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Blue Bird

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Yea, this kinda infection happened to me several years ago… can’t get rid of it… and I tried many remedies already. Nothing seems to work. Oh well


Actually, the more I try, the more serius the infection gets...


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Yea, this kinda infection happened to me several years ago… can’t get rid of it… and I tried many remedies already. Nothing seems to work. Oh well


Actually, the more I try, the more serius the infection gets...


Hi, Ray

What about that VIRUS Undertaker you have stated in your profile???

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Heroine? Wait 'til I tell Frank he makes girly boards!

Tell him I said so. heroine, like a dirty whore - way easy to ride!

my dirt bike is my filthy whore, I wouldn't mind having a board that I call my dirty whore... could be Frank's next model,

No offense ladies

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Hi, Ray

What about that VIRUS Undertaker you have stated in your profile???


Yup, my latest infection, 192 with a 14/3 waist, a very sexy board!


Was really fun meeting you and Holly in Aspen! Looking forward to next year already.


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Ray, that is insanely skinny. Are you using Skwal bindings or OS2s? There is no way TD2s would fit on a 14cm wide board. I have enough trouble fitting them on a 17.5cm! What angles are you running these days? I remember back when you were on a relative wide Sword at one time a few years back! :)

I have yet to be infected but am eager to try. I think I have been too Madd to take one of these boards for a spin yet. :biggthump

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so what's so magical about these viruses, anyway? Seemed like it was working though.

This season I have been riding a Prior WCR 175, F2 Speedster 166, Donek FC171. All are great boards. All take more work to ride and have areas where they shine.

The Virus WCR 180 Custom I was on was more stable at any speed compared to the Prior, turned sharper and with more confidence compared to the Donek or F2.

To make the Virus turn, at any speed, any terrain I leaned towards the nose and chose either heelside or toeside. The board stuck and didn't whine going through chop, soft snow or anything else that we road Sunday.

Poet, I haven't ridden a Volkl yet and it seems to be your board of choice (and you ride it better than I will ever ride a Virus, Volkl, Kessler or other), but the virus just did everything that I asked of it at a 5 star level without hesitation, whining, balking or anything that might cause my backside to pucker. Riding it, the only fear I had while riding it was my past history of breaking borrowed gear. If I buy a Virus, I want to make sure that the purchase is to put one into my quiver, not replace one a friend let me borrow. (I never did feel like I would break it)

When Thor told me what the retail price was I lowered my eyes and said "chit, how will i come up with that" I didn't ever think that it was not worth it.

I will admit, it was a hero day on sunday and all of the moons may have lined up properly for a great day, but the board never made me nervous or hesitant at any time.


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Ray, that is insanely skinny. Are you using Skwal bindings or OS2s? There is no way TD2s would fit on a 14cm wide board. I have enough trouble fitting them on a 17.5cm! What angles are you running these days? I remember back when you were on a relative wide Sword at one time a few years back! :)

Correct, I am using OS2’s. They fit perfect on the 14cm waist (The base plate of the OS2 is 12cm). My angles are actually not to extreme (in my opinion) 69/66…

I always wanted to ride a longer board, but always hesitated because I just don’t like the way they ride. For me, even a longer boards must be able to cut tight turns. This one certainly does. It’s like a aggressive snake.

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Tell him I said so. heroine, like a dirty whore - way easy to ride!

my dirt bike is my filthy whore, I wouldn't mind having a board that I call my dirty whore... could be Frank's next model,

No offense ladies

My old soft-boot setup. That's like my wife. Been with it forever. Don't really ride it too much anymore. Still there when I need it though. My xVas, thats like the hot chick that I'm seein. It's hard and a blast to ride, but it's picky and doesn't always treat me right. Now the sl or bumps ride I'm planning on getting.. That's gonna be the dirty whore that I spend most of my time on. We're gonna do it in the woods and in the bumps and in the crud...

Yeah, you like it in the woods, don't you... Lemme just get my foot in here..........

I didn't go too far with that, did I?

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The weird thing with the Virus boards is that when you first test them they do everything you want them to do even beyond your comfort zone and you get the feeling that you are headed to a huge fall when pushing it to the limits.... what's more, you feel that you should have already crashed but something that is against physics keeps you on top of the board..... I don't know if any of you had this feeling...

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nekdut - if you convert to the virus cult can I have your 180 and any of your originals? :eplus2::eplus2::eplus2:

Um.. NO :biggthump

I am a bit afraid of trying of trying a Virus, because I can't afford to build a whole quiver of Virii (viruses?), and it sounds like I may have to if I get a taste.

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The weird thing with the Virus boards is that when you first test them they do everything you want them to do even beyond your comfort zone and you get the feeling that you are headed to a huge fall when pushing it to the limits.... what's more, you feel that you should have already crashed but something that is against physics keeps you on top of the board..... I don't know if any of you had this feeling...

I only know your pain from one day of riding one, man is it painful!!

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The only treatment available is time on the snow, not really rehab but teaching you to learn how to live with the addiction. When the infection is complete it moves to stage 2, where your appearance in the lift line attracts ski bunnies as well as carver girls. So no, you won't need a nurse. Lots of rest and plenty of fluids, yes.

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Sooooooooo with that kind of attention in the lift line/ wow I will need new boots & a new wardrobe! Something matching my board I guess!

Ha! New truck in order/ no way can I be seen putting a Virus in my old Trooper!

Then/ I will need contacts of-course/ wearing glasses will never do !

Any other Suggestions??

Think I need a second job / addictions are expensive! !!!!!!

Maybe I should skip it all & go for the nurse!!! :eplus2:

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