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SES 09 Sharing housing?


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Ack! I totally put down my deposit yesterday otherwise I would have jumped all over your (very kind) offer. Looking forward to meeting you and everyone else at SES!

Yes - real snow. I'm totally thrilled for it. I took a week off to ride in summit county in november, and was totally amazed to see that their early season "ice" is like, a perfect day on the east coast. Lucky bastards!

Hey Queequeg - It may be too much of a hassle for you, but you could always call back St Moritz and cancel - they will at most keep 20% of 2 days deposit. I have stayed at St Moritz and they are generally pretty accomodating when it comes to changes, especially if you have just booked within the past couple of days. Just in case you did't think of it! Dan Lambert

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Ok so we know we aren't going to be located in Aspen, but we have a bed available in Basalt as one of our parties had to depart. We'll have several people with vehicles there, so transportation won't be a problem. It will be myself, Al, Allee, Kimo and our friend Tom from Madison.

If there is anyone who's still looking for lodging, let me or Algunderfoot know.


Carve Babe a-go-go!

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Thinking about making a last minute attempt to attend my first SES. Had Warren Miller's voice echoing around in my head "If you don't do it this year you're just be another year older when you do" (something like that) and can get frequent flier miles into Aspen.

Landing Tuesday evening and leaving Saturday morning. Just me and a board or two. Non-smoker, easy going, early riser (first tracks you know) and this will be my first time out west ever. Willing to pay for reasonable room cost and help with fuel $$. Have several Bomber references if requested.

Keeping my fingers crossed.


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Jesse - have you checked out the St Moritz? I'm staying there (as are a number of other carvers). By far the lowest rate around ($60/night for a bed in a shared dorm room).

This will be my 1st time to SES as well. I'm driving up Tuesday PM & returning Friday PM.

If you're flight times are close enough, maybe we could share a ride.

Let me know - John

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So I just figured out that I can make this. I will be there Wed, Thur, Fri night only.

Of course the rooms that I could afford at the Moritz are no longer available.

I have camped in my car before but just for a day or two and I will need a shower or three during my time there.

Anyone have room to share? Will carve for floor space.

Not that any would need it but I am a 15 year HB instructor and photographer.

Trades for lodging or???

Thanks for looking.

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My chances of getting down for SES have taken a few economic hits,but I am still trying to make it happen.I am going to commute from Avon most likely,unless I find floorspace as well.That said,I have a couple of places to stay there and around Vail with great friends and I shouldn't have a problem inviting you to stay as well.I will keep you posted in case you need to take me up on this(assuming I can make it of course).I should know in the next few days whether I can make it.Steve

ps,I was followed around the hill yestetrday by a woman from Sun Valley who said I was the first she'd seen around here but that she regularly sees a few good hardbooters there.

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I have a small two bedroom condo for the SES week with four twin beds. Located in Aspen. Dredman and Johnasmo are occupying one of the rooms and I have an unoccupied bed in the room in which I will be staying. Your welcome to join us but be warned that my wife complains of my snoring:sleep:

Only $80 USD per night. Contact me through BOL if you are interested.


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Thanks Steve, Jim and Big Mario ( for the phone call ). I may have found a dirt bag, low budg spot and will find out for sure tomorrow or the next day.

Had a rippin day last Friday and can't wait to get down there with some HB brothers. Sure hope this works. I will post back if I need more assistance.

THX again to all.

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I posted before but me and my best friend are looking for lodging for Wed/Thurs nights and possibly Friday. We will be driving up late Tuesday night to get there for 1st chair Wed. morning.

I'd prefer to stay Friday night and drive back Saturday but it really depends on cost.

If anybody has space for both of us on those nights let me know. We are looking into lodging right now in Aspen and the surrounding areas.



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I will be attending the first part of SES09. I have a room booked in Carbondale for 2/6-2/9 ($90/night-2 beds). If anyone needs accommodation for that period I will be happy to share.

OR if anyone has a similarly priced space up valley or wants to share a room down valley, I will be happy to share ( Dan, is your space still available in Snowmass?).



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My best friend and I have a Cabin Wed and Thurs nights @ Glenwood Canyon resort. We are riding Aspen Wed-Fri and driving back to NM after the banquet...

We have space for more if anybody is just coming for the last part of SES? PM me for details if you are making any last minute plans.

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