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Well here is another injury thread.

I was playing volleyball lastnight and as I was blocking a hitter, he came under the net and I landed on his foot/ankle. Luckily I was wearing my ankle guards at the time, but I still managed to roll it quite well...Luckily a physio guy is on my team and he got me started with some excercises and I have a physio appt tonight.

The ankle has been elevated and iced since it happened last night and a the golf-ball size swelling has come down a bit....but here's the kicker.

I fly to Whistler on Saturday for a week of riding with my family...Grrrrr

I'm trying to get the swelling down and then will attempt to cram my foot into my UPZ boots (I know of all the boots to have...) and ride for a few days.

Does anyone have any miracle excercises/drugs/thoughts?? I'm grasping at straws here.


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Rice it.

Rest (Depends on how sore)

Ice (Brrrr)

Compression (ace bandage)

Elevation (over your heart).

When I'm running trails, I usually manage to twist my ankles on a irregular basis. If I stop it swells more and hobbles me up for a week. If I run it out it swells a bit and doesn't bother me.

Hey, we'll be up at Whistler starting Monday the 25th for a week. Let me know if that coincides with when you'll be there.

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Hey Bumpy, I'm leaving on the 24th, maybe next time.

RICE has been happening for many hours now. I'm at the point where I'm cycling the ice on and off.

Physio will probably be ultrasound and some massage (uggh)..then more ice.

Hot/cold flushing this weekend (60 sec in cold, 60 sec in hot...brutal).

Unfortunately I've done this before and my wife also has crapy ankles, so we've gotten good at treating them.

Six-pack...sounds great!


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... but one thing that *might* bring the swelling down is arnica. There are many forms you can take it in and many potencies. My wife and I actually keep some of the really high potency pellets on hand in case we sprain something on the hill... when taken immediately after the injury it can prevent the kind of swelling you normally would see with such an injury. When taken later it can reduce swelling but not to the same degree.

Having said that, keep in mind that the body is a pretty smart entity. When a sprain swells up, it's effectively creating a cast around the injured parts. Now often times the swelling causes more problems than it solves... but if you take steps to prevent that swelling from happening, remember that you've still got distressed tissues that don't have the usual "natural cast" and reminder to stay off it that you get with the swelling. It's easy to do further damage if you are not careful.

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GTanner, I can't offer you any better advice than what has already been posted. I just want to say that I feel your pain brotha!! Last year I rolled my ankle, (same scenario as you) playing in a 6 man tourney. That was in October and I wasn't able to get my foot into a ski or snowboard boot until the middle of January. What really sucked about the ankle is I went to Salt Lake for Thnksgiving and couldn't ride there and then for Christmas went to Idaho and still couldn't ride.

The worst thing about the ankle roll is our team was doing well in the tourney, I am the setter and we run a 5-1 offense. Our regular opposite was out with an injury also. The person who filled in was not a good setter and we just literally fell apart. We hadn't dropped a game up to my getting injured and within 3 matches we were out of the tourney.

I made a pact with myself not to play vball before snowboarding season this year and I have had some great days on the slopes. I do miss playing vball and as soon as the snowboard season is over I will be back out on the court, indoor and outdoor!!!

Heal quickly!!! If yo do attempt to get your foot into a boot make sure that the liner and the shell are very warm. Makes the liner and shell more pliable. Stick your boots next to the heater duct on the car and crank the heat on high!!

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I'm also a setter and we run a 5-1 aswell...go figure. Luckily our opposite has nice hands and is also a lefty, so that made for a smooth switch.

Like I said, I've done this before a trip in the past and know what I should be doing. I'm also considering re-baking my liner (thank god it's my left food - riding regular) on Sunday/Monday. Then the liner will be fitted with some swelling so that may take off soem of the pressure.

On the bright side, I blocked the hitter...it was awesome. :D


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I have never seen an ankle sprain that didn't involve calcaneus or talas missalignment. that said get it checked and adjusted and often they won't swell to start with. This far into it with the swelling present it will still heal much quicker if the bones are in the right position. See a chiropractor that works on extremities.:biggthump

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Sprained my ankles telemark skiing (leather boots) Right one one year, left one the next year. Followed the docs orders on the right I was back on a bike in 4 weeks and skiing in about 10. For the left ankle I was on a stationary bike the day after I sprained it. Skiing 2 weeks later (leather boots).

If you can do nothing else do this: As hot water as you can stand in a bucket or tub (turn on full hot), fsoak your ankle for 10 min, then 10 min into a bucket of ICE water. Repeat 3-4 times. walk normally every were you go. You can do this on your vacation too.

BUt if you can: Stationary bike, 1st day spin with very light loads. 30-60min. ICE it good for 30 min.

2nd day normal loading on the bike for 1 hour, ICE for 30 min,

You'll be fine

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