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Equipment for my daughter


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My daughter now 8 has been riding since she was 5 with some jr plates and a ski boots. She's been doing really well, but has out grown her current set up. I'd like to keep the next set up affordable. I was looking at various softie set ups which are affordable but I'm not sure how she'll take to the slop. She's a size 2 but I was "thinking" of going to a 3 in a boot so she can use them for more than one season. I'm not sure what length of board to get her as she's a pretty tall 2nd grader. She gets mistaken for being in 4th grade.

Any suggestions or input from the forum that has always been so friendly and helpful? If by chance anyone has any hard boot gear in this range let me know that too.


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We've had good feedback and results selling the DONEK Pilot boards to customers looking for an affordable board that truly works for the lighter riders.

Check with Sean on this but... I'd look at the Pilot 147, 152, or 157 depending on her weight and ability to control the board.

Keep in mind, the odd sized boards (147, 157) have a wider waist than the even sized (152) board. Something to consider when looking at her boot length & angles.

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They're adjustable in size - three distinct sizes - with 3-size adjustability in each of the three. The trio therefore cover a 9-size range.

I think they're two-buckle and probably great for free-carving youngsters.

Googled em recently and found a couple of discount sources.

If I can get my 12-year-old son interested in hardbooting, I'm definitely gonna check out the Roces.

Good Luck, and if you try 'em, any feedback would be appreciated.


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