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Ok now I'm really poopy


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did not know u worked in PC field..i happen to have spent long time working on the subject for the end of my arch.studies....even wrote an article for the european journal of PC ( ejpc) after....i admire what u guys do in this field..

give me ur email i'll send u a link to the article...nothing u don't already know there thu..


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Well considering I may not be able to ride this year, the next best thing to riding is drinking. I still hope to get out for a run or two, I'm going to the doctors later today to see what they tell me. Otherwise like Toby Keith says "I'm gonna get my drink on"!:rolleyes:

Good luck with the healing, and the doc. I'll see ya there!

Willys right, I do get a bit silly when I drink all day. Luckly I had Shred around to help out:lol::lol::lol:. Apparantly I went from signing autographs to getting kicked out in under a minute... Thats a personal best.

Luckly at SES Michelle is there to keep me inline. Right:confused::confused::ices_ange

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Otherwise like Toby Keith says "I'm gonna get my drink on"!:rolleyes:

yeee ha !

ya had to say Toby Keith :confused:

love me those dixie chicks tho:rolleyes:

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Hey Allee, why can you have champers with OJ? Mamosa's (sp?) are very yummy 1st thing in the morning.

Last time I got hammered, I put my leopard print gloves on and started touching everyones face with them. That's probably the extent of being a bad girl for me. :eplus2:

Drunk karaoke or drunk bowling now that's funny right thur.

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drunk karaoke country music is the best.

Folsom Prison Blues ! one of my favorites to sing terribly:freak3:

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now every time I hear that whistle I hang my head and cry..

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If you're gonna start the morning drinking, start as you mean to go on. Champers all the way, baby.

I still remember the wine tasting I went on in New Zealand with my friend Kim. We started with 7 am champagne breakfast at Cellier Le Brun and went from there, but she ran out of legs by 2 pm and went to sleep on the couch at Nautilus. Some people have no staying power!

Bordy sounds like a fun guy to drink with, tho!

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I think Bordy and cfj04 oh and Thor should hang with the girls and be our honorary drinking boys. I know I'm starting something here, but misery loves company. I know I'm going to be in trouble!

Wait....I'm so not misery :P

I also think we should do drunk country karaoke, in retro snowboard attire. ROFL

If you're gonna start the morning drinking, start as you mean to go on. Champers all the way, baby.

I still remember the wine tasting I went on in New Zealand with my friend Kim. We started with 7 am champagne breakfast at Cellier Le Brun and went from there, but she ran out of legs by 2 pm and went to sleep on the couch at Nautilus. Some people have no staying power!

Bordy sounds like a fun guy to drink with, tho!

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Look into the Arnica-based products from these Boulder CO company. I know they work wonders. While at it, see if you can get your hands on Sombra, your Chiro may be able to help if not let me know.




I would also recomend the peaceful mountain products great stuff.

I can also send you some sombra if you have trouble finding it. Its impossible to get online.

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Can't diagnose over the phone/internet.

Most ankles stuff needs GRADUAL rehab and mobilization. In fact, if you do it right, gently going back to riding (under medical supervision) may just be what could be ordered. So SES may not be out for you yet.

Good luck.

Ditto that. I would also ask about kinesiotape. It is used to support an injury so that activity can continue without the risk of reinjury. Lots of sports medicine types using it as well as Pt's and Chiropractors. It has kept me in the game on more than one occasion.

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Hey there Dr. D,

The orthopedic doctor says that if I try snowboarding again on it, I will be in much worse shape the next time. I will ask him about the tape though, but he threatened to cast my leg :|

So for once in my life, I'm going to pay attention to the doctor. Also if you could send me some sombra I would be most appreciative.

I can't find it online :(

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Wow you're one tough carverchick (either that or alcohol is a great analgesic). Carving multiple days on a broken leg. I'll drink to that. Don't rule out the kinesiotape yet, it will come in handy once the bone is healed and you are back in real boots!

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if you still have access to your leg, there is one other thing you can look into. They are basically the modern version of an herbal poultice. basically ground herb in a paste form on medical grade waterproof tape. They are specifically for fractures and joint injuries. they speed up the healing time. I have used them with great success on bursitis, ligament and tendon tears, disc issues, and fractures.

check them out. weilabs.com fasst patches they come in three sizes based on the area to be treated. they are a little pricey but worth it if time is of the essence. maybe not ses but at least get you on the snow quicker. email me an address and I will send you some sombra.

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Guest GQuentin
I'll drink with you, Felicia - I consider 2.30pm to be a very civilised time to be off the hill and in the bar :D

Count me in for a drinking buddy!!!!

2:30 sounds great to me Allee. Being new to carving, thats about when my legs start to give out anyway. Felicia, you save the table....1st round on me



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I'm out for the month :( Doc said I could go back up in March after it heals. Sigh, I had my "eureka" carving moment 2 weekends ago when I took lessons with Flo in Lake Tahoe. Than I injured it in Mammoth last week. I was so eager to practice but tumbled a few times on my 2nd run of the day. Murphy's Law :mad:

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Hey Quentin,

I have no problem saving the table ;) Considering my first bloody mary will be poured hopefully by 11am. I need to get legs quick you know :D I'm looking forward to the trip anyhow, but even more so now that I will have drinking buddies :)

P.S. Kimo...Thanks for the offer on the crutches, they ended up fitting me with a pair so it looks like I will be bringing them as well. At least I'll be able to board the plan quicker.....ROFL!

Count me in for a drinking buddy!!!!

2:30 sounds great to me Allee. Being new to carving, thats about when my legs start to give out anyway. Felicia, you save the table....1st round on me



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Hey Dr. D,

I wish I had done it with alcohol, I probably would have ridden for two more days. I rode through most of the pain until it got unbearable, then I cried and got drunk. I will see if the doctor will give me some of that tape though, if I can at least get one day of riding in I would be most happy.

Wow you're one tough carverchick (either that or alcohol is a great analgesic). Carving multiple days on a broken leg. I'll drink to that. Don't rule out the kinesiotape yet, it will come in handy once the bone is healed and you are back in real boots!
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