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Surfboard Advice?


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Howdy Y'all!

I want to learn to surf. I need to get a surfboard to do this. I don't know a goddamn thing about it other than:

a) surfing is awesome.

b) I want to do it.

c) I know nothing about it.

I weigh about 180lbs and am 5'9", semi-athletic but could stand to lose a bit of weight. How big of a board should I get? What should I pay (used).

This will be used in Long-island/rockaway/whatever surfing I can get to near NYC, which I realize is going to be pretty small potatoes.


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Buy thee a 9' Morey Swizzle - designed by 'Y', aka Tom Morey, the father of the Boogie Board and both hard and soft surf vehicles too numerous to mention.

A 9 footer - hard or soft - will have good flotation, great stability while you're learning to stand, - and will allow you to catch any ripple in the pond. The 9 foot flotation will also keep you higher and drier during the E.C. "shoulder" seasons when the water's blue-ball cold.

I think the 9' Swizzle is roughly $500 with shipping from Cali. Catchsurf also has a dealer listed in Manasquan, NJ.

If you can't afford that entry fee, still buy a 9-foot softboard - easily available for $250 - $300 on ebay, with shipping. Several frequent softboard listers there are in NJ.

You can usually get in a group surf lesson for $65 - $75.00 That's

really worthwhile.

Hurricane season is upon us.

Surf Safe!

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Bertha is running a decent swell up the east coast right now. I used to surf Long Beach years ago but I was out there to visit an old(long time ago) girlfriend and it was something to do between party sessions.

I'd think about learning to kiteSURF instead. You're not dependent on the rare ocean swell, it gets windy ALOT more often than it gets good for paddlin' for waves. You can still ride a strapped or unstrapped surfboard with a smaller kite in crappy waves and still have a blast. There's plenny action on LI for learning to kite.

for starters


has some good links, I'd be happy to steer you in the right direction, Jose.

and when you go away on vacation, it'll be somewhere with epic wind and waves. and you can still surf on those rare days when there's a good swell and no offshore wind to prop up the waves.

case in point :


just my .02, plus .25 and some other loose pocket change.......maybe some lint and a few gum wrappers.

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Howdy Y'all!

I want to learn to surf. I need to get a surfboard to do this. I don't know a goddamn thing about it other than:

a) surfing is awesome.

b) I want to do it.

c) I know nothing about it.

I weigh about 180lbs and am 5'9", semi-athletic but could stand to lose a bit of weight. How big of a board should I get? What should I pay (used).

This will be used in Long-island/rockaway/whatever surfing I can get to near NYC, which I realize is going to be pretty small potatoes.


  1. Rent a wetsuit
  2. Borrow or rent a 9'0'' to 9'6" longboard
  3. Go out on a warm chesthigh day
  4. Takeoff on your knees until you think you can stand up

Your arms shouldn't last long if there is short period swell, but if you still like struggling to get out and finding that it is near impossible to sit or stand up (wind or kites surfing helps tons) then go out and get a 9'2" epoxy longboard like a Surftech. Also check into a used wetsuit for cheap at local surf shops. There are plenty out there from newbies that bought the wettie only to find that surfing ain't like the commercials. Broke my nose during my second session. That was decades ago. So remember to protect your face at all times or you will end up looking like me. :barf:

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If you get the time get down to OBX and go to Fox Water Sports store. When you are there buy this... http://www.foxwatersports.com/store.html. Edit: Guess it doesn't take you to the board. Get a Fox 7'4'' Flexlite. Look under surfboards, then Fox.

After your purchase you should see about getting a lesson while you're there. The 9+ footers are great for learning or for small surf, but if you want something you can ride the next season after you've caught on you'll want something you can grow into (unless the longboard style is what you want to do). I learned on a 6'2'' thruster. If you're going to buy over 9 foot go bigger and get a stand up paddle board. http://www.mistral.com/public/content/hardgoods/stand_up_paddling/pacifico_wave/index_eng.html You can do this on a freshwater lake if you really wanted too.

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if ya really dig that feeling of getting a carving board up to speed and pouncing on it hard and railing thru a nice deeeeep toeside, surfing will feel more like cross country skiing on a golf course until you find a nice downhill grade and you can hold you arms out sideways and scream "Weeeeeeee !" as you slowly glide downhill for 4-5 seconds. otherwise, you'll need to surf great waves for 10+ years and get good enuf to drop in on 10+ footers to get that centrifugal rush in your knees as you bottom turn at speed.

Maybe get a stand up paddle board. A few of my kiter buds have them and they chase the ferry wakes for lil rides. It's been called ghey, but kinda zen I guess just paddlin; around.

check out some threads here


my big bertha thread is worth a look , too.

