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WTF Tourists?

Justin A.

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When you make roadkill bigger than a squirrel or a chipmunk, stop, and get the poor thing out of the freaking road. Make sure it's ACTUALLY dead, if it's not, you'd better do your best to get the poor critter help - now don't get the inside of your car all bloody (though the outside already is, so why not), but if you're across the street from a fu*king campground office, go in and call the police/animal control/e-vet/whoever, don't just leave the thing there to die a slow and horrific death.

"oh it didn't do any damage to my car, I'll leave it there for someone else to deal with" I ****ing hate tourists, and this is why.

I just got home from dropping my girlfriend off at work, keep in mind where we live- middle of nowhere, year round population of out 30 x 30 mile town is 650. BUT, there are ALOT of campgrounds/motels/etc, and that brings with them LOTS of tourists. Getting off track.

On my way back, I saw a big something or other in the road, and a small something or other in the road right next to it. I slow down so that I don't hit it, meanwhile looking to figure out what it is. It's a black bear cub, obviously a yearling. There is his body, with 3 legs, and there's it's front left leg, about 10 feet away. It was obviously a VERY VERY fresh hit, because the thing had barely started bleeding out, and was still warm (it's about 30 degrees here right now). Now, this is...oh, about 75 feet from a 24 hour campground and motel office, which is ALWAYS staffed and ALWAYS open. I was the first person to go in and call the police about it. Not the guy that was pulled over on the side of the road that took off like a nutcase when I got close enough to read his plate, no, certainly not the person that hit the poor cub which probally isn't even dead. No, not them. Me. It doesn't help that I always thing that black bears remind me of my dog and vice versa. Some ******* tourist just ruined my day, and I'm probally going to have to feed the son of a bitch later. Poor cub.

So seriously, next time you're in large animal country and you hit one, treat it as if it were a person that you just smacked, and stop and see if there's anything you can do for it, don't leave it there in the middle of the road to bleed to death. At the very least, I wish that I had had my Glock with me at the time (the ONE time I don't have it) so that I could have made sure that the poor thing was dead, because it didn't really look like it to me, but severed leg and all...it wouldn't make it the 20 miles to the E-Vet hospital. *******. Tourists. Suck.


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C5 is right about kililng an injured animal - legally anyway. When it comes time to do the right thing doesn't always jive with the law.

A few years back I came across someone who had hit a beautiful 4 point muley ( that is 8 points by the way you count white tail), breaking his back.

I did happen to my rifle with me and I put the animal down as respectfully as possible. Then the jackass who hit the deer says thanks and then added - That is the third deer I have hit here this month.

Almost made me think I had put down the wrong animal. Ridiculous to not slow down in deer country at night in the fall when they are migrating.


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i grew up in an area with a lot of deer...in all my years driving on these very hilly and narrow roads, i only hit 1 deer, and it wasn't completely dead. it was at night, no one really around , except my girlfriend at the time, who was freaking out. i don't carry a gun and it was still alive. no way was i going mess with it, even though it wasn't a mature dear, i'm not ted nugent and i don't claim (and certainly dont' want) to be. a pickup truck sealed the deal a few minutes later.

so what woud you have suggsted if the pickkup truck didn't come by? running over the animal was not an option.

yeah roadkill is a bad thing...but i think you're failing to realize how many "country" folk or otherwise non-city people go into a big city and do stupid stuff (like go into the wrong neighboorhoods) that is just common sense to the people that live there. i recall an earlier thread about this. like many things, it goes both ways.

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speaking of stupid lawsMontana has made it against the law to salvage the meat.

there is a 100 mile stretch near me where the residents average 1 1/2 deer strikes per person per year. they are over populated.

The meat that wasn't damaged was always picked up and used or donated etc.

now it has to sit on the side of the road and rot:AR15firin :mad:

I have put down at least three deer left on the side of the road alive in the last year. law or not I don't know anyone from here who would hesitate to put a poor injured animal out of its misery.

