-ga.

YEa the Richard simmons refernce was a good one. Super funny dynamic, too bad Mr. Smith missed it all.

I call to the masses for BMES on February 20 or 27. Lets decide when and post to hell with MAC Tracks.

ITs 6 pm and all I can say its that ROIDS ROCK. I took my script (I only take them for extreme episodes and I was trying to suffer my way through it) roids for my condition earlier this afternoon and I feel about 1000% better than I did this morning. I couldnt even get out of bed b/c my joints were so seized up, now I'm about 85% and ready to rock and roll.

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Good Stuff

and it 1 g already not 2 gg. The name is Greg not Greg-ga.

YEa the Richard simmons refernce was a good one. Super funny dynamic, too bad Mr. Smith missed it all.

I call to the masses for BMES on February 20 or 27. Lets decide when and post to hell with MAC Tracks.

ITs 6 pm and all I can say its that ROIDS ROCK. I took my script (I only take them for extreme episodes and I was trying to suffer my way through it) roids for my condition earlier this afternoon and I feel about 1000% better than I did this morning. I couldnt even get out of bed b/c my joints were so seized up, now I'm about 85% and ready to rock and roll.

Yeah...Never really looked at sp. People always spell my name with one "N"...I just figure they're dumb :p

Glad you're feeling better...Man, when your joint hurts, everything hurts!

CRAP...Can't make it either one of those days! I should retire and eat dog food!

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Greg, the 20th or the 27th (any weekday) works for me.

Yesterday (Friday) conditions were nice but it got Very Overcrowded EARLY. Razor was closed off for a Race & buses were rolling in early and they were only running (six pack) one lift.

Hmm, I wonder if we could get Razor's for the BMES morning ;) ?

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WOW - look at this, I stay away, and you guys just go nuts on here. I'm pushing for Friday the 13th - its very possible. May even bring my friend Rich with me. Fellow carver.

Who else can make the 13th - a pre - BMES - I'll ride from opening until about 2pm

Feb 20th and 27th both work for me. Man Jesse gonna be back from SES with rock hard legs and Razor will be like a bunny hill to him.....have fun out there...represent!!!!

Gregg minus the 1g, dude i feel for ya...glad the roids are working. Are you taking some test? That should give ya a good pump in the legs...LOL

Thanks for the pic:biggthump

B-52 clear for take off

Glen plus 1n - Razor has your name all over it....nothing but reward on the other side of fear:eplus2: blast through it and come onto the other side

jp1 - give your tight saturday night fever pants to Glenn - baggy clothes are in!

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cafercr35, Well said about Razor's!

I 'should' be there on the 13th, and Glenn has already mentioned that will be his next 'oppertunity to get there'.

Here's hoping any precipitation comes in a drier form and it stays below freezing for the next 2 months..............

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Please dont take this as bragging, but another kudos for the machines bruce builds.

Today was fun, potatoes from racing Friday and saturday were poorly groomed on Razor and normally I would have been having a hissy. Big dips, rollers, pockets that froze for the most part overnight and skiers and snowboarders picking their way down until it loosened midmorning.

Trusty ole 77T laid over and snaked its way over this mess left by the racing and poor grooming. It was like it wasnt even there. Couple of the bumps sent me skyward but just added to the fun. Even had skiers track me down to ask how I could be making turns on such crummy conditions, I just grinned and said you wouldnt understand;)

Props to BV and his metals.

It was a good day plus I got to help a kid that got jacked into the woods on Razor and hit a tree. One second he was there the next he was gone. His ski stuck in the snow and was a leading indicator for me and sure enough when I got to it, he was down in the woods. Stayed with him until Patrol arrived. I've been in the woods too many times at Blue and knwo how scary it can be. Fortunately he seemed he was going to ok, but they still meatwagoned him.

Then got to run a big chainsaw (Dolmar 6400, love that saw)the rest of the afternoon at my dad's place dropping parts of and cutting up a 100' plus Ash tree. man those things kaboom when they hit the ground.

What a Day!!!!!

JBS, have a great trip and represent that us hilly billies and Pennsyltucky and bring it!!!!!! Wish I was going, maybe next year, if I dont have another kid.;)

Enjoy and be safe.

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Hey Bill,

Met you last week blue jacket, silver helmet. Lost all computer archived email...I'll be there tomorrow (Thurs.)...Email me again and this time I'll write it down :(

Hey Glenn. Made it back to Bomber again, thanks. Nice to see alot of Blue Mt riders here. I seen a few here and there on the trails but havent really talked to anybody but Glenn so far. I ride a burton speed sporting some really old reactors (dont laugh they still work fine) and usually have on a black pants and a red and grey jacket. I usually take out the alpine board in good conditions or in the am before the crowds, so if its soft out (warm or lots fresh), or if I am with a bunch of other park junkies, the never summer with soft boots comes out.

Anyways, I am really interested in checking out the BMES. Would be really cool to rip it up with a bunch of you guys (or girls). Unfortunately, the next time I can get out will be Monday the 23rd...:( oh unless its a saturday or sunday. but those are usually too crowded for me after about 10:30am or so...

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cafercr35, Happy Birthday.

Hoping (please) to get some colder temperatures for tomorrow. :biggthump

Anticipating the debut of a 'new' Prior.

Wait till Glenn finds out BM's new policy, "All Precision Carving Tools, Must Use Razor's Edge" !! :eek: :) :)

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cafercr35, Happy Birthday.

Hoping (please) to get some colder temperatures for tomorrow. :biggthump

Anticipating the debut of a 'new' Prior.

Wait till Glenn finds out BM's new policy, "All Precision Carving Tools, Must Use Razor's Edge" !! :eek: :) :)

OH MAN...That was evil John :AR15firin

New Prior is going back...Small glitch that Prior is more than willing to remedy...Good customer service!

Sorry couldn't make it today. Completely worn out from trip to Elk and not nearly enough sleep for three days. Hope didn't ruin anybodies day :( I generally do what I say I'm going to do but just couldn't pry myself from under those warm covers :o

Off all week so will be there probably two days (not Wed.).

Let me know when you guys will be there and I'll try to make it that day.

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Glenn, cafercr35, with the forecast and the warm weather the past couple of days, I really didn't expect to see you guys (I know I wouldn't have chanced it if I didn't have a season pass & need the board time). Hoping the temperatures turn colder & the precipitation in the forecast is in drier form!

Made the best of conditions, got some pointers (Thanks Greg) and managed to 'score' some "$10 OFF" Discount Tickets for those that need them for BMES. :biggthump

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