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Wish me luck on my knee replacement surgery

Dave Winters

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Two weeks out of surgery, all is going well. Doctor has me off crutches now and I'm off pain meds, so I'm driving now, which is huge. I'm still on very limited activity for four more weeks. Range of motion is increasing daily, with physical therapy three days a week.

I tried to grow a beard, but shaved it off all but the soul patch....

Thanks for all the karma, it must be working!



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Dave, Dave, Dave... . . Holy moley, good to hear the surgery went well and you are getting range of motion back. I'm sure it feels like things are going slowly but hang in there!! Heal quickly, we're rooting for you!!! Tom

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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost a worst case scenario. I was doing so well with my knee replacement surgery, 4 weeks out, when my PT, who never liked the look of my wound, insisted on having it drained and having the fluid checked for infection.

I got the bad news that it had a staph infection!

Immediate surgery to debreed the joint, as well as to fix up some stitches that had apparently pulled loose during a fall.

Then a 7 day hospital stay where several complications presented themselves including possible pulmonary embolism (ruled out with a chest x ray and CT scan),inflamed liver and or gall stone (ruled out with an ultrasound scan). Needless to say, I was a very sick guy for while there. IV antibiotics and pain meds as well as handfuls of oral meds.

Released yesterday to home care with my loving family. 24 hour IV antibiotics at home for 6 weeks which my stomach is not tolarating well at all just yet. Pretty queasy and still a lot of knee pain.

Probably way more than you wanted to know, but just wanted to keep you in the loop.


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It is always so hard to know what is normal; pain swelling etc. Good on your PT for being alert. Hospital staff who are dealing with people who have very different pain thresholds often think a person with an infection is just whining.

Good luck with it.


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