WE have the opposite problem with tourists here. they tend to block traffic and attempt to find an emergency VET :freak3: :freak3: :freak3: etc. and ring there hands and say what do we do what do we do etc. usually a local wanders up and slits its throat causing massive therapy bills upon said tourists return to California:lol:

Its not that we are callous we are just real. In the real world things die and its normal and ok. We do what we can to help achieve a humane resolution to the problem. Doctoring them is simply not an option and its also against the law so your damned if you do and damned if you don't.:confused:

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was it a touron?

okay, now think about this, usually it's the backwards, hillbilly, cousin ****in', budweiser swillin' douchebags from places like bethlehem, NH, berlin NH or carthage ME that leave animals there to die and hit more of them because they were liquored up.

tourists call police and vets and cry roadside where as NASCAR loving white trash go out hitting dogs for fun or hit deer on purpose while out "wheelin".

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I hate tourists that literally are the only viable income source for the state that I live in.

think about what you're saying......

As soon as you leave the franconia area you're a touron too so don't act so high and mighty. as long as you ONLY ride Cannon feel free to bitch about tourons, well, actually, only feel free if you hike mittersil and don't use the lifts at cannon because without tourons the place would be closed and you'd have no lifts to ride.

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yes tourists are a necessary evil.:rolleyes:

I like them better than the ones that think they need to move here because they love our way of life, but feel obligated to change everything when they get here.

Tourists at least go home after a week or two:lol:

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white trash go out hitting dogs for fun or hit deer on purpose while out "wheelin".


fenders is espensive bob hitten em on purpose would jus be stupid!!!!!:smashfrea

even if ya gots one a dem fancy train style front bumpers the durn things roll unnerneath an tare up the intacoolah:smashfrea

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was it a touron?

okay, now think about this, usually it's the backwards, hillbilly, cousin ****in', budweiser swillin' douchebags from places like bethlehem, NH, berlin NH or carthage ME that leave animals there to die and hit more of them because they were liquored up.

tourists call police and vets and cry roadside where as NASCAR loving white trash go out hitting dogs for fun or hit deer on purpose while out "wheelin".

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I hate tourists that literally are the only viable income source for the state that I live in.

think about what you're saying......

As soon as you leave the franconia area you're a touron too so don't act so high and mighty. as long as you ONLY ride Cannon feel free to bitch about tourons, well, actually, only feel free if you hike mittersil and don't use the lifts at cannon because without tourons the place would be closed and you'd have no lifts to ride.

All good points. Especially about the

backwards, hillbilly, cousin ****in', budweiser swillin' douchebags

But Bethlehem isn't really the right town to target here. You're describing every one except one person that I've met from Whitefield. Bethlehem is full of Orthodox Jewish folk, so it's pretty less-redneck than the rest of the area. It's the people from Whitefield, Littleton, and Lisbon that are all the REAL rednecks around here. Twin wouldn't be too far off, but there aren't enough people that live here to be able to show a trend.

I know that the Tourists are the reason I have a steady job, I know that they keep the roads (reasonably) smooth, I know that they're the ones that keep the Cog going, and I know that they're what keep the lifts turning at Cannon. And for this, I like them. But they're also responsible for the AMC "Hut" (read: Hotel) in Crawford Notch, and the damned moose tours that hold up traffic every day at dusk. And for that, they bug me.

It was just an emotion fueled rant, and it was wrong to assume it was a Touron who left the poor cub there to die. Please subsitute "moron" for "tourist" in my OP. And Bob, you're 100% right, the white trash around here is FAR worse than the Tourons.

It occured to me last night over a tourist-funded dinner that the cub probally was killed on impact, since the bleed-out was so minimal that the heart likley wasn't pumping. Made me feel a bit better. And I realize that it's just natural selection at work. Dumb cubs wander into the road, smart cubs stay in the woods. Uh oh. We're breeding a super-smart species of bear up here. Watch out!

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