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To cant or not to cant


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I've always rode with 6 or 7 degree cant plates on both ends. I was wondering if anybody had input on the whole cant thing. Why, why not. I'm hoping other riders have played around with this and could offer some input. Seems they are getting harder to get in the 4 hole variety.

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I think it depends on your angles, stance width and knee comfort. Personally I don't use any cant any more, just lift. I've also narrowed my stance about 3/4" from what it was when I used cant which I know has relieved more strain than canting ever did. Experiment...all you have to loss is time and pain (if you have any)...oh yeah and if you can't find cant plate you can always switch to Cateks or TD's

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Bruce Varsava of Coiler wrote this a while back:


I've always loved this article because it keeps things simple and gives everyone a good starting point.

I'm personally a "flat front, 3* pure rear heel lift" kind of guy with a stance slightly wider than the daVinci method (.607 * inseam). I've tried it all, I've had some coaches look at my stance, what I am doing works for me. Everyone is different. In the end, Bruce's article pretty much pegs it for me.

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Like the article above says...I can't cant. I have straight legs (lucky devil), I ride with zero cant, just lift.

On my Maverick with F2 Ti Race, I have no lift or cant, both feet flat.

On my Rossi with Cateks, I have about 3 degress of lift for each foot, no cant.


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didn't think, i'd feel much of a difference adding cant to my setup seeing as how i'm still new to this, but...

in cases related to pain, it's pretty damn noticable. I added some outward cant to my rear foot, and the shin bang was insane. it looked like i was flexing my bicep, except on the front of my shin.

i started with pure 3* toe and heel lift, tried the cant outward can on back foot for one day, and went back to no canting.

i might try it out again some day and play with the setup more, but for now, i get enough bruising on my shins w/o cant, no need to add to it. guess my leg structure just isn't built for canting.

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Bull, I'm curious as to why you tried outward canting at first. My understanding was that most people only canted outward if they were bow-legged, or if they were trying to force knee separation that they were having a hard time with otherwise.

Heel and toe lift with a little cant has been doing wonders for me. I think I've got about 5 degrees front and back. I feel a little like the heel lift is tossing me further into toesides than I want, though, so I might dial it down a little.

Anyone ride with more lift up front than in back?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have slightly bowed legs, but nevertheless I ride flat without any canting.

Why no lift? I think its a remnant from the times where people would rotate on their heelside instead of pressing both knees outwards (regular: left knee into the snow, right knee needs to give strenght to left knee and pushes outward). On frontside I as well see no reason to do so.

I ride my frontside by pressuring my front knee into the snow, I'ld rather try toelift on back foot and heel lift on frontfoot? Why cause it would allow me to tilt the board up higher on edge. Especially when riding with shinebone protectors its easy to feel your reer knee inside the snow on frontside. Any heel lift would further add to the problem while setting my boots straighter on back leg feels very uncomfy (I ride both 325 Raichle boots locked in neutral 3 position).

Why no cant? - Well boys, get out of your intec binders into normal ones which allow much more flexing. The little comfort plus of step-ins is not worth it. I practically see no more racers with step-in. Without step-ins you can throw your weight forward or backward just as you like.

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Mike and Jack, Thank's for the very informative articles. And everybody else, thank's for the input. Looks like I need to get off these Burton style cants,(parrallel to board center line), and experiment with pure heel and toe lift first, then play with actual canting. Luckly I've got 1 set of Cateks, so I can play with them till I find what feels right, then build new cants to go under the other bindings. The only bummer is I just finished building 5 new Burton style cants. Oh well, it's only time and money. Thank's again, Scott

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