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Track 325 Mod


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after about 30 days of riding on these boots this season, i realized that while the fit was perfect, the cuff was a little too loose. so after puzzling around a little, i came up with what i think is a good solution.

i inserted a 6mm thick foam pad on the upper part of the tounge of each boot to take up just a little space and prevent the cuff from touching in the front. it works great here in the dorm room, but we'll see on the slopes tomorrow.




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I am curious.

Are you maxed out on the buckles, or is the boot shell molded wrong for your calf?


for me it's more the second...though I know my problems would probably be solved with Thermoflex's I just don't have the coin for them this year.

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well. fisrt, i will say that i do have thermofits, and they are formed correctly, and i maxing out the straps after drilling and moving them back twice.

now for the good part. the insert worked exactly how i wanted it to. it took up enough space to give me a perfect fit without compromising the flex, and prevented the cuff from touching in the front. the first 2 runs, there were some slight pressure points, but they went away quickly, so something gave somewhere and settled in fine. interestingly, the foam also seems to act like a shock absorber and more evenly distribute the pressure of the straps to the whole front of the liner.

i am going up again tomorrow and will give another day of opinion tomorrow night, but as of now, it is a success, and if you have the same problem as me, i think this may be a good solution that is very inexpensive ($1.50 for foam, $3.00 for spray glue.)


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That's interesting abakker. We have the exact situation.

When Rebecca got her 225's fitted, they had to put a pad in the tongue very similar to yours. This helped, but I still had to drill the top strap and move the buckle back so she could get a good tight fit. She also added a booster strap above the top buckle. No problems any more. Hope the same goes for you.

Gecko, a bootfitter might have the pads specifically for this purpose (you may already be thinking this).

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i think this problem arises from the following.

each part of a raichle deeluxe boot is compatable with a range of sizes.

my boot is a 28, and the cuff part of my boot fits a 28-30.5

so my guess is that a 27.5 would in the end be a better fit, but i am happy with the boots i have now.


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well, i had a second day on the mod today, and it was a powder day. i rode them on my tanker, and the mod held up all day again with no problems.

the only thing i have to comment on is that it adds more friction between the liner and the tounge, so the flex changes slightly. you only notice when you are really free flexing the boot in walk mode though, and that is what i use for powder.

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the only thing i have to comment on is that it adds more friction between the liner and the tounge, so the flex changes slightly.

Maybe you can reduce that friction if you cut up a 2 liter soda bottle and make a cover layer and glue that to the foam.

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"Maybe you can reduce that friction if you cut up a 2 liter soda bottle and make a cover layer and glue that to the foam."

i actually like teh change in flex, but i think that your idea would work great if it ever became a problem, i guess if anyone else makes this mod and wants to prevent friction, they could let us know how it goes.

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