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local powder mafia sticks

Dr D

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let me know what you think about that radon. they seem to be headed in the right direction. I have been looking at them for awhile. Just dropped the hammer on that dupraz and a back up 4807 dynastar 178 so probably done buying for this year.

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All by myself! 164 LSD, 178 Oxygen split, 181 Nitro swallowtail, 192 Tanker. This is gonna be my first season w/o a race stick since '97. Feels kinda wierd, but I am going to experiment with the LSD and possibly get a custom built that reflects some of it...or maybe get a ATV customized w/metal.


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Jon how do you like the LSD? I have one on order with exotic boards.



Just as soon as I get to take it out! All I've done is take the wrapper off, and mount bindings to sorta where I want 'em. It is a fairly stiff board, I think it will be an excellent carver/bx riding style board, based on flex and sidecut. Almost as stiff as my old Volkl Renntiger. Cail, that is a home split job there on the Oxygen. Look at it closely and you will see that the rear factory inserts are closer together than the front set. It took three cuts to create the taper in it, 2.5cm to be exact. Then belt sanding the part lines to finish the fit. Works out ok in 1-1.5 ft. of pow, still rides the hardpack ok if I keep my weight centered. My go-to backcountry board for varied conditions, slop, chop, crud stuff. Still want a split swallowtail for perfect days, but money will dictate when/if it happens. Blueb, what is the board between the two 3800's with the split tail??

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Hammer 166 (measures more in 169-170, though).

It has huge nose, softish flex, over 26 waist and decent taper. Scr is about 11.5m!

Haven't tried it yet, but I have quite high expectations.

I want to try it as is first, then I might to decide to widen the split a bit to make it more of a swally.

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Hey Jon,

No more in the shops. Scored mine of ebay last year, but the big dumps were over already...

You are welcome to try if you ever came this way. Wuld be fun riding with you.

I might do a Washington daytrip this year, Baker most likely.

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already posted this too :


( smaller is 183cm)...

what is the middle purple like board in your quiver..? a Nitro? of what year?

Its funny because here the Osin never got to the status of ST because as a few other boards with cut away tail, it was not really working like a ST does..i remember at the first or second swallowmania meeting ST hardcore crews saying this tail worked not etc and the board should not be here etc...(no one really cared thu :)..


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Yup, Nils is right, 4807 is not a real ST to the full meaning of the word. Tail does relief pressure from the back leg, but does not have much of the soft independent fork flex. Contrary, ithat tail is stiff like hell and locks into the turn - that's why I love it!

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what is the middle purple like board in your quiver..? a Nitro? of what year?

Its funny because here the Osin never got to the status of ST because as a few other boards with cut away tail, it was not really working like a ST does..i remember at the first or second swallowmania meeting ST hardcore crews saying this tail worked not etc and the board should not be here etc...(no one really cared thu :)..


Thats an old Nitro from the late '90s (I think) Jon Dahl might know more about it, I picked it up from him a few years ago.

I don't use the 4807 as a powder board, It's gets used more in afternoon after everything has turned to crap. The Osin boards got more use than anything lastyear because they are so much fun to ride to bad they don't make them any more.

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Yup, Nils is right, 4807 is not a real ST to the full meaning of the word. Tail does relief pressure from the back leg, but does not have much of the soft independent fork flex. Contrary, ithat tail is stiff like hell and locks into the turn - that's why I love it!

that's funny, I may have the only (or one of few) true 4807 ST in existence.:eplus2: Pics coming soon once my dig cam charger gets here...


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:eek: I sort of remember someone doing radical surgery to save a cracked 4807. Was that you?

AS far as the euro impression of the board, I would agree its not a true swallowtail and rides much differently.

that said who gives a %$^&:eplus2:

They have a ride all their own in the POW and they are much more versatile.

Plus they totally rule in the slop:biggthump

The TRUE ST only gets ridden when the sky opens up and blesses us with more than a foot of the good stuff.

We don't have near as much wide open space to ride here in the states. Many of our resorts are below the treeline so a big swallowtail becomes a liability. My 196 gets ridden rarely but when its in its element there is nothing like it!

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