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I'm Fat, I'm Dieting & Exercising - Who's with me?


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I have been lifting off and on for over 30 years now, and I have gotten into some wacky stuff, isolation compound sets, painful forced reps, squats till I've nearly puked, negative exentuated reps, blah, blah, blah....... At first I'd thought I would just jump right in to fat burner I, but decided to start with the breakin workouts because I am becoming less impulsive as I get older. This is some painful sh!t, and I think I'm looking foward to the other workouts....:p


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I have been lifting off and on for over 30 years now, and I have gotten into some wacky stuff, isolation compound sets, painful forced reps, squats till I've nearly puked, negative exentuated reps, blah, blah, blah....... At first I'd thought I would just jump right in to fat burner I, but decided to start with the breakin workouts because I am becoming less impulsive as I get older. This is some painful sh!t, and I think I'm looking foward to the other workouts....:p


Wait till you try the giant sets in Fat loss III. I thought fat loss II "b" was brutal, doesn't hold a candle to the giant sets.:eplus2::barf:

Closest to blowing chunks I have come to in the gym in a long time.

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And people complained when I asked for pics...

How ya feelin now, skully?


It wasn't a complaint :eek: It was a plea for clarification, which was an absolute success:

Tex, you might want to re-think this....

Are you sure you want photos in a thread that starts off: "I'm Fat,....."

it was specifically directed @ carverchick and her size 2 dresses. I'm sure nobody wants to see pics of my fat a$$
Thank you for the clarification.

To reiterate: No photos in this thread of anyone except carverchick!

Now let's keep it this way....

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Thank you everyone for the compliments. It has been quite an adventure to get to this point, but I do like how I look now and plan on looking this way until I croak.

I think initially the thing I grappled with the most of just being motivated enough to get started. Once I got over the hump, it became second nature for me to just workout.

I try to get 3-4 days a week and like Terry said, it doesn't matter what you do (for women) just do something. I often tell my girlfriends who has seen my tranformation happen to just get out and walk to start. Once you get used to just getting in the habit of getting some exercise, the rest is easy.

I also watch what I eat but still allow myself a "cheat date". Like everything else in life, moderation is key ;)

Now that the snowboarding season has come to an end for me, time to get geared up for both golfing and water-skiing season! Oh and I'm in training for two triathlons this year. I did one last year finished in 1 hour and 5 seconds, I need to beat that time this year :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

So how is eveyone doing? I have finished the break in period plus 3 of Alwyn's rounds after each workout, and have dropped ~7lbs. I am in the middle of my rest week before I jump into the next phase of evility, Fat Loss II. May and June are looking a bit tough, since I am adding another round with each phase. I am really looking foward the aforementioned giant sets in fat loss III. I must say, I can really feel a difference in my metabolism since I started, and it is nice to see that scale finally moving down.


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So how is eveyone doing?

Admire everyone's dedication to a program and "routine."

Injuries, operations, late-in-life dadhood, and finally boredom eventually ended running (of 20) and lifting of 30+ years.

Now depend on (bi)cycling and lately on temp gig as pre-Census scout. Figure I've lost 7-8 lb in a month of extended walking and multi-floor stair climbs.

p.s. tried a couple variations of your shoe-leather-basted-in-Q-Sauce remedy for foot-in-mouth disease. Got several questions personally, but my orthodontist is one of the Subtle One's greatest fans now.

Will take it back to the Cue thread, though. No ThreadJack here...


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I was doing pretty well for awhile. I did the NROL break-in workouts plus Fat Loss I, but then we decided to try to sell our house, so all my spare time has been spent doing house projects. I'm also working crazy hours and have a 21-month old son, so it's been tough to squeeze in workouts. Hopefully things will settle down soon and I'll be able to make exercise more of a priority again. Of course, if we sell our house and move, then there will be a whole new list of house projects, but at least they won't be as urgent.