I'm not anti surfing,I still have a 9' Bear big gun , but I prefer the big yank of kitesurfing and dirtbikes.


.....and I quote "Was fuuun except for the few hold downs that scared me ****less. Not as fun today.. too many douche longboarders on 12ft boards going for EVERYTHING. Why do people do this?


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Hey All - thanks so much for all of the ideas and advice. It sounds like I want to get something 7 - 9 feet long. Looking on craigslist that shouldn't be too bad (I'm not going to buy new for a first board seeing that I will eventually want to trade up).

I really liked the "introduction to surfing" article you posted, carvediem.

I figure a shorter board will allow me to grow into it more, will seven be way too short to learn on? would eight be a little better?

Willy - kiteboarding totally looks like a kick in the pants, and you are a terrific evangelist for your sport. For right now I have a yen to try out surfing, mostly because it seems very simple and barebones in a way that really appeals to me. I know it won't be the same adrenaline rush that I get from snowboarding but I'm not necessarily looking for that. But I have no doubt that before long I will also want to try out some kiting.

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duely noted, get a BIG floaty board to learn on, unless you're 150 pounds it's alot less frustrating learning to pop up and you can keep it for friends and girlfriends to learn on and those knee high waves.

my first surfboard was waaay to short ( but it looked cool in my room) I got so frustrated not getting ANY rides, I gave it up and learned 6 years later on a longboard.

this what I ride


Laird's dad Billy Hamilton shaped/signed it, made in HI

this one's more for photodad, this is pretty sick, from gran canaria, spain-home of the great bjorn dunkerbeck


dano reported in that he sailed so hard on sunday on cape cod he broke his boom

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from the FlopHouse of the Terminal Intermediates.

Sorry, Willy. Wondered how long we, the unwashed duffers of the world, could make positive, if naive and uninformed, suggestions before an Aeolian ripper started to flay.

re: "too many douche longboarders on 12ft boards going for EVERYTHING. Why do people do this?"

We probably do it because it's fun.

That's it. Just because it's fun.

We do it because we can do it on almost any given beach day. We do it because we don't have to be in stellar shape or under 40 or in F-Its-Nukin gusts to find stoke in a glassy little section that rises from seeming nothingness, lifts us up, and flings us shoreward. We do it because almost any old board will do - from the lowliest sponger to the loftiest DaCat replica from the hands of the legendary Mr. Noll. (But fear not, most of us will never do it on a Channel Islands stick, cause Burton bought Channel Islands, and we all know what that means...)

We probably surf because it gets us out in the swirl of the sun and the wind and the sand and the water and the skimboarders, and the Boogie gremlins, and the catsailors, and the kiters and the slashing bluefish (watch those toes),

but I digress.

Mostly, I suspect, we surf just because it's fun. And because we can.

Now, I think I'll go out and put up a hummingbird feeder. Just because I can. And because it's too calm to go fly a kite...

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if it's fun, have at it ! I've chased swells in mid winter, ice cream headaches and all. I just don't get excited to drive 90 miles to paddle out for knee to waist high closeout mush anymore. Granted, just being in the water in the sun being one with nature is really great but when 20 surfers paddle for the same crappy wave and nobody really cares who had the right of way, boards get dinged, heads get bonked and stinky looks are goin' on, where's the Zen ?

I'll take a powered up downwinda in OBX with 3 other kite buddys anyday over throwin' elbows for crappy waves.

Just my humble opinion. now, go get tubed !

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRsbsUQHX30&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRsbsUQHX30&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

come to Brasil for surf camp, I met these guys last time were down there at our condo


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Board - also baggies, jock strap, sun screen and wet suit, the latter optional depending on season and latitude.

Can't get much simpler than that.

And you're right, too W2. OBX rocks. It may not be that wild anymore, but it'll always be windy... !!

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Hey All - thanks so much for all of the ideas and advice. It sounds like I want to get something 7 - 9 feet long. Looking on craigslist that shouldn't be too bad (I'm not going to buy new for a first board seeing that I will eventually want to trade up).

I really liked the "introduction to surfing" article you posted, carvediem.

I figure a shorter board will allow me to grow into it more, will seven be way too short to learn on? would eight be a little better?

Willy - kiteboarding totally looks like a kick in the pants, and you are a terrific evangelist for your sport. For right now I have a yen to try out surfing, mostly because it seems very simple and barebones in a way that really appeals to me. I know it won't be the same adrenaline rush that I get from snowboarding but I'm not necessarily looking for that. But I have no doubt that before long I will also want to try out some kiting.

