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Dear Buck Hill Diary III


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Long story but I have been at Big Mtn for about ten days and was getting ready to leave and locked my keys in the rental car (running) today. Missed my flight, flew into S.L. in a plane not much bigger than my truck. I hate flying but anything with propellers I need to run for the depends. Now on standby again for tomorrow. If I can't get on a flight, I may go ride. On a positive note I picked up the 162 Identity from Dr. D and it rides like a dream. Holds very tight SL turns but will also hold GS turns at speed. Rode it very hard and was only able to make it wash out once. Amazing! Snow was great, hiked some backcountry that made me crap my pants, and had an awesome time. Might be at Buck this weekend if I don't find a Morman girl to marry first.

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td>Date</td><td>2/17/09 </td></tr><tr><td>Temp </td><td>mid 30's, above freezing </td></tr><tr><td>Visibility</td><td>evening, lots of wet snow coming down</td></tr><tr><td>Conditions </td><td>wet glop under new snow</td></tr></table>


it was raining and sleeting on my way home from work. decided to head out to try different cant/lift. i ended up with a pain in my front calf. i think when i was trying to initiate a heelside turn i might've been trying to twist my foot inside the boot. i couldn't get it right. :angryfire

i swapped boards (cateks) and my leg was still bothering me. made maybe 5 runs total tonite.

anyways, the snow was strange. big wet flakes were coming down. my goggles got snowed up. you couldn't see 35W from top. the snow on crossroads was slow at times, then fast. definitely carveable but weird.

We Got Mail!

that time of the season, i guess... ;)




TEL: +234-1-7619554






Compliments of the day. I must solicit your confidentiality and assure you that I am contacting you in good faith and this proposal will be of mutual benefit.

I am Mr. Mojo Jojo, a legal practitioner. My client, ADOLF LASTNAME, who is of the same county with you, thus until his death was CARVER EXTRAORDINAIRE, was decapitated and killed with his entire family in very tragic cross country skiing accident, sparing none of their lives two years ago.

As a matter of fact before his death, I assist him in procuring several season memberships for WRETCHED VILLA SKI RESORT valued at $269US with ECO BANK NIGERIA PLC, on his behalf. The season pass have remained unclaimed since his death, and such unclaimed passes are appropriated and returned to the treasury as a matter of policy.

I am seeking next of kin/beneficiary that will profit from this exuberant venture. Major weather swigs and tough econominic news every time we watch the news. But, thanks to you, we are on for another record. Hello, how are you? Do you like McDonalds Happy Measles? Yes? Yes!

WRETCHED VILLA SKI RESORT has made major chalet expansion, doubtful snowmaking capacity, new back bowel cakes, magical rugs, and quadruple sofalift. It their goal to continue improving WRETCHED VILLA SKI RESORT to make it your premier drive-by shooting & snowboard area in the region. CULVERS NEED NOT APPLY.

Beginning February 17th, you obtain season pass by clicking here and here and here and here and here and here and here. YOU must provide me following information.

1) Your full name.

2) Phone, fax and mobile #.

3) Company name, position and address.

4) Profession, age and marital status.

5) Banking Information/address account number/ swift code

All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. PLEASE REPLY ME THROUGH MY OFFICE E-MAIL ADDRESS.




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Bobble you were a little late to the party. This morning was very good. Lets see if this makes sense:

Work from home for a few hours; Check.

Long lunch at Buck (no eating required); Check.

Work appointment at 2 (in Burnsville); Check.

It was a great day at Buck. I saw a guy on soft boots really working his toe sides but falling apart on healside. We caught up with each other and I was able to relay all the great tips that I have gotten over the past couple of year. This guy was quick, picked up carving right off the bat!!! He is interested in hard booting, I sent him this way so I hope he finds the website.

While we are on Warners I happen to catch a hard booter boosting some MASSIVE air in the park. Greg was just launching it, look for pics soon!

At this point I decide to take out the big board. I am demoing Joe's 186 F2 Speedster. I had taken it out this past weekend in Wisconsin (Christie Mtn....). I got a chance to really stretch it out. Wow this thing is a lot of fun. I had some troubles with healside turns but lucky for me BobD was out on ski's ripping it up. He diagnosed the problem and I was on my way to relaxing with the large radius.

It was a fun day!!!!!

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I am seeking next of kin/beneficiary that will profit from this exuberant venture. Major weather swigs and tough econominic news every time we watch the news. But, thanks to you, we are on for another record. Hello, how are you? Do you like McDonalds Happy Measles? Yes? Yes!

WRETCHED VILLA SKI RESORT has made major chalet expansion, doubtful snowmaking capacity, new back bowel cakes, magical rugs, and quadruple sofalift. It their goal to continue improving WRETCHED VILLA SKI RESORT to make it your premier drive-by shooting & snowboard area in the region. CULVERS NEED NOT APPLY.

Isn't WRETCHED VILLA SKI RESORT located south of Hastings? I like the whole drive-by shooting idea and Happy Measles. Yes? Yes!

Very funny stuff.

