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RIP Brisket


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Today I had the heart wrenching experience of running over our 8 month old MinPin. Mercifully, she died almost instantly. She was the sweetest most affectionate dog I have ever known. She darted out in front of my truck in the driveway, chasing Dudley, who she adored. Sorry for the bummer, but the family is all out of town, and I am a total wreck. Hug 'em while you got 'em.


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OMG, Galen, that's awful. There's nothing you could have done but I bet you still feel terrible, you poor thing. At least she didn't suffer.

Just one of those things ... God obviously needed her for something. Take care and don't beat yourself up.

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Thanks for the sympathies, it really helped. I've made the transition from feeling like a worthless piece of dung to sad stoicism. We are already smiling and laughing as we recall memories of her short but immenesly happy life. We are already searching for another unaltered Min:lol: one last photo for the girl, showing dudley who's boss:D


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SOrry for your loss... Accidents happen.

I'm a cat person, and I love both my furrballs so much that I know that just the thought of being without them already brings tears to my eyes....

Its something that we all have to face. Death is indeed a part of life.

Hopefully the family all understand and can feel the loss with out anger or resentment too.

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