IMHO 7ft will be too short for a first board. I'd look at something around 8ft, but nothing under 7'6". Once you progress, you might get into shorter boards, but by that time, you will have gone beyond a second hand starter anyway.

The more important factor is probably thickness and width rather than length though, because the wider the board the more stable and easier to learn (generally) and the thicker, the better it will float you and the easier it is to paddle and catch the waves in the first place.

The other thing to consider is whether to buy a hard or soft board. If you are committed and plan to get out every day and are prepared to take a few knocks, then get a fibreglass board. If it's only going to be a once in a while kind of thing - like on weekends - to start with, then maybe a soft board might be a better way to start, for this summer at least. They also have the advantage that you can give it to your girlfriend / little brother / mates and not worry about it getting damaged and they will have a lot of fun.

I'm a little biased, I'll admit because my best mate owns the company, but if you are leaning towards a soft board, take a look at G-Boards (www.gboards.com.au). I know they have US distributors and the boys there will be able to put you onto the right person.

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Board - also baggies, jock strap, sun screen and wet suit, the latter optional depending on season and latitude.

Can't get much simpler than that.

And you're right, too W2. OBX rocks. It may not be that wild anymore, but it'll always be windy... !!

I have 2 bags that are always packed.

One has everything needed for a trip to the beach, anywhere far or near.

The other bag has everything needed for a trip to the mountains and cold weather and snow.

All ya need is a plane ticket and a good attitude.

J Bay SA


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from the FlopHouse of the Terminal Intermediates.

Sorry, Willy. Wondered how long we, the unwashed duffers of the world, could make positive, if naive and uninformed, suggestions before an Aeolian ripper started to flay.

re: "too many douche longboarders on 12ft boards going for EVERYTHING. Why do people do this?"

We probably do it because it's fun.

That's it. Just because it's fun.

We do it because we can do it on almost any given beach day. We do it because we don't have to be in stellar shape or under 40 or in F-Its-Nukin gusts to find stoke in a glassy little section that rises from seeming nothingness, lifts us up, and flings us shoreward. We do it because almost any old board will do - from the lowliest sponger to the loftiest DaCat replica from the hands of the legendary Mr. Noll. (But fear not, most of us will never do it on a Channel Islands stick, cause Burton bought Channel Islands, and we all know what that means...)

We probably surf because it gets us out in the swirl of the sun and the wind and the sand and the water and the skimboarders, and the Boogie gremlins, and the catsailors, and the kiters and the slashing bluefish (watch those toes),

but I digress.

Mostly, I suspect, we surf just because it's fun. And because we can.

Now, I think I'll go out and put up a hummingbird feeder. Just because I can. And because it's too calm to go fly a kite...

Wave Hogs are a nightmare.

Is It Snow Yet?

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Jim, you're in santa cruz, right ?

Big difference between Steamer Lane and Cowell's but you can paddle down to Cowell's once ya get humbled at the Lane.

Then go ride the roller coaster, just because you can.:p

edit: not "you" Jim, ya know...I meant ...the gapers:freak3:

keep searchin'


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if ya really dig that feeling of getting a carving board up to speed and pouncing on it hard and railing thru a nice deeeeep toeside, surfing will feel more like cross country skiing on a golf course until you find a nice downhill grade and you can hold you arms out sideways and scream "Weeeeeeee !" as you slowly glide downhill for 4-5 seconds. otherwise, you'll need to surf great waves for 10+ years and get good enuf to drop in on 10+ footers to get that centrifugal rush in your knees as you bottom turn at speed.

I think that's a little bit negative, I've been surfing for several summers (maybe 5 now) but only surfed through this past year and improved VASTLY. It's all about how much time you get on the water/ riding. In one year I went from setting a turn and riding straight to top & bottom turns, sometimes @ the lip for my tops, cutbacks, and noseriding- I ride boards from 5' to 9'10''.

Re: first board, I'd look for a funboard or longboard type shape, rounded pintail, 3 fin or 2+1 fin, 7'6''-9', moderately thick, and a bit of nose rocker.

Don't be afraid of longboards, even if you want to get carves in... you'll advance a lot quicker riding a longboard because you'll get more time on the waves, and a 2+1 type setup will happily make its way up and down the wave, especially if it is a board with a more performance shape & rocker. My 9' is an angulo e-lite, which you should be able to look up online to get a feel for the general shape I'm talking about. Mine's wood veneer'd but I think most that they make are just pu/pe.

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Jim, you're in santa cruz, right ?

Big difference between Steamer Lane and Cowell's but you can paddle down to Cowell's once ya get humbled at the Lane.

