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Ot - Job satisfaction

C5 Golfer

OT- Are you happy with your job?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. OT- Are you happy with your job?

    • Yes - love every day I go to work
    • It is ok but I am not overly excited
    • Take this job and shove it!

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Since I have returned to the working life and am no longer retired I was wondering how many of you really love your job, hate your job or are middle of the road so to speak. I have worked several jobs in Mech Engineering over the years some good and some not so good for various reasons. Often I wished the good times would continue forever or end tomorrow depending on where I was but in retrospect it has given me a sense of what I love to do and hate to do for a paycheck. So how about you and where you are - are you happy or not doing what you do for a living? If retired answer as if you were still working your last job. I gotta tell you by the way - retired life was wonderful and am looking forward to doing it again. ( they made me an offer I couldn't refuse if you are wondering) Anyway, weekday season pass for riding when you want and golfing or fishing during the week is pretty darn nice.:cool:

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Software engineer here - my job is satisfying on payday and that's about it. I used to enjoy it but now it's "just a job". However it pays the bills for a family of 3, pays for my quiver (and my wife's) and there's still some left over to sock away for the little one's future, so I keep doing it. I basically work so that I can enjoy the rest of my life as opposed to making work the center of my life... if I could make a decent living doing something that I enjoyed more, I probably would.

Let me put it this way - if I were to win the lottery I wouldn't be able to give two weeks notice fast enough. (I only buy a lottery ticket when the pot is so obscenely huge that I would never need to work again if I won it. Then maybe I'd have the time to *really* learn how to ride ;) )

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I am the snowboard trainer at Ski Roundtop, PA in the winter, and a stay at home dad the rest of the year. I have been working on some graduate courses in between. I could not think of better jobs!

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Originally posted by Phil

I am the snowboard trainer at Ski Roundtop, PA in the winter, and a stay at home dad the rest of the year. I have been working on some graduate courses in between. I could not think of better jobs!

Ah, if I only could be the stay-at-home Dad! Unfortunately betwwen me and my wife, I've stuck to the same career for 10 years and she hasn't which means my income is higher - so she gets to be stay-at-home Mom.

Which means our daughter is going to get LOTS of snowplay time in a couple of years!

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Oh man my job is great, it's only a summer thing because i'm still in college, but i work at a conoe livery, so i get to sit around and launch people in the morning, then pick up the conoes and run the drunken idiots back to their cars in the afternoon. Might sound hard to enjoy, but i don't spend any time in doors, so it's great

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Guest Tim Tuthill

Never did work!! Flew jets for 33 years and got paid for it. Flew to HNL for a long time, paid to fly, paid to surf. Can't get any better. Now, at 60 years pluse I get paid to carve and surf. You see, when you hit the big 60 the govment says you are no good any more!! I get the last laugh. This Ret stuff is good..

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Originally posted by Tim Tuthill

Jack; looks like you could of walked across on the boats in the harbor? Tim

pretty much. I forget the real stats, but it's something crazy like 1000 boats in a square mile. Whatever the number, it's one of the most densely moored harbors anywhere. To get a mooring in the harbor, the wait list is about 15 years long. When a mooring becomes available, chances are good that the previous owner <i>died</i>.

I saw some pretty cool stuff there, like the USS Constitution, navy destroyers, Billy Joel's boat, Ringo Starr's, the J boats, hurricanes (if it's a nor'easter, big ocean swells come rolling straight in the mouth of the harbor - lookout!). The ballsiest thing was when this 85' maxi racing sailboat was moored in the middle harbor for the Marblehead to Halifax race - the morning of the race, they raised their sails and maneuvered their way out of the harbor without power. They tacked the beast twice inside the anchorage.

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Guest Tim Tuthill

Your stuff is great! But being inside is the worst!! Being paid to fly jets with no sales hustle or closing the deal leaves great piece of mind. Not to mention going 550 mph and looking out the window!!

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