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wooooooo jibbers, bar tending and driving


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so I have this sweet gig where I get paid to go to parties at a rich kids house to drive the drunks home and a few other things

I ended up tending bar for awhile, got a bunch of tips and hugs so I guess I was doing a good job.

This kid comes up for drinks and is sitting at the bar and chatting about all the sick snowboarding and starts balling me out about about wearing a burton shirt then gets on me about how mainstream the sport has become and insinuates that I'm some sort of posuer by saying that middle aged guys that would not ride if it were not cool and would not do it if they thought it would not help them pick up chicks.

ugh! I'm 26!

this cat is going on and on so I stop serving his faux camo wearing jibber ass and so a couple of other kids that know him(I also know these two) come down and I **** you not the first thing his buddy says to him is "dude, Bob is the guy who I was telling you about that brought me to the US open when I was like 13 and got me riding. then he punctured his lung on that trip"

at this point the dude just walks away and avoids me all night, classic

then I was driving home all the drunks in a ****ing ice storm fuuuuun but the pay was good!

overall I had a great time and I got paid for it.

Tonja! you should of come down!!

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Awesome. Just awesome. I love it when stuff like that happens. It happens to me with paintball all the time. I've been involved with paintball since about...'96, back when the game was still mostly played in the woods while wearing camoflauge. One of my assmonkey friends got into it about 3 years ago and thinks he knows everything and thinks that I don't know ****, because I don't play every week anymore, and he starts running his mouth about the "first" tournaments and teams. Then I start talking about the Wild Geese and he's totally lost and concedes that he's a dumbass. He thinks that Strange has always been based in Detroit :boxing_sm . Good to hear you make some quick cash. What night did you have an ice storm down there? We had one this morning, but it rained almost all night :barf: .

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Hehe- I would have enjoyed it I am sure.

Instead I hung out at my house after watching the Stratton festivities with my best friend and little sister and watched Boston Legal until two in the morning. Got ready for bed when my friend told me my dad needed help getting up and fell on the ice we all mentioned (you know, the whole it rained and then froze bit).

Today I spent most of the day in the hospital with him- he shattered his elbow- at least five pieces- and he is going to need a plate. F ing A

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Hehe- I would have enjoyed it I am sure.

Instead I hung out at my house after watching the Stratton festivities with my best friend and little sister and watched Boston Legal until two in the morning. Got ready for bed when my friend told me my dad needed help getting up and fell on the ice we all mentioned (you know, the whole it rained and then froze bit).

Today I spent most of the day in the hospital with him- he shattered his elbow- at least five pieces- and he is going to need a plate. F ing A

BTW, Ive screw up my elbows quite often (recently, it was from dirt bike racing), and I know how much it sucks, except the broken part. I wish him a speedy heal.

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prior, though she probably could of kicked my ass and in fact she was real upset when she figured out she was almost a decade older than me but it was more of a crying upset.

bad situation...

I tend to do things to with a to the fullest extent sometimes, she was the second girl I kissed if I remember correctly and went from the first under the bra boobie feel to coitus within a few minutes.

No fourteen year old girl(my age at the time) would have done that, college chicks rock!

Always been weird for me like that, most of the women who've shown any interest at all in me have been older by at least five years.

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insinuates that I'm some sort of posuer by saying that middle aged guys that would not ride if it were not cool and would not do it if they thought it would not help them pick up chicks.

ugh! I'm 26!

inverts on a burton Alp will do that!

was not really intentional to go inverted but I did and happened to land on my back after flying 40 ft

:cool: It only gets better! I've been trying to get used to being called "sir" for a couple of years now. FFS I'm no where near old enough to be called such a vile thing.(Havn't quite got it through my head that I'm too old to be the child progeny anymore) Remember Sam Elliots line in the movie 'we were soldiers'? "If any of you SOB's calls me Grandpa, I'll kill ya"

BTW for the unplanned rapid cessation of forward motion you mentioned, if you should ever find yourself in a similar situation exhale completely before you hit, it will prevent your lungs from quite literally "popping" which is usually the case in a dorsal landing like you describe. If it was in fact your ribs breaking and poking through your airbags this will obviously not help much :)

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