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Deep Thigh Bruise


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I introduced myself to one of those grooming machine snow boulders yesterday, when I decided to run my larger SCR board on a tight trail. About carve #8, I veered ever so slightly from groomed trail into a pile of these giant death cookies and hit my lead leg thigh, dead center going full bore. Been gimpin' around for about 36 hours hopped up on tylenol (sp?), frequent icing, elevation and even witch hazel.

No Deliverence bones sticking out, so I dont think its broke

Anything else I can do? To expedite the healing process?

Just when it started getting cold here in PA, ARGH!!!!


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IF its just bruised use it. get out and walk and alternate hot and cold packs. arnica oil is good for bruising and you can get a homeopathic arnica to take by mouth as well. there are lots of herbal poultices out there as well. arnica works as well as any of them.

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tiger balm; rub tons of it into the tissue area affected.

I have had smiilar bruises from muay Thai thigh kicks that have been black and took maybe 2 weeks to fade away, but some tiger balm and I was good to go even though my legs didn't look so hot. Rub it into the area for a good 10 minutes and leave on.

It is going to hurt no matter what; but the warmth helps and seems to speed up the healing, particularly the non branded Thai balm stuff.

Be warned er, not to go to the toilet or spend time 'with the wife' without very carefully cleaning your hands; it is hot stuff elsewhere (in your eyes, or other parts of body).

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Sorry to hear about the bruise, I hope it doesn't keep you from the slopes too long. (I need someone keep my ego bruised!) I have to second D's recommendation, Arnica has worked for me in the past. Ice and heat are a must. I'll be at Blue with the little one Saturday and out solo on Sunday; in case you're healed enough by then. Are you still thinking about going to RT next friday?


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I started rugby this year, and have gotten hit pretty hard in the quad a few times. if you just rub the spot where it hurts, the knot, it will eventually loosen up.

usually takes a week to really go away though. Stretch a lot, rub it, tiger balm before doing anything, ice it after .... make sure to warm up a lot - it loosens up quickly and stops hurting after a while

and stay away from stairs - they suck

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JBS, RT doesnt look good at this point. Day 3 and I am still lollipoping around. Sit down for more than 1/2 hour and it stiffens up like a school boy in third period math. How do you expect me to win Gold again this year, if I am not 100% ? :D

Stairs??????? Tell me about it. Call me one step Willie. OUCH!!!!

My other favorite is getting in and out of the car with a pegleg. Propping the a$$ on top of the seat to wedge myself to flip my leg into the car, because I cant bend the mother.

Trying to stretch it each day, and will need to do the balm and heat, just been on the road for work since it happened, which hasnt helped.

All good stuff and I thank you guys.

I will let you know about riding. I knew better. I was on the Riot going down Switchback. A little tight needless to say. The day before, I was running the Riot on Razor. Top was a bit mean, but mid to bottom was sweet.

Played rugby for three seasons in college, so I know what you mean there.

Cant take ibupro, b/c my upper lips has th tendency to balloon to oscar meyer size link. Working that out with my allergist.

Gotta Run

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