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Yeh, I think the combo of X ganes and Nitro Circus jazzed me up a bit. I know this sounds crazy, but the hardest part of jumping the gaps is the approach. It's SCARY at first, but with the right amount of speed the launch and landing are really really smooth. Buck did a amazing job setting up the jumps and landings to be smooth transitions. Probably the best I've ever been on.

I'm curious if anyone has experience with both Photoshop Elements 6.0 and 7.0. I'm trying to decide if 7.0 is worth the extra $40-$50.

Thanks for the props on the jump.

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<table><th width="150"></th><tr><td>Date</td><td>2/21/09 </td></tr><tr><td>Temp </td><td>20F</td></tr><tr><td>Visibility</td><td>partly cloudy</td></tr><tr><td>Conditions </td><td>snowed last night about 2-3 inches (?), buck groomed</td></tr><tr><td>Hardbooters </td><td>2 (me, ben)</td></tr><tr><td>Honorable Mention </td><td>rick (on teles)</td></tr></table>


it snowed a couple inches. i was prepared for powder. saw one skier wearing powder pants. unfortunately for him, buck groomed so there was cord. the groom was soft -- it seemed like it was firming up. at first i was just norming it to get down the run. it was that slow... like a green run. later i started getting aggressive but stayed more closer to the edges of the board (not laid out).

mid morning the conditions were getting very challenging. lots of pushed snow. it also got busy with racers. only run that didn't have a race course was crossroads. on one sortie i was following ben. i caught up to him just as he toe-sided up towards me. i over reacted by carving heelside back up the run and fell. a couple seconds go by. i look uphill before getting up and see this racer was coming down at me. at the last second she tried to stop and sprayed me like a snowthrower. all i saw was white in my goggles. i clear my face and goggles. she had fallen down about 10 feet below me. i asked if she was okay. she was fine and apologized. i don't know why she didn't just ski around me.

still trying to tweek my setup. getting a cramp on the outside of my front calf. kinda reminds me of growing pains. it was sore only heelside. not sure what the deal is; cable release, binding stiffness, canting. rick said he had the same thing and switched back to standard bales.

time to search bomber.

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td>Date</td><td>2/21/09 </td></tr><tr><td>Temp </td><td>10F </td></tr><tr><td>Visibility</td><td>partly cloudy</td></tr><tr><td>Conditions </td><td>firm cord</td></tr><tr><td>Hardbooters </td><td>3 (ben, bobd, erik)</td></tr><tr><td>WTF!</td><td>1 (:angryfire)</td></tr></table>


buck set up the Dash for Cash on milkrun. snow looked good. ben, bob and erik were in their element.

i didn't last much more than 5 runs. i had pain in my front leg on heelside. up on top, just rocking the board side to side with front boot hurt along the outside boot cuff. the pain is hard to describe. not a sharp pain but an intense ache that feels like my leg might break. on my last run it hurt just to side slip. went into the chalet and felt around the area where it hurt. the pain was about 4-5 inches above the ankle bone on the outside.... it was sore when i squeezed the area.

this is very frustrating especially when conditions were so good. :angryfire. i thought about hanging around and taking video but it hurt just to walk.

i didn't have this problem in aspen but then i was taking advil everyday. ever since i got back been having issues with front leg.

i had routed the cable release to get it away from the part where it hurt near the heel. i also routed underneath the red detacheable cuff in the back of the boot. bobd thought routing it as such was forcing the cuff piece to press against the ligaments. prolly the case. wtf do i know.

might have to revert back to standard bales and see if the problem goes away.

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Bobble, do you have your front binding canted in? I had the same type of pain with my rear leg. I canted very slightly outward the relieve the pressure and it went away imediately. I think I was working against the boot to much. Maybe the stiffer interface of the step-ins makes your usual canting more pronounced.

Just a thought.

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Bobble, do you have your front binding canted in? I had the same type of pain with my rear leg. I canted very slightly outward the relieve the pressure and it went away imediately. I think I was working against the boot to much. Maybe the stiffer interface of the step-ins makes your usual canting more pronounced.

Just a thought.

so you had pain in the rear boot, outside cuff? did it feel like something was pressing a nerve or a tendon? for me i could feel this painful ache on heelsides.

it hurt so much on one run today that i fell. i was heelsiding and trying to bring the board around. the strain hurt that i gave up and fell down. it reminds me of when i was a kid i'd get these growing pains in my legs. i don't know if its a bruised bone or bruised muscles.

on saturday i had the front canted inward by about 0.4 degrees (per the TD2 calculator). i had some pain yesterday but not nearly as bad. this morning it hurt alot but i think it was due to exertion from yesterday. i removed the cant (well, down to 0.1 degrees). i couldn't tell if the pain diminished.

you're prolly right, maybe too stiff creates cant issues. only way to know is to switch back to standards and see how well things feel.

i looked at the boot cuff-canting. its the same on both boots and my suzukas so nothing usual.

it could be the cable cutting across a tendon. i'll remold the liner but i am skeptical that remolding will fix the problem.

been googling leg pain and searching bomber. i think my problem has to do with the peroneal tendons.

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