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Campaign 2008 third party candidate?


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Can you follow thru with your campaign promise?

I would like to know the punishment you have in mind to enforce this excellent idea.

with their second hand smoke;how about the death penalty?!

Absolutely my biggest social pet peeve is those who flick their cig butts in the water,on the snow,at me on my bike etc.'Only mean people litter' is what my kids would say.

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and zero tolerance for lactose intolerance :biggthump and excessive flatulence

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microwaving leftover seafood in the office will be illegal! :flamethro

That just sounds nasty. or smells nasty. Sounds like you live to close to the coast. Here in the rockies seafood is such a precious commodity that I don't think we ever cook enough to have leftovers.


how about making tramp stamps illegal?

WTF is that all about? Why don't you go tell it to all those NFL lineman sporting the Maori style tattoos on their arms? See how your platform looks then.

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That just sounds nasty. or smells nasty. Sounds like you live to close to the coast. Here in the rockies seafood is such a precious commodity that I don't think we ever cook enough to have leftovers.


It is nasty. And for the record, whatever it is you think you're getting in the Rockies, it isn't seafood. At least... it doesn't taste like what we have here on the coast! ;)

WTF is that all about? Why don't you go tell it to all those NFL lineman sporting the Maori style tattoos on their arms? See how your platform looks then.

hey, that's not my platform. I love me a good tramp stamp.

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It is nasty. And for the record, whatever it is you think you're getting in the Rockies, it isn't seafood. At least... it doesn't taste like what we have here on the coast! ;)

hey, that's not my platform. I love me a good tramp stamp.

Me love good tramp stamp too.

Due to the affluence of the area there are a couple of seafood purveyors who fly in fresh seafood two or three times a week, but damn that gets spendy.

The best was for a guide party ( river scum type of guides ) the owner flew in a couple of cases of live Maine lobsters (one of the guides dad went down to the docks one afternoon) and we had them the next day. She over bought so we had about 2-3 lobsters per. That was good.

I'll vote for you Jack. I do smoke on the chair once in a while, but all of the buttless variety. Mountain is sacred. Bad, bad juju to litter.

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Watch it...you don't want Steven Hawking making the decision about stuff like that.....

or do you ?



Published: April 25, 2008

Stephen Hawking has always been among my favorite astrophysicists. I’ve got his rookie card and planned to paint a large “K” on my bare chest so the gang and I could spell out HAWKING on the front row at his next lecture. But a recent comment that only “cranks” and “weirdoes” claim to have been abducted by aliens strikes me as extremely insensitive to those who have been whisked away and oftentimes probed by beings from another galaxy.

The experience is rarely a pleasant one, from what I understand, and Hawking’s remarks only serve to pour salt in the wound where Gorak stuck the metal rod to extract the DNA that will help repopulate his dying planet.

Hawking made the cranks-and-weirdoes comment at George Washington University while speaking at an event commemorating NASA’s 50th anniversary. He also suggested that aliens may exist, but may not be smart enough to contact us, let alone abduct us.

While I could only match Hawking’s intellectual prowess if his wheelchair malfunctioned, jumped the curb at a 7-Eleven and smashed headlong into the premium pump, erasing 99.7 percent of his reasoning ability, I am smart enough to know that calling abductees cranks and weirdoes and questioning the intelligence of our future alien overlords is just begging for a probing.

Perhaps level-headed, sober individuals, community movers-and-shakers or captains of industry have been abducted by aliens, yet they choose not to share their fantastic stories for fear of being labeled a crank or a weirdo by that highly judgmental astrophysical crowd.

“Bitsy and I missed you at the club Saturday, Reg.”

“I had planned on getting in a quick 18, but I was beamed aboard a cylindrical object and teleported to another galaxy where a very intriguing fellow I came to know as Gorak extracted DNA that will help repopulate his dying planet. After that I had some work to do on the McGinnis presentation for Monday.”

Instead, we get abduction stories from folks like Cousin Junior, who lives out past the Sunoco station on the rural route of my imagination, about a mile and a half from where all those brain cells burned out a few years back.

“How are you doing, Junior?”

“I’m a little sore from being alien abducted.”

“From what?”

“Didn’t Maw-Maw tell you? I got alien abducted.”

“Uh ... no, what happened?”

“Well, the computer tore up and me and Maw-Maw wanted to watch Kimbo Slice whup the tar out of people on the YouTube, so I pried the back off the thing and was poking around in there with a bent coat hanger and all of a sudden it shocked the dog snot out of me and knocked me over the futon. I thought I could hear my brain sizzle so I took three of Maw-Maw’s back pills and went to bed. The next thing I know there’s flashing blue lights and I’m being electrified and probed by aliens.”

“I heard you were caught stealing a computer and law officers Tasered and strip-searched you after you started screaming, ‘I’ve got a head full of back pills and I’m meaner than Kimbo Slice!’”

“The law? That wasn’t the law, unless Deputy Gorak needs a six-pack of DNA to repopulate his dying planet.”

“Stephen Hawking says only cranks and weirdoes claim to be abducted.”

“Hawking? Hawking? Little fellow talks with one of them Peter Frampton guitar microphones? I rebuilt his scooter motor for him down at the shop. Gave him 60 more horsepower. He tore out across the parking lot and hit his head on the premium pump. That boy don’t know what in the Sam Hill he’s talking about.”

So, Stephen, if you’re reading this in one of today’s leading scientific journals, I hope you’ve learned a little something about stereotyping people who claim to be alien abductees. If not, I’m sure you’ll come around once Gorak hauls out the probing rod.

Joe Rogan for president !

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