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Hey Gecko, really sorry to hear about your injury. I'd guess Bschurman is right about the swelling - I strained my Achilles pretty badly (not a tear and I didn't need surgery) about 5 years ago, and even with that comparatively minor injury it's still visibly swollen. ("Swollen" is probably the wrong word...probably some scar tissue in there or something, so "unswelling" is not really going to happen.)

Hope that thermoflexes are helpful -- my ankle swelling isn't severe enough to impact boot fit, but I'm using 'em for the improved fit around the foot and they're great.

Really sorry that you'll be out this season; best wishes for a full recovery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

at least for the next 6 weeks I get to visit the doc every Thursday...today was awesome the PA at my Orthopedist is a genius at casting..the cast/splint I received at the hospital was comfortable for all of two days and then after the swelling dropped it was all angles and uncomfortable...getting it off was so nice though I was apprehensive as to what it would look like and most important if there was any infection (open bone surgery and all) anyway lots of bruising new on top of old, I cautiously peered around my ankle to look at the incision.....clean....I mean really clean no scabbing even, just a neat row of staples leading up the outside of my right ankle (thank you Vancomycin)...those staples are gonna make an interesting addition to the scar, my wife mentioned tattooing a zipper up it once everything has recovered. Anyway a quick round of Xrays to make sure everything is lined up and then a new dressing and casted splint...this one aligning my ankle which in and of itself was painful especially trying to get it at a 90degree angle lots of toe drop and shortening of my Achilles tendon, the other scary thing is how much definition and size I've lost from my right calf...freakish...my doc says that it will come back and actually agrees with my idea of long distance skateboard pushing to return muscle tone and joint strength. The other nice thing about this visit was they changed my meds no more Percocet but I still have to take Vicodin until they remove the staples next week and then I can get off the narcotics for good. It also looks like I can have a Purple cast which will be nice to look at for the month...

I might get some days on the snow afterall

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  • 1 month later...

well sort of...the cast came off wednesday, I started hobbling around as soon as they finished the Xrays that said the bone has healed. So it mostly feels like it's sprained and of course my Achilles Tendon feels like a guitar string...I'm back to swimming which feels like it does a better job than the physical therapy I've been doing. Not sure how soon I'll be back to carving 4 wheel or snow (not to mention 2 wheel) but walking again is amazing

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yeah well flip turns aren't an option right now, I'm clumsy, out of shape and in pain...I'm working my way back to weighted treading water (holding 10lbs over my head) and my mile and a half of side stroke which isn't a flip turn friendly stroke to begin with

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Even at the end of my 12 year competitive swimming career, I wouldn't have been able to tread water with a 10 lb weight.

That said, sitting at the bottom of the pool with a kickboard wasn't too difficult, i could even keep my lungs mostly full of air.:D

The fun thing about wearing a 5/4/3 wetsuit is that I actually float in the ocean!

Hope you'll be able to catch some runs at yawgoo at least this winter. Someone's gotta show me what I'm doing wrong!

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the treading water bit is cake you just have to be able to egg beater....right now I can only do so on one side...I'll be on the snow at some point this winter I just want that point to be this side of new years...snow permitting

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glad youre on the mend...take your time and do it right

hey...the board you posted in the first...can't make out the logo...who's that made by?

Looks a lot like my old Walker Chuck Dinkins...I love that board!

That board is a Deckcrafter made by Chuck Hults. I'm still staring at it as I type, I hope to be skating it by Xmas

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hit the local vitmain shack/gnc ask for promagrant juice and joint repair and bone repair products. the juice is horrible better cold, 2x a day shot glass worth. calcium doesn't deposit for 3 months so you need cartilage type products. lots oils and fish help as well

the wifey broke a ankle last year racing at vail, 3 inch split the tibia at the bottom, had her racing at the end of 4 weeks and she took home fastest racer at an mountain dew challenge, her first day back. note she went in saying can i ski by this date. 2 weeks later was the nastar nationals she made the semis but not the championship.

Don't give up, stay in shape and you will heal faster.

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TP - I've been away from BOL for a while, skating like a madman...sorry to hear about all this. I wish you the best in your recovery.

I got through the skate racing season with not much more than a concussion and some skin loss from a crash in Quebec City (sand I didn't see - sound familiar?) - but there were a number of close calls, most recently in a GS run in Statesville at the Dixie Cup. It's such a fine line between making it and going down sometimes.

Did you see the start ramps we used for the GS at Dixie? Take Karl's gnarly NECF ramp and make it 8 feet high with about a 70 degree max transition steepness and you've got it - dual lane too! It put you into the course at full speed, which was really a cool sensation. MUCH safer than a motorcycle! ;-)

Here is a short vid of some starts off the ramp:

...and the ramps themselves...




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that's awesome ! Come off the ramp ready to wiggle

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTKhvWKsg_Y&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTKhvWKsg_Y&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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that's awesome ! Come off the ramp ready to wiggle<object width="425" height="344">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTKhvWKsg_Y&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>

In that initial video still, that's your New England homies Karl Floitgraf on skater's right and me on skater's left!

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Massive make or break on that start!

You can tell which racer spent more time sucking on a bong.

Well...yes and no...some of those starts are quali runs where it doesn't matter when you pull. Your time is started and stopped when you cross the tape strips no matter when the beep is, and you are not really racing the other person, just getting a quali time.

In finals bracket racing though, you would be correct - it's all about reaction time; without going over the strip before the fourth and final beep tone and getting 1.5 second penalty DQ - like a "barge" in dual lane World Cup snowboard racing. Timer starts on the fourth beep no matter what and your reaction time is critical. Having said that - some racers were not so comfortable on the big ramps and just kind of rolled off it instead of pulling hard.

These are a brand new thing for slalom in the US - first time in use - but expect to see more of it! :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

first complete day walking without a cane...my physical theRapist was absolutely brutal to me today, I had complaints of needing balance strengthening so in addition to balance board work she had me doing stairs for 20 minutes...however my pain is getting a lot more dull and annoying and has lost the sharpness of even 3-5 days ago. I gifted myself lst night when I put away my cane with a new set of wheels since that's still likely the only carving I'll be doing this year. Maybe end of Jan is what the doctors are saying right now. Hopefully I'll be using these dodging cones the day after Thanksgiving while some of you are carving trenches


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