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Tinkler Sandman 200


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I got the chance to finally take this beautiful piece of art out in mixed, but good conditions to really see how it would perform.

-conditions were are 50-90 cm base that ranged from soft groom on some runs to icy wind blown crust with an additional 30-50 cm of fresh powder on top of that from the night before.

-for the first half of the day I started with all of the snow sticks mounted and cranked down to make the board fairly stiff. This setup would work really well on icy and hard snow, but did not allow the board to flex and adjust to while transitioning through the different conditions on the slopes. Also, the snow sticks really make the board damp.

-for the afternoon, I decided to remove the snow sticks completely and made runs in mostly the same conditions as the morning except now there were a lot of tracks to have to maneuver through. What a tremendous difference taking them off was. The board just came alive and absorbed all of the tracked up snow and charged through the windblown crust with zeal. I think that unless it is a very hard snow day that I will continue to ride the board without the carbon sticks.

-some other comments about having the negative camber:

It allows you to ride in a much more relaxed and upright stance more like riding a surf board (and in my opinion even better than the Dupraz). It also turns like a 160'ish board as the negative camber makes the edge contact change as you shift pressure forward and backwards on the board. Also, compared to a tanker, the turns are different in that you can make tighter turns based on the shape of the sidecut combined with the negative camber.

Mike and I talked about the negative camber a bit while at Bryan's place and I truly understand why he feels that he would not ride a positive cambered board in powder anymore. I am sold on the design and thanks again Mike for such a great ride. I cannot wait to take it out again this coming weekend.






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Thanks for the nice review and pics. I knew I did make the right decision. Just into ordering a second Tinkler alpine with plate and custom cambering :1luvu::1luvu:

My specs, hope it will be ready soon:

length 190cm

Width 20cm

Radius: variable 11 - 13 scr meter

Board Gold Texalium

Black Carbon Derbie Plate

Carbon sticks

Sandbox: flat in the middle, camber in the back and the front.

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  • 1 year later...

SVR , you Sir are a genious!! Thank you so much for the opportunity!! This board rocks the POW!!!


A short little video snippet of the conditions in Lower Heather Canyon. Sorry no shots of me ridding, I was alone unfortunately.

<object width="400" height="300" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.facebook.com/v/1367554435668" /><embed src="http://www.facebook.com/v/1367554435668" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="300"></embed></object>


The boards of choice today

MJ and friends enjoying the Heather Canyon POW!!

Some Sandman tracks on the low angle wind swept pow-pow.




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Couple photos of the three 200cm boards in my truck yesterday!

Scale of ratings, NOT bad to worse, alpine to powder.

Alpine end of scale is a 1 / one being an excellent alpine board

Powder end of scale is a 10 / ten being an excellent powder board

It is a "Blended" scale if you will. / A five would be a perfect blend of alpine and powder.

Rad Air Tanker 200cm 2003 = 7

Coiler Headhunter 200cm 2003? = 3

Tinkler Headhunter 200cm 2008 = 9 , exception/ I have not ridden it with the sticks or on a hard groomed day. It carved the soft groomers VERY well. Need more time. My guess after a half day on it, this is a scale breaker.




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Glad you got to ride it in some pow Bryan. Looking forward to hear your thoughts on it with the sticks and the camber jack utilized for harder snow conditions. Wish I could take all the credit for the board, but without Mike's ability to take my specs and build it, it never would have happened and it would not be the amazing board that it is. Thanks to you for that as well. I am taking the TNT out tomorrow in some POW and my Jone's with the snowstix to give them a better test than the last day i was down visiting, so will give a better report on them soon.



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I decided to go shallow on the swallow after talking to Mike, it really did not make a huge amount of sense to take the swallow deeper as the board has rocker in the tip and tail which will drive the boards nose up even without any swallow

deep swallow is not only to drive nose up, but to drive tail DOWN when weighted - WITHOUT driving nose completely from the powder body, and little swallow's cut is completely another dynamical beast that huge swallow cut - just weight the tail of that tinkler - i.e. at carve's finish, and nose goes into the air - it's BAD and not swallowtail'ish. riding swallowtail INSIDE pow is imho impossible on that geometry - like it is possible on undertaker198, i mean

and - all classic swallowtails (i.e. mine rossi undertaker 198) have decambered (and ponty - on it's own good!) noses from the beginning

nils may have correct me on this topic

PS I own&drive 2 swallowtails - undertaker198 (over 50cm of fresh & beaten powder, everywhere) & pogo secret spot 183 (tight trees & backcountry)

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