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So how is eveyone doing? I have finished the break in period plus 3 of Alwyn's rounds after each workout, and have dropped ~7lbs. I am in the middle of my rest week before I jump into the next phase of evility, Fat Loss II. May and June are looking a bit tough, since I am adding another round with each phase. I am really looking foward the aforementioned giant sets in fat loss III. I must say, I can really feel a difference in my metabolism since I started, and it is nice to see that scale finally moving down.


Just finished Fat Loss II. (Man, am I glad those Bulgarian Split Squats /w Overhead Presses are over.... :barf: )

Now on to Hypertrophy I....

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I did the "A" workout last night, and the "B" workout lies ahead for tomorrow. I am also up to 4 of Alwyns rounds after, and those pedals where not wanting to turn very well after the front squats and lunges. My metabolism is raging right now, and I feel like a bigger spaz than normal. I am really digging the simplicity of the program, only 7 1/2 weeks of the fat loss programs to go, and 11 1/2 weeks of HIIT to go. Brad thanks for bringing NROL up, I am really liking the concepts that Alwyn and Lou have put out there. If anyone here has been struggling to drop some poundage, I suggest you give The New Rules of Lifting a shot, it is $14.95 well spent


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Nice work guys!

I did the NROL stuff for a year and really liked it. At the start of this year I modified the program and put together my own based on some of the concepts. I got my training partner back three weeks ago after five months off, and we're currently hitting the strength cycle hard.

Sets of 6-1-6-1-10. Single deadlift up to 265lb, squat to 195lb, dumbell press to 75lb. Sets of 6 at 205, 165 and 60lb. Weight went down from 150 to 146lb (at which I am way too skinny - obviously I need to eat harder).

One more week and start back on hypertrophy. Not looking forward to it.

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Hey Allee. I made my best lifts ever using those wave load sets in the strength sets. Really had fun with those. Decided to get really lean for a trip to Maui with my family later next month. Started the V-3.0 diet over at T-nation.com. Crazy strict. Expect to be sub 10% body fat levels when it is done. I am on day 10 of a 28 day schedule. It is brutal. Stay strong and diligent everyone! :D

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Fat Loss II:

I did the "A" workout last night, and the "B" workout lies ahead for tomorrow. I am also up to 4 of Alwyns rounds after, and those pedals where not wanting to turn very well after the front squats and lunges.

Let's hear your report about the "B" workout now.... (That's the one that nearly killed me... Over and over....)

One more week and start back on hypertrophy. Not looking forward to it.

Not looking forward to it? Hyp I is next for me, I WAS looking forward to it, but now.?.?.?

Is it because you dislike the Hyp programs, or something else?

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I like the strength programs a lot better because they're short, hard, and the progress you make is motivating. I just find the hypertrophy ones long and lacking in variety.

Or maybe it's just because I'm a total meathead. "I'm not very bright, but I can lift heavy things"...

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I like the strength programs a lot better because they're short, hard, and the progress you make is motivating. I just find the hypertrophy ones long and lacking in variety.

Or maybe it's just because I'm a total meathead. "I'm not very bright, but I can lift heavy things"...


I really enoyed the Strength programs as well. So far I've done Hyp I, ST I, ST II, currently in the middle of Hyp II and holy crap I forgot how hungry I get during this program - I could eat whole cows.

I don't dislike the Hyp programs, I just like the Strength programs more. I will probably not do any of the fat loss programs - I need to work at keeping my weight up.

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I am taking a minute to let the naseau subside before I hit the bike for some rounds. I made it through, it wasn't pretty, and I vastly overestimated my strength, It seemed like I spent more time lightening the load than lifting. My core and forearms are wasted, only 5 more of these to go. yea. i mean it.

really. :barf: :barf: :barf:


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Nice work guys!

I did the NROL stuff for a year and really liked it. At the start of this year I modified the program and put together my own based on some of the concepts. I got my training partner back three weeks ago after five months off, and we're currently hitting the strength cycle hard.

Sets of 6-1-6-1-10. Single deadlift up to 265lb, squat to 195lb, dumbell press to 75lb. Sets of 6 at 205, 165 and 60lb. Weight went down from 150 to 146lb (at which I am way too skinny - obviously I need to eat harder).