Then go ride the roller coaster, just because you can.:p

edit: not "you" Jim, ya know...I meant ...the gapers:freak3:

keep searchin'


Yup, spent over 13yrs exclusively at the Lane before settling in a house over at Pleasure Point on the East Side. I stayed in an apartment directly across from the Boardwalk above the river when I first came to town. Kind of fun to watch it all go down every night. And the rivermouth was breaking more frequently back then too.

You're right about getting humbled at the Lane. Crazy sh*t goes on there at random intervals. My neighborhood on the East Side is much worse. We have a surf gang called the Point Rats and sheriffs deputies on jet skis breaking up fights in the water at the end of my street. My oldest daughters old boyfriend was a Rat brawler until he died one weekend after getting kicked in the chest. That is why I had my son get his blackbelt before he graduated from highschool.

Big difference between Steamer Lane and Cowells Beach. Like island style to mellow rollers within a quater mile. On huge days you can ride from outside Steamers to inside Cowells Beach. About a quater mile but overrated as the ride seriously degrades past Indicators to Cowells while riding a big wave gun. I ride from 5'11" Fish to 9'6" longboard.

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The sun shines on a dog's ass every now and then!!!!! I bet even New Yaawka's wouldn't believe the swells we get here in Ohio. No this isn't a type-O(Negative... great band). Imagine. Fresh water, no ocean (sodium free surfing), no jellies, no fins... worst case senerio... a walleye with an attitude.

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Yup, spent over 13yrs exclusively at the Lane before settling in a house over at Pleasure Point on the East Side. I stayed in an apartment directly across from the Boardwalk above the river when I first came to town. Kind of fun to watch it all go down every night. And the rivermouth was breaking more frequently back then too.

I think you'd qualify as a santa cruz local then. :rolleyes:

I've surfed Pleasure Point with the thickest kelp I've ever seen. Surfed Half Moon Bay, Pacifica and got my big toe broken surfing next to the Chart House when a buddy dropped in on me in some big gnar cold arse swell.

gotta say tho, Capitola is a cool little town, Santa Cruz is just weird, but in a good way and Pacifica is just....Pathetica, fog and all.

I enjoyed surfing that whole coast but have fonder memories of windsurfing at Davenport, Waddell,Crissy Field and up at Rio Vista,Sherman Island and the Delta.

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just scored this badboy for $35 bucks ! 72 % off SON !10 footer ! Whiskey Militia rocks !



Hull was always a fun spot to get out , get wet, get some rides, hang at HardCore with Corey


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I think you'd qualify as a santa cruz local then. :rolleyes:

I've surfed Pleasure Point with the thickest kelp I've ever seen. Surfed Half Moon Bay, Pacifica and got my big toe broken surfing next to the Chart House when a buddy dropped in on me in some big gnar cold arse swell.

gotta say tho, Capitola is a cool little town, Santa Cruz is just weird, but in a good way and Pacifica is just....Pathetica, fog and all.

I enjoyed surfing that whole coast but have fonder memories of windsurfing at Davenport, Waddell,Crissy Field and up at Rio Vista,Sherman Island and the Delta.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5zcqmLPPuk&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5zcqmLPPuk&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

just scored this badboy for $35 bucks ! 72 % off SON !10 footer ! Whiskey Militia rocks !



Hull was always a fun spot to get out , get wet, get some rides, hang at HardCore with Corey


Nothing like driving into a sweet bottom turn only to bicycle over the nose from the kelp monster grabbing the fins. Kind of like folding the nose, but without the consequences. Pacifica can really thump. Plus Great Whites cruise there alot. BTW my wife will not go to the Charthouse with me anymore on our anniversary after she caught me calling in a surf report. :rolleyes:

I did like Kiting at Waddel before I tweaked my elbow and Davenport is not nearly as consistent, but Scotts Creek is good but not much beach if you get into trouble. Nice kiting/party video too. I like like the hand drag on the beach.

Capitola is nice little village about a mile from my house, and the Santa Cruz mall is still as weird as ever. Did you check it out before or after the quake? That place actually has a calming effect on me for some reason.

Was that a 10' longboard bag you scored for $35? Can't get much better than that.

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So queequeg,

Did you check it out yet? I was talking with Rickster (surfboard shaper/carver) about your chances of a good session. We all have to start at the same place. :freak3:

Not yet jim, I've been too busy to put any time towards it the last few weeks. My life just seems to keep getting more and more hectic. I will definitely post my experiences here as soon as I can get out.

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lil sumptin' for wavechaser rick, madd mike and any other big fans of "Tha Vinyid"



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