One more week and start back on hypertrophy. Not looking forward to it.

Allee, that's impressive. I weigh 15 lbs more than you, and I'm a guy, and I can't lift nearly as much weight as you. I'm working on it, though.

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I've had 22 years of practice. Helps a lot.

My training partner is impressing the hell out of me - she was off for months after lymph node surgery, she's been back four weeks, and she's killing it. I have to go hard to stay ahead of her, or she'll be eating me for lunch by July!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The workouts are going good and in a sick way I am enjoying the split squats with overhead presses, I think there might be something wrong with me. I have been setting records up to this point, and I may have pushed it a bit tonight. I bumped the snatch grip deadlifts up to 245, left the t pushups at a a pair of 20's, so I thought it would be a good idea to try 30's on the bulgarians. I made it throught the first set okay, I got half way through the second and I just crumpled. I threw the dumbells out to the side and ended up diving for the mat( I have a decent home gym, gotta love craigslist!), laying on the floor wondering wtf just happend. Good times, :barf:, only 4 more workouts to go than on to fat loss III. Is any one else having this much fun??!!!


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Day 26 of a 28 day of diet/exercise regimen. Have dropped 8 pounds so far, lost 2 inches off tummy, gained an inch on chest, gained 1/4" on upper arms, and I am seeing my abs much better! My wife says I look better nekid :eplus2:. She was so impressed with my dedication to a diet (first time I ever really tried to diet), that she went on a diet too. She has lost around 7 pounds. I like to say that my diet was so good, even my wife lost weight! It is not for every one, but for a great 28 day kick in the a$$, it is hard to beat. By the way, my progress is considered at the low end of what most people are able to achieve. I was reasonable lean to begin with, so I had less to lose.

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I am just about to finish NROL Fat Loss I. It seems that most folks go to Fat Loss II next, but I think I am going to Strength I. My goals are to both lose fat and gain strength, so I figure I'll alternate between the fat loss and strength workouts.

Terryw, which diet did you do? I made some significant changes to my diet, including eating more fruits and vegetables, stopped drinking sodas, stopped putting sugar in my coffee, and avoided most baked goods, but I still didn't lose any weight. I trained for and ran a marathon and an Olympic-distance triathlon, and I was quite fit, but still didn't lose any weight, even though I have gained about 30 lbs since I was in my peak triathlon condition in the 90's. It was very frustrating. Then my wife wanted to try the South Beach diet. I was reluctant since the low-carb diets didn't seem like a good choice for an endurance athlete, but I agreed to try it. I did Phase I for 2 weeks, and it was really tough for a few days, but at the end of the 2 weeks I did lose most of my cravings for sweets and lost a few pounds. I have since slipped back into some bad eating habits, but plan to start a modified South Beach diet again soon.

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The actual name is V-3.0 over at the t-nation.com web page. The V stands for Velocity. The diet is basically protein shakes with some carbs mixed in and one healthy solid meal per week. You can read the whole diet and peoples experiences with it over at T-nation.com. I am in week 1 of transition now. That means I get one healthy solid meal per day now. Week two will have two healthy solid meals a day. So far I have gained back 1 pound since adding back in more solid food.

While I believe I have added a little muscle mass on this diet, I don't believe every one would. I am a pretty good gym rat most of the time. I completed all of the workouts in NROL except for strength III. It just happened that this Winter, I took a break from the gym so that my work outs would not interfear with or diminish my Carving days on the slopes. So when I did manage to jump back into the gym with this diet, I was able to add some mass back on to my frame. At the calorie leveles dictated in this diet (for me at 186 starting weight 1485 calories non work out day, and 1815 calories on work out days) it is difficult to increase size and or strenght levels. The goal is more to strip off fat and maintain muscle mass. If you get an increase, then that would be a bonus, but not some thing you should automatically expect. The other goal of this diet is to elimenate cravings for sugar and help break bad eating habits in general. The idea being that most habits take approx 21 days to break. This diet is 28 days long, followed by two weeks of transition. Seems to work. I certainly am not looking for any sugar